On 07/09/2015 06:40 PM, peter wrote:

my code was working fine, but now i cant figure out what went wrong.
any ideas?

the code is supposed to plot a timeseries which it does and overlay it with another that is partially defined
the input file is contructed like this:
the first line is just for information purposes.
after that:
the first row is a growing number (the x value), the second is the timeseries and the third is the partially defined second timeseries

this is the code, after the code is a example input file.
the code is also accessible via this paste service: https://dpaste.de/5ZrX it got a nice python code formatter.

ups, the last mail had a leading number from dpaste, this is the code without:

def plotTimeSeriesAndSAX(inputfile_tmp, verbose=False):

    if verbose:
        print "plotTimeSeriesAndSAX()"
        print "\tinputfile:", inputfile_tmp
        print "\toutputfile: %s.png" % inputfile_tmp

    inputfile = open(inputfile_tmp, "r");

    # this holds my timeseries
    x = []
    y = []

    # this holds my "pattern"
    pattern_x_values = []
    pattern_y_values = []

    # these are for temporary use only, hold the current pattern data
    tmp_x = []
    tmp_y = []

# remove pattern/sax string, sax_string_with_Z from the datafile, only used as text in the plot
    first_line = inputfile.readline()
    pattern, sax, sax_string_with_Z = first_line.split()

    for line in inputfile.readlines():

        data = line.split()
        x_data = data[0]
        y_data = data[1]

        #if there is a third line (pattern at this position)
        if len(data) == 3:
            y2_data = data[2]
# if the pattern ends, add it to pattern_x/y_value and clear the tmp list
            if len(tmp_x) != 0:
                tmp_x = []
                tmp_y = []


    #if pattern == "ccd":
    #    print "pattern x_values:", pattern_x_values
    #    print "pattern y_values:", pattern_y_values
    if verbose:
        print "\ttimeseries y value", y
        print "pattern x_values:", pattern_x_values
        print "pattern y_values:", pattern_y_values

    colors = ["red", "magenta", "mediumblue", "darkorchid", "grey"]
    #linestyle = ["-", "--"]

    # without this, the second plot contains the first and the second
    # the third plot contains: the first, second and third

    # plot all my patterns into the plot
    for s in range(0,len(pattern_x_values)):
        #if verbose:
        #    print "\tpattern x value:", pattern_x_values[s]
        #    print "\tpattern y value:", pattern_y_values[s]

        plot.plot(pattern_x_values[s], pattern_y_values[s], colors[1])

    #plot.plot(x_all[0], y_all[0])

    import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

    #red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='The red data')

    from time import gmtime, strftime
    current_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

    fig = plot.figure()

    fig.text(0, 0, 'bottom-left corner')
    fig.text(0, 1,  current_date, ha='left', va='top')
mytext = "pattern: %s sax: %s sax with Z: %s" % (pattern, sax, sax_string_with_Z)
    fig.text(1,1, mytext )

    # add the original timeseries to the plot
    plot.plot(x,y, "forestgreen")
    #if pattern == "ccd":
    #        plot.show()

    directory, filename = os.path.split(inputfile_tmp)

plot.savefig(os.path.join(directory, "plots/%s.png" % filename))#, bbox_inches='tight')
    # remove the last figure from memory

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66    0.11820311
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119    0.089462421
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