Hey guys:

Charlie I did not find your lasso example so I cooked up mine, I attach it.
Can you give me the file name that contains the new Lasso widget for "doodling" ?

This is just the start of the lasso or "region of interest" widget I still have to :
   - fill the region with a color
   - make it work with layers
   - add methods that return the pixel region or the contour coordinates
   - make a nice class

If anybody has made such a widget I would love to see the code, I hate reinventing the wheel.

If there is not such an example such as the lasso tool, can my example be added to the examples ?
What is the process ?

Anyway, I can't believe there is not such a widget, I thought there must be some people that use matplotlib for Digital Image Processing ?
Isn't there ?

Any critique on my code would be appreciated, I have never programed with matplotlib ...


Charlie Moad wrote:
On 8/4/06, Daniel Kornhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just stared playing with matplotlib, I want to draw a polygon on top of
an image to select a region of interest in the image.
Does anybody have any example or advice on how to interactively draw a
polygon with the mouse by placing it's vertices's one click at a time ?
Another case that I have would be just to fill a region with a thick
line, searched for a "doodle example" or a "paint example" but could not
find them, any advice would be appreciated too.

Look in at the widget examples.  There is a new Lasso widget for
"doodling" and a RectangleSelector.

- Charlie

#!/usr/bin/env python
This example shows how to use matplotlib to create regions of interest.  
I has two modes:
     - the segment mode, each time you click the mouse you can create a line 
     - the free hand mode, by keeping pressed the right button you can create a 
iregular contour 
The right button closes the loop.
Daniel Kornhauser
from pylab import *

class ROI:
    def __init__(self, ax, fig):
        self.previous_point = []
        self.start_point = []
        self.end_point = []
        self.line = None    
        self.fig =  fig
    def motion_notify_callback(self, event):
        if event.inaxes: 
            ax = event.inaxes
            x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
            if event.button == None and self.line != None: # Move line around 
                self.line.set_data([self.previous_point[0], x],
                                   [self.previous_point[1], y])      
            elif event.button == 1: # Free Hand Drawing
                    line = Line2D([self.previous_point[0], x],
                                  [self.previous_point[1], y])                  
                    self.previous_point = [x, y]

    def button_press_callback(self, event):
        if event.inaxes: 
            x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
            ax = event.inaxes
            if event.button == 1:  # If you press the right button
                    if self.line == None: # if there is no line, create a line
                        self.line = Line2D([x,  x],
                                           [y, y],
                                           marker = 'o')
                        self.start_point = [x,y]
                        self.previous_point =  self.start_point 
                    # add a segment
                    else: # if there is a line, create a segment
                        self.line = Line2D([self.previous_point[0], x], 
                                           [self.previous_point[1], y],
                                           marker = 'o')
                        self.previous_point = [x,y]

            elif event.button == 3 and self.line != None: # close the loop
                        self.line = None

def main():
    fig = figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_title(" left click: line segment       left pressed: doodle        
right click: close region")
    cursor = ROI(ax, fig)
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', cursor.motion_notify_callback)
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', cursor.button_press_callback)

if __name__ == "__main__":
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