Yes, I realize that this (or the += approach) was overdoing it.  Separating
the stuff in two different properties is probably more the way to go (at
least, it's less crazy).

Even the ax.title += (string, options) approach has the problem that this
would imply ax.title (in the sense of ax.__dict__["title"].__get__(ax))
cannot be a string anymore, so this would involve some wrapper object.  Ugh.


2013/2/8 Todd <>

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Antony Lee <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I saw that a discussion started on transitioning to the use of properties
>> instead of explicit getters and setters, which seems like a very good idea
>> to me... so I thought this would be a good idea to get involved in
>> matplotlib-devel :)
>> Right now an issue raised is what to do with set_* that take multiple
>> arguments.  Taking set_title, which takes both positional and keyword
>> arguments, as an example, my idea would be to do
>> ax.title = "A title"
>> ax.title.fontdict = fontdict
>> Basically, a property "foo" (in the matplotlib meaning of the word)
>> becomes a descriptor with __get__ => get_foo and __set__ => set_foo, and
>> keyword arguments to the old property setter become themselves descriptors
>> on that descriptor.
>> Antony
> I think this makes it over-complicated.  It is much simpler, more
> explicit, and more consistent to have two properties here, one that only
> deals with a string, and a second that only deals with a text object.  Then
> you can do something like (where titletext returns the text object):
> ax.titletext.fontdict
> That way we automatically get what you want without any additional work or
> fancy tricks in a much cleaner, more explicit, and more predictable manner.
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