On 03/26/2013 10:57 AM, Damon McDougall wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Michael Droettboom <md...@stsci.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm hoping to host a matplotlib sprint during the final two days of Scipy
>>> 2013 this year, and I hope to see as many as possible of you there.  I think
>>> it's also really important to bring new developers into sprints, because
>>> it's such an efficient way to get people familiar with the code base.
>>> It might be helpful to start brainstorming now about which projects we may
>>> want to tackle so that we can have as much in place as possible by then and
>>> hit the ground running.
>>> I've set up a wiki page here:
>>> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/wiki/Scipy-2013
>> Getting a bit back on the original topic of the SciPy sprints, there are
>> some things I have learned from last year's sprints.  First off, there are
>> going to be a lot of newbies there who do not even have a developer setup,
>> let alone a source install of matplotlib.  Myself and a few other people
>> spent several hours fumbling around with getting the Mac users set up
>> properly.  With me not being a Mac user, I felt very helpless.  We need to
>> be better prepared for these users (as well as the Windows users).
>> Second, working on matplotlib isn't very "sexy" (at least, insofar as
>> working on ipython, or one of the scikits).  Most of the attendees are
>> specialized scientists who only cares enough about matplotlib to produce
>> "the plot" for their work.  Getting attendees to join your sprint is a hard
>> sell.  This is not meant to discourage you, but rather to help better frame
>> what the tasks and goals should be for matplotlib at the sprints.
>> I wish I was this prepared last year.  You are off to a much better start
>> than I was.
>> Cheers!
>> Ben Root
> Ben,
> This is incredibly useful information.  I have never been to a sprint
> before so this valuable knowledge to have.  Since I'm a mac user,
> perhaps I could put together a 'source install walkthrough' or
> something?  That might help us save some time fumbling at the
> beginning of the sprint.
Damon -- I think that would be very helpful.  I can do the same for 
major Linux distros.  Sadly,Windows is much more complex and I'm not 
even terribly up on current best practices there.  Any volunteers?


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