On 04/08/2013 02:38 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 4:39 AM, gary ruben <gary.ru...@gmail.com <mailto:gary.ru...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi, I haven't looked at this list for a long time, so hi to all
    the active devs.
    I just came across a problem in the image.py imsave() function.

    At an ipython --pylab prompt, typing

    a = rand(29,29)
    imsave('test.png', a)

    incorrectly generates a 28x28 pixel image.
    This happens for several array sizes (I initially saw it for 226x226).

    Line 1272 of image.py is
    figsize = [x / float(dpi) for x in (arr.shape[1], arr.shape[0])]

    figsize interacts with the bounding box code somehow to create
    off-by-one results for certain values of array shape.

    Possible solution:
    To fix this properly, I think the float cast should be removed and
    integer-based math should be used, but I thought that since it was
    rounding down in the cases I saw, a change to the following should
    fix this:

    figsize = [(x + 0.5) / float(dpi) for x in (arr.shape[1],

    and indeed this seems to work.
    To verify this, I ran the following brute-force test of all image
    sizes up to 1024x1024 at some common dpi values:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import os

    for dpi in [75, 100, 150, 300, 600, 1200]:
        for i in range(1,1025):
            print dpi, i,
            im = np.random.random((i,i))
            fname = 'test{:03d}.png'.format(i)
            plt.imsave(fname, im, dpi=dpi)
            im = plt.imread(fname)[:,:,0]
            print im.shape
            assert im.shape == (i, i)

    and everything passed.

    For completeness I also explored the dpi-space with these loop
    ranges and the above loop body:

    for dpi in range(1, 101):
        for i in range(25, 36):

    and all was still well.

    For the moment I've set dpi=1 in my call to imsave which
    effectively reverts its behaviour to the original imsave code
    prior to the introduction of the dpi parameter.

    I think this testing is rigorous enough to make this change.
    If you agree, has anyone got time to change this, or shall I do a
    pull request when I have time?


Good catch on this. So you are saying that this bug was introduced relatively recently with the dpi kwarg? I would suggest you make a PR so that this doesn't get lost (or at the very least file a bug report). As for the fix itself, off the top of my head, wouldn't math.ceil() do what we want? I prefer to be explicit in any intents rather than just simply (x + 0.5) / float(dpi). As for the test, I would wonder if some sort of restricted version of that test might not be good to do? I am thinking about 10 different sized plots and we wouldn't even need to have a the assert check or file removal test, as the image comparison framework would throw an exception when attempting to compare two images of different sizes (I think...).

I think this bug goes back at least to hash 17192518, by me in May 2010. The suggested fix (probably using ceil to be more explicit as you suggest) seems right.

As for the test, I think just `imsave` to a buffer, and loading that buffer back in with `imread` and asserting the sizes are the same should be sufficient.

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