
On Thu, 14 Dec 2006, Admiral wrote:

> Halo, I am from belarus, i know English not so good. My problem in Russian
> language here:
> Now, I try to write in English. In our local homenet we have ftp-server. There
> are many video-files in it. When I write "mplayer
> ftp://ftp.server.local/films/verygoodfilm.avi"; it start to play film
> immediately. But when I connect to ftp from mc and twice press to left button
> of mouse, mc previously download film completely, and then starts mplayer for
> playing movie. This is very bad, because films have big sizes and they are
> downloads very long time. How can I change it?

You cannot. This is by design. If you want to stream the movies
just use mplayer passing it the url.

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