Schnitzer, Jeff wrote:
I've been thinking more and more about using XSL at compile-time to
generate Velocity templates which have all the header, navbar, etc type
formatting.  It seems like it would be easy to add an
internationalization step too.  This would probably offer more
flexibility than using ant's substitution mechanism.

This is OT, but I've been planning to do the same, as an alternative to parse. A very nice aspect of Velocity is that its not hard to write valid XHTML templates. Unless, of course, you are slicing and dicing them with parse =:(

So, once I get through a pass on the latest set of pages in my lead application, I'd like to go back and try assembling them using XSL, to get most of the benefits of parse (or Tiles), without loosing valid XHMTL file or paying a runtime penalty.


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