Hello Andrzej,

On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, andrzej zaborowski wrote:

> in the hex viewer the GoTo (F5) command allows you to jump beyond
> end of file and even to view or edit data there. This is because the
> address given by user is not checked for correctness anywhere.
> Eventually, in src/view.c:view_file_load_data, the address is passed
> to lseek() whose return value is checked, but it turns out lseek'ing
> beyond end of file is legal and not an error. This immediately results
> in Bad Things (tm) like at the return from view_file_load_data the
> ds_file_datalen is actually negative. Attached diff fixes this.

Thanks for your bugreport! I won't apply your patch though but
a slightly modified one. I won't the viewer to display a warning
box, reading something like "Invalid offset" or something, instead
of just doing nothing. I'll let you know when I commit the patch.

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