On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 01:11:54PM -0500, John Hunter wrote:
> On 9/12/07, Michael Droettboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So, I feel like I'm going in a bit of a circle here, and I might need a
> > reality check.  I thought I'd better check in and see where you guys
> > (who've thought about this a lot longer than I have) see this going.  A
> > statement of objectives of this part of the task would be helpful.
> > (e.g. what's the biggest problem with how transforms work now, and what
> > model would be a better fit). John, I know you've mentioned some to me
> > before, e.g. the LazyValue concept is quirky and relies on C and the PDF
> > stateful transforms model is close, but not quite what we need, etc.  I
> > feel I have a better sense of the overall code structure now, but you
> > guys may have a better "gut" sense of what will fit best.
> Here is a brief summary of what I see some of the problems to be with
> the existing approach to transformations, and what I would like to see
> improved in a refactoring.  The three major objectives are clarity,
> extensibility and efficiency.
> Clarity:
>   The existing transformation framework, written in C++ and
>   making extensive use of deferred evaluation of binary operation
>   trees and values by reference, is difficult for most developers to
>   understand (and hence enhance).  Additionally, since all the heavy
>   lifting is done in C++, python developers who are not versed in C++
>   have an additional barrier to making contributions.


> Extensibilty:
>   We would like to make it fairly easy for users to add additional
>   non-linear transformations.  The current framework requires adding a
>   new function at the C++ layer, and hacking into axes.py to support
>   additional functions.  We would like the existing nonlinear
>   transformations (log and polar) to be part of a general
>   infrastructure where users could supply their own nonlinear
>   functions which map (possibly nonseparable) (xhat, yhat) ->
>   separable (x, y).  There are two parts to this: one pretty easy and
>   one pretty hard.
>   The easy part is supporting a transformation which has a separation
>   callable that takes, eg an Nx2 array and returns and Nx2 array.  For
>   log, this will simply be log(XY), for polar, it will be
>   r*cos(X[:,0]), r*sin(X[:,1]).  Presumably we will want to take
>   advantage of masked arrays to support invalid transformations, eg
>   log of nonpositive data.
>   The harder part is to support axis, tick and label layout
>   generically.  Currently we do this by special casing log and polar,
>   either with special tick locators and formatters (log) or special
>   derived Axes (polar).

Another hard part is grids.  More generally, a straight line in 
x,y becomes curved in x',y'.  Ideally, a sequence of points plotted
on a straight line should lie directly on the transformed line.  This
would make the caps on the polar_bar demo follow the arcs of the grid.

The extreme case is map projections, where for some projections, a 
straight line will not even be connected.

Another issue is zooming and panning.  For amusement, try it with 

> Efficiency:   
>   There are three parts to the efficiency question: the efficiency of
>   the transformation itself, the efficiency with which transformation
>   data structures are updated in the presence of viewlim changes
>   (panning and zooming, window resizing) and the efficiency in getting
>   transformed data to the backends.  My guess is that the new design
>   may be slower or not dramatically faster for the first two (which
>   are not the bottleneck in most cases anyhow) but you might get
>   sigificant savings on the 3rd.

Changing the internal representation of things like collections so that 
the transform can be done using numpy vectors will help a lot.

        - Paul

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