On 05/30/2013 08:21 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
> 1) It's implemented in ctypes. I'm not much of a fan of ctypes, as it 
> has the potential to segfault in nasty ways if the API changes in any 
> way from what was expected (which would normally be caught at compile 
> time in a C extension). I'm also concerned about the overhead of 
> ctypes, given that there are already so many required optimizations in 
> the matplotlib freetype wrapper to make it fast enough. But I'm 
> willing to hold judgement on that until some measurements have been 
> made. 2) It's not Numpy-aware. For example, it loads image buffers 
> into regular Python lists. This really should use Numpy for speed. 3) 
> It exposes the fixed point numbers to Python as integers -- it should 
> really return all of these as floats -- the user shouldn't have to 
> know or remember which values are 16.16 and which are 24.8 etc. It 
> should just give floats. Double precision (with 52 bits in the 
> mantissa) is enough for any of these 32-bit fixed-point values. I 
> think that's just a remnant of older systems and needing to run on 
> hardware without an FPU that doesn't need to be brought forward into 
> the Python wrapper. 4) It should have another layer to handle the 
> decoding of SFNT tables in a consistent manner. I know the 
> sfnt-names.py example does this, but that should be built into the 
> library. There are certain places where hiding the details of the 
> underlying font file is a good thing -- and I think one of the reasons 
> freetype doesn't do this is the lack of a standard Unicode type in C. 
> We don't have that problem in Python. I think all of these are fixable 
> by adding another layer on top, with the exception of (1) of course. 
> Maybe it makes sense to build that intermediate layer, adapt 
> matplotlib to it, benchmark the ctypes issue, and if necessary 
> reimplement the core using C/API.
Additionally, I just discovered that ctypes isn't available on Google 
App Engine, for obvious security reasons.  That sort of, unfortunately, 
makes it a non-starter for matplotlib.

Wish that weren't the case, but I think Google App Engine support is an 
important thing to keep going...


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