> 2009/8/18 Pete Shepard <peter.shep...@gmail.com>:
> I have a list of X,Y coordinates and a ratio associated with each
> coordinate. The X and Y coordinates are continuous but random from 50-500, I
> would like to make a continuous heatmap of the ratios at each coordinate.
> One caveat is that the coordinates are clustered together do some bixes
> might have too little data. I am wondering if there is a way that R can
> automatically adjust box sizes? Sample data set is below
> X    Y    RATIO
> 50    56    .1
> 50    59    .1
> 52    54    .2
> 500    393    .9
> 450    36    .7
> 250    190    .7

I'm not sure about R, this is a Python mailing list :)

Are you trying to do something like this
or to interpolate your data from scattered points onto a regular grid?


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