
some weeks ago, I recompiled matplotlib to get locale support for
commas, and started to get strange dimension errors while trying
to save the figure. Now here is another error that I think that
is somewhat related to it. When I try to run the script below,
savefig() gives me an IndexError:

from pylab import *

a1 = figure(1).add_subplot(111, polar=True)
a1.scatter([ 3.*pi/7. ], [ 0.65 ], color='black', marker='o')
a1.annotate('Target', (3.*pi/7., 0.65), xytext=(3.*pi/7., 0.7))

<...long stack...>
IndexError: Unexpected SeqBase<T> length.

This is in the savefig() function again, and this is related to
text, since the error disappear if I remove the annotation. But
I think I can affirm, with a great degree of certainty, that this 
happens because I recompiled matplotlib: this is an old script 
that wouldn't give me any error  before.

So, I'm probably missing some dependency, but the setup.py script
won't tell me what is missing, and the only warning I get during
compilation is the -Wstrict_prototypes one.

Actually, I am happy to find out this, since it was probably
a configuration problem that generated the errors (and matplotlib
source is ok). But if anyone can give me any clue on how to solve
this, that would be greatly appreciated.

José Alexandre Nalon

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