Thanks a lot Andrew. This looks great.

I'm just reporting some of issues I encountered in a hope that you can
address these  (I'll also take a look if have chance).

 * cla() does not reset spines (positions, color, etc). I think it is
better to be reset, since all other things are. For example, cla()
resets visibility of ticks, etc.

* better support for log scale.

ax = subplot(131)
# this works

ax = subplot(132)
# this does NOT

ax = subplot(133)
ax.spines["bottom"].set_position(("data", 1))
# this does NOT work regardless the position of loglog.



On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Andrew Straw <> wrote:
> I've gone ahead and committed my arbitrary spine location implementation
> to the trunk (svn r7144). I'd appreciate it if you could kick the tires.
> To get you started, try the new demo:
> examples/pylab_examples/
> I believe I addressed all the issues raised with the patch I emailed the
> list last week and I tried to avoid any breakage. Thanks to all who
> commented -- you made this a better implementation.
> Note that Axes.frame no longer exists, and I made a note of this in
> api_changes.rst and a hopefully carefully worded AttributeError will be
> raised if you try to access it.
> Also, as excercised by the demo, in addition to support for a offset of
> spines specified in points, one may specify spine placement in both axes
> and data coordinates. Here is the docstring for Spine.set_position:
> """
> set the position of the spine
> Spine position is specified by a 2 tuple of (position type,
> amount). The position types are:
> * 'outward' : place the spine out from the data area by the
>  specified number of points. (Negative values specify placing the
>  spine inward.)
> * 'axes' : place the spine at the specified Axes coordinate (from
>  0.0-1.0).
> * 'data' : place the spine at the specified data coordinate.
> Additionally, shorthand notations define a special positions:
> * 'center' -> ('axes',0.5)
> * 'zero' -> ('data', 0.0)
> """
> As always, please let me know of any suggestions or comments.
> -Andrew
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