Great minds think alike! I'm just typing in the <form /> statement as you sent your 


-----Original Message-----
From: Yurii Urazlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 June 2003 09:21
Subject: RE: [Mav-user] Another newbie question (sort of) forking a model to two pages 

Hi there,

as far as I understood, u could open window with PDF in a different way. U could just 
specify <form target="_blank" ...> in your 'controller' window instead of opening PDF 
with javascript. This way all parameters specified in 'controller' window will be sent 
to a new window with PDF.


>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Kimberley 
> Scott
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 11:07 AM
> To:   Mav-User (E-mail)
> Subject:      [Mav-user] Another newbie question (sort of) forking a model to two 
> pages
> Hiya,
> First of all, thanks to those who responded on my last silly question. Yet another 
> newbie probably really easy question. Sorry. This may be a fraction off-topic as 
> it's not strictly a maverick question per se, but any answers could help others in 
> the same boat. 
> I have a page with a structure like this:
>       Wrapper start
>               Prologue
>               Form
>               Submit
>               Epilogue
>       Wrapper End
> The wrapper 'wraps' the central prologue-epilogue which is simply a jsp view. The 
> user fills in the form and submits. The page is then recalled, but during the 
> wrapper start, a configurable piece of javascript (via <c:set/> in the prologue) is 
> used to start a new window (via to create a new page that would also 
> get the model and proceed to use Lowagies pdf library to create a pdf based on the 
> same model that is used in the page. Thus the page above is simply a 'controller' to 
> allow the user to choose options which the model then uses to calculate resultant 
> values which are exposing in a pdf output file in a seperate window. The 
> uses 'http.../pdf.m' as it's url, so a <command/> is called which uses 
> the same controller class as the page above. The /pdf is a servlet rather than a jsp 
> btw. The whole thing is sort of like a fork-and-exec process.
> The pdf servlet can access the model and maverick context via the 
> request.getAttribute() methods. But the model is (not surprisingly) empty. The 
> wrapper code in the 'view' page *could* push the incoming model into a session 
> variable I suppose, and the servlet retrieve it, stuff it into the request, then 
> call the context go(), then the models perform() method, but the choice of stuffing 
> things into the session feels a tad clunky and makes it 100% dependent on a session. 
> I could also have the wrapper-start javascript code have a querystring pasted on 
> which has all the models name-values and do the same go() - perform() process, but 
> that also seems clunky especially since this is a financial application and the 
> model has a lot of 'bits' to it which would be a tad ugly in a querystring.
> I have to point out that the issue is cloning a model and getting that model into a 
> new request, not the processing of it via go() and perform() within the servlet.
> So my question is: can anybody think of an elegant way to pass a model-as-controller 
> to a new window with cloned values? Or even a  more elegant way to perform the whole 
> process?
> Ta muchly
> Kimbo
> Ms Kimberley Scott
> Senior Software Engineer
> DCG Media Ltd

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