On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu> wrote:

> If I do a clean install of mpl master, and then of basemap, basemap
> lands in dist-packages/mpl_toolkits, as it always has.  But now it is
> not found--I can't import it.  It seems that now the *real* mpl_toolkits
> is cleverly hidden inside an egg directory with a monstrous name,
> leaving basemap orphaned in a directory with no __init__.py.  As a
> workaround I can symlink it into the egg location.  I suspect the real
> solution will require basemap to use setuptools, correct?  I don't know
> how to do this, so I hope someone who does will submit a PR.

Actually, using the new setuptools isn't adequate, I just tried it locally
on my machine and it still doesn't install itself into the matplotlib egg.

I think the proper solution here is to add basemap as an optional
dependency to matplotlib and have the user set a flag (off by default) to
pull basemap if it's desired.

Does that sound like a reasonable solution?

P.S.  Note that the other mpl_toolkits are installed into the correct place
because they are shipped with matplotlib and installed at the same time.
 We could ship basemap with matplotlib too but it's a rather large download.

Best wishes,

Damon McDougall
Institute for Computational Engineering Sciences
201 E. 24th St.
Stop C0200
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-1229
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