I have a question on doing the following:
1. If a command exists in maverick, execute it
2. If it does not exist, e.g. for MyPage.html then do:
   a. Load theat page (DocumentView)
   b. perform any default transformation
      (e.g. like stripping out any attributes on some tag, using XSLT)
   c. Show the transformed document.

It seems that two things are missing:
1. Reading in any *.extension command
2. Views need a "path" attribute, but something like path="." (taking
the command as a path) does not work.

To summarize, I would need something like:
        <command name="*.html">
            <view name="success" type="document" path=".">
                <transform type="xslt" path="DoSomethingWithHTML.xsl"/>

Is there something to support this already? Do I need to create my own
View? Or modify DispathedViewFactory? Any help welcome!

Jonas Van Poucke

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