Hi Aaron,

Thank you for the quick and spot on reply. 

>> I recently started using progressiveMauve to align large eukaryotic genomes 
>> and ran into some problems: 
>> 1) the studied genomes are repeat masked (i.e. contain long stretches of 
>> Ns). When extracting homologous segments of the input genomes from the 
>> backbone file I found that some are located in masked regions. Is there a 
>> way to prevent Mauve from using masked regions in identifying homologous 
>> segments? As far as I am aware, no such parameter exists for the 
>> incorporated muscle sequence aligner. 
> there is currently no good way to prevent this behavior. It is likely
> happening because the flanking regions were identified as positionally
> homologous and so used as alignment anchors, and the masked region
> between them in the two genomes became aligned because they were between
> anchors. This happens because the N are internally converted to A by the
> aligner when it stores the sequence in a 2-bit-per-base encoding. 
> It might be possible to modify the homology HMM to include N as a
> possible emission with probabilities reflecting a mixture of A,C,G,T and
> so adjust the posterior probability of homology accordingly. This would
> require some tinkering with the code.

Would you recommend to partition each input sequence into multiple records of a 
multi-fasta file so as to omit large masked regions? As I understood from the 
manual and from previous posts on this mailing list, progressiveMauve 
concatenates all records in multi-fasta files of the input. I guess my question 
is: in constructing the backbone, does it prevent homologous segments to cover 
more than one record of a multi-fasta file?

>> 2) I observe sometimes strange lines in the backbone file such as the 
>> following:
>> ___
>> 7691835 7691966 -85715547       -85715547       0       0       0       0    
>>    349474437       349474583       -700243823      -700243822      0       0
>> 8282300 8282275 0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0    
>>    0       0       0       0
>> ___
>> Note that in the first line, the segments specified by columns [3,4] and 
>> [11, 12] have lengths 0 and -1, respectively. Negative lengths mostly occur 
>> for segments that are not homologous to segments in other genomes, as shown 
>> in the second line (which makes me wonder why they are included in the 
>> backbone file in the first place).
> I've not seen this before but yes it does seem like a bug! As a
> workaround, is it possible to ignore these segments in your downstream
> processing until I can get a fix?

Yes, currently I identify and discard these homologous blocks when processing 
the backbone file. I like to note that these “strange lines” occur extremely 
rarely in my dataset - only 89 out of 1693288 lines in the backbone file 
contain entries of negative segment length. 

Thank you again for your very helpful reply,
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