On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Damon McDougall

> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Paul Ivanov <pivanov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Michael Droettboom <md...@stsci.edu>
> wrote:
> >> On 11/11/2012 11:51 PM, Todd wrote:
> >>> Now that 1.2 is out, can we revisit this?  I would like to get it
> >>> implemented for the next feature release.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Absolutely.  I think the next step, once you have an implementation,
> >> would be to submit a pull request and we can all help with a review.
> >
> > This hasn't been mentioned yet, but Todd will hopefully find our
> > developer docs useful:
> > http://matplotlib.org/devel/index.html
> >
> > In particular, there's a section on writing a new pyplot function:
> >
> http://matplotlib.org/devel/coding_guide.html#writing-a-new-pyplot-function
> Thanks for that, Paul.
> Todd, there's also a section on writing tests for matplotlib on the
> page Paul pointed out. For a new feature there should be a couple of
> tests to go with it to make sure everything passes sanity checks.
> Thanks for spending your time contributing!
I have completed the plot type, including unit tests and examples (I am not
an artist so someone else can probably make the examples prettier).  I've
confirmed pep8 compliance and run the code through pyflakes and pylint in
addition to the unit tests.

It is divided into two parts: an EventCollection class, which is a subclass
of LineCollection in collections.py, and an eventplot method in axes.py
(and pyplot, through boilerplate.py) which returns a list of
EventCollection objects.

I am ready to submit a git pull request now.  However, it depends on
another git pull request I submitted, titled "add get_segments method to
I can confirm the changes in this pull request work properly, I have been
using the new method extensively in my new plot type.

Would it be possible to get this accepted so I can submit the new plot type
for review?  I am sure there will be lots of changes and cleanups that will
be required before the new plots can be accepted, while the get_segments
method is a relatively minor and non-intrusive change.

If you wish to look at the code before the pull request it is in the
toddrjen/matplotlib github fork, in the eventplot branch.  The main changes
are to collections.py and axes.py.  The tests are in test_axes.py and a new
test file test_collections.py. The examples are in eventcollection_demo.py
and eventplot_demo.py

Thanks a lot for your time.
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