the vertex list should just be a list of two element tuples... which are the XY 
positions of the verticies..
For example here is a function I used to split up individual closed contours:
def split_features(vertex_list):
 #This function takes a list of verticies and breaks
 #it into a list of shapes (ie a list of list of verticies)
 #splits occur where a lon or lat jump of greater than 2 degrees
 # is found... and given that most contouring algorithums
 #work across the x-cord and our resolution is 1 degree this works..
 for i in range(len(vertex_list)-1):
  if (abs(lon_jump) > 2.0) or (abs(lat_jump) > 2.0):
 print jump_loc
 for i in range(len(jump_loc)-1):
 return shapes
Dr Scott Collis
Postdoctoral Researcher
Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR)
Atmosphere and Land Observation and Assessment Group
Australian Bureau of Meteorology Room 9.57 Level 9 700 Collins Street Docklands 
Desk: (+613) 96694766
MB: 0412177550


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2008 21:14:02 -0500
From: "Patrick Marsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] Retrieve Coordinates from Contour
To: "Jeff Whitaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: matplotlib-users <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Jeff (and others):

Sorry for the misunderstanding.  After your second email the first makes
more sense.

However, I still cannot figure out how to extract the lat,lon pairs from the
LineCollection object.  Searching on the web and based on Scott's suggestion
from another email, I see that in the past you could use a get_vertex()
option.  However it appears to have been discontinued in mpl v 0.98.1.

I'm a relative newcomer to Python (less than 6 months) and even greener when
it comes to the inner workings of matplotlib.  I'm sure I'm going to kick
myself when this is figured out...


On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Jeff Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Patrick Marsh wrote:
>> Thanks for the quick reply.
>> I may not have been totally clear on what I'm trying to save (or I totally
>> misunderstood what you were trying to say - which is certainly possible).
>> I'm not wanting to save the lat, lon pairs from the map projection.  I'm
>> trying to save the lat, lon pairs of the contour.  Using my original
>> example, if I'm plotting winds every 5 m/s, I'm wanting to pull off the lat,
>> lon pairs for the 5 m/s contours.
> Patrick:  I know - that's what I was trying to explain.  You can get the
> x,y coordinates of the *contours* from the collections attribute of the
> ContourSet object returned by contour.  Then you convert those x,y values
> back to lon,lat values using the Basemap instance.
> -Jeff
>> I'll check out the website and see if I find anything there.
>> -Patrick
>>    On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Jeff Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>        Patrick Marsh wrote:
>>            Hi Everyone,
>>            First email here...
>>            I am plotting meteorological data using matplotlib and
>>            basemap - and can do this just fine.  However, I would
>>            like to backout the coordinates being used for the
>>            contours that are plotted.
>>            For example, if I were to contour windspeed every 5 m/s
>>            and plot this (which I can do just fine), I would like to
>>            save a copy of the lat, lon pairs as a text file.
>>             However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do
>>            this.  I have a feeling it is pretty simple and I'm just
>>            over looking something that can do this.  Any help would
>>            be appreciated.
>>            Thanks,
>>            -Patrick Marsh
>>            Graduate Student
>>            School of Meteorology
>>            University of Oklahoma
>>        Patrick:  contour and contourf return a ContourSet object.
>>        ContourSet.collections is a matplotlib LineCollection (for
>>        contour) or a PolyCollection (for contourf).  You can retrieve
>>        the x,y (map projection) coordinates from these, and transfer
>>        them back to lat/lon coordinates using the Basemap instance via
>>        lons,lats = map(x,y,inverse=True) # map is a Basemap instance.
>>        See
>>        for more info on matplotlib collection objects.
>>        HTH,
>>        -Jeff
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>>        --        Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
>>        NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/PSD1        FAX   : (303)497-6449
>>        325 Broadway                Boulder, CO, USA 80305-3328
> --
> Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
> NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/PSD1        FAX   : (303)497-6449
> 325 Broadway                Boulder, CO, USA 80305-3328
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