Eric Firing wrote:
> This is the big difference between most pylab functions and the 
> corresponding axes or figure methods that they wrap: the pylab functions 
> automatically take care of redrawing the figure if you are in an 
> interactive mode.

Now I feel bad -- I think I encouraged Belinda to work with the OO 
interface, because I think it's the better way to go, and, in 
particular, translates better to putting MPL code in larger programs.

However, it is the case that there is a lot of stuff in pylab that makes 
it easier to use MPL in interactive mode. I kind of think that's a 
shame. I don't think that there is any reason that an OO interface is 
less suited to interactive mode.

I've thought for a while that I'd love to write a "OOlab" module -- that 
is, an object oriented interface to matplotlib that is well suited to 
interactive use.


1) who know when I'll get around to it, and I haven't yet because I 
hardly ever do much interactively anyway (I didn't with Matlab, either).

2) this is an example of how it's hard to do -- a method like 
Figure.Clear() clearly belongs just where it is in an OO framework. 
Would it be possible for all those OO drawing methods to be able to 
query an "interactive" property somewhere? Does it live only in pylab now?


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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