David.Goldsmith wrote:
> You say you tried wx but don't mention wxmpl explicitly - did you try 
> wxmpl (http://agni.phys.iit.edu/~kmcivor/wxmpl/)?

good choice -- the other is to follow the "embedded_in_***" examples -- 
where are they?  A quick googling didn't find them!

>> all attempts to control or modify input to
>> Matplotlib from a GUI (Tkinter, Wx, Jython, PyGTK etc.) have proved
>> fruitless due to seeming incompatibility between these modules,

I'm guessing that you're using the pylab interface -- pylab manages the 
GUI for you -- which is great if you're doing simple interactive 
plotting, but will not work if you are embedding MPL in a gui -- you 
need to use the OO interface instead -- see the embedded_in_*** examples.

>> particularly
>> when one distributes any finished product to another platform.

This is no harder than with JAVA -- easier I think -- you can completely 
control the environment if you want -- see py2exe, pyInstaller, py2app, etc.

 >> I return to my Java roots where I can easily solve all GUI
>> problems 

Once you get the hang of Python, I think you'll find that you can solve 
your GUI problems even more easily! I'm partial to wxPython, but pyQT 
and pyGTK have their strengths also.

As a JAVA coder, I recommend you read:



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