On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Eric Firing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ryan May wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'll continue my current flood of emails to the list. :)  I'm finally
>> getting back to my work on Skew-T plots, and I have a semi-working
>> implementation (attached.)  It runs, and as is, plots up some of the
>> grid, with the x-value grid lines skewed 45 degrees to the right (as
>> they should be.)  The problem is as you resize the plot horizontally,
>> some weird things happen.  First, some of the lines that start overlaid
>> end up separating as you expand the plot.  The difference is between
>> what is added using ax.plot and what is added using ax.vlines.  The
>> former adds Line2D objects while the latter adds a LineCollection which
>> is holding path objects.  I'm really not sure what's going on there. I'm
>> not done checking it out yet, but I'm curious if anyone has any ideas
>> off the top of their head.
>> The second issue, which is more pressing, is when you resize vertically,
>> the axes limits of the plot don't change (good), but unfortunately the
>> lines don't stay connected to their lower y-coordinate in data space
>> (bad).  I'm really needing to draw things in a coordinate system that's
>> independant of the data scale but also doesn't depend on the aspect
>> ratio of the axes, so that I can get lines (and data plots) where the x
>> gridlines are always at a 45 degree angle and the lower Y-value point
>> stays fixed.  By problem right now is that while I can find the lower
>> left corner in pixel space and use that to do the proper adjustments,
>> this changes when you resize.  This changing is especially important in
>> the y-direction.  What I need is either of:
>>     1) Axes space adjusted for aspect ratio (and updated with resizes)
>>     2) Pixel space relative to some corner of the axes
>> Or something similar that I don't know about.  Any thoughts, or do I
>> just need to come up with some magical combination of transforms that
>> works?  You can see what I have so far in my attached file.
> Ryan, based only on your description of the problems, and of what you
> need, I think the answer, or at least part of it, may be in good old
> quiver.  Look at the way the transform is being generated depending on
> the units chosen, and note that preserving a specified angle on the page
> is part of it.  Also note that the transform has to be regenerated on
> resize events, so a custom draw method is required.
> (Mike D. translated my original quiver code to use his transforms
> framework.)
> It seems like there should be an easier-to-use and more general way to
> do these sorts of things, and maybe there is--or maybe it can be ginned up.
> This reminds me of a thread a long time ago regarding adding hooks so
> that classes could register methods to be executed before their artists
> are rendered but after things like window and axes sizes have been
> determined.

Since I'm 1. A meteorologist and 2. responsible for the draw-hook
thread, I see I'm implicated here :)

The utility of the before/after draw hook comes in when you want to do
something system wide on all draw events. If the SkewT needs to do
some setup before the Axes draw, a simple override of draw() seems the
better route, since the need here would be class specific.

That said, I was inspired by this to add on a bit to my previous hook
solution, but that belongs in a separate thread.

-Eric B

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