On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Erik Schweller<othere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good day,
> I've hit an issue that may be a bug.  In a previous version of
> matplotlib (.98.x) I had a picker set for lines plotted on two axes.
> This was working until I upgraded to version 0.99.0.   Now the first
> axes's pick events never seem to fire even though they respond true if
> queried with pickable(). The second axes's pick events still fire.
> Using the example below, clicking on the left y's line will never
> print anything, but the sin from the right will if clicked on.

I'm not sure why it worked before -- that surprises me.  Only one axes
can receive the pick event currently, so if you have overlapping axes,
as you do with twinx, the one with the highest zorder will receive the
pick events.  By default, the zorder by the Axes is 0, so you could
raise the twinx axes, by increaseing the zorder


and then the line on that axes will respond to the pick events.  With
some work, we might be able to support multiple overlapping axes
handling a single pick event.


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