So, for plot(), scatter() and other plotting functions, we can provide a
label= kwarg so that a legend() can automatically populate the legend,
making it extremely easy and convenient for making legends.  But for
image-based (scalar mappable) type plotting functions like imshow() and
contourf(), the label kwarg doesn't do anything useful, but the colorbar()
is sort of analogous to a legend(), but for scalar mappables.

Does it make sense to others for the following to be equivalent:

> plt.imshow(z)
> cbar = plt.colorbar()
> cbar.set_label('foobar')

> plt.imshow(z, label='foobar')
> plt.colorbar()

I found that it is a small change to make this work, I just wanted to know
if others think this makes sense before putting in the time to add
documentation, modify examples and such.

Ben Root
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