it's more secure to do upgrades one by one.
If your software was updated and one of your database upgrades failed,
it may be hard to get it working again.
You can separate a databases in this way:

1. install same database kernel version ( in a different
location (e.g. /opt/sdb/<dbname>):
 ./SDBINST -package "Database Kernel" -depend /opt/sdb/<dbname>

2. shutdown database:
dbmcli -d <dbname> -u <user,pw> db_offline

3. register database with new path:
dbmcli -d <dbname> -u <user,pw> db_reg ROOT /opt/sdb/<dbname>

In future releases of MaxDB this will be done by upgrade tool


Daniel Schmoger


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Am Montag, den 07.05.2007, 10:16 +0200 schrieb Linos:
> Hello,
>       i am trying to upgrade maxdb to with the
> installation manager in windows, when i select the option "Install
> software and upgrade existing database instance" it says me this "Update
> not allowed: there is more than one database per software installation"
>   i have read about this problem in the maxdb manual with the
> requirement      "Each database instance must refer to a separate
> software installation" but i cant understand really well the system
> (sorry i am knowing it yet), i only have the databases maxdb1, demodb
> (hotel schema), dbclient and dbmaster (to testing synchronization), i
> have created the database instances like i have found in the manual with
> dbmcli or the automated scripts, cant i update database software if i
> have more than 1 instance? do i have to do 1 software installation with
> different paths for every database i want to use? Would i do an
> "Install/update software only" without upgrade database instance? Thanks
> in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Miguel Angel.

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