On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Jorge Scandaliaris

> Hi,
> I've had an import error with some of my code, specifically with nxutils
> (I need
> it for using points_inside_poly).
> In [1]: import matplotlib.nxutils as nx
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/jscandal/<ipython-input-1-c56b9729b42e> in <module>()
> ----> 1 import matplotlib.nxutils as nx
> ImportError: No module named nxutils
> I built mpl from trunk and tried also version 1.1 from my distro, but
> neither
> seems to have nxutils. I still find the examples in the docs using it,
> though,
> so I am confused.
> Has nxutils been replaced or removed?
> Thanks
> Jorge
Last I heard, it was supposed to be deprecated in master (although it was
accidentially removed at one point).  Indeed, it appears to be missing from
the current master.  The deprecation process must be followed! Personally,
I think such removal is short-sighted (nxutil's functions are much faster
than their python counter-parts).

However, it was still in v1.1.x.  I suspect that when you tested v1.1.x,
you were really running the source build.  Verify which version you are
testing with:

import matplotlib
print matplotlib.__version__
print matplotlib.__file__

Ben Root
Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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