For anyone within range of University of Maryland, College Park, who wants to 
warm up for our MCN 2009 session in Portland, "More for Less:the e-Book 
Revolution and Mobile Evolution".:


A MITH Digital Dialogue
Tuesday, November 3, 12:30-1:45
MITH Conference Room, Mckeldin Library B0135

?The Great Ebook Throwdown? with Ben Bederson, Nick Chen, and Matt Kirschenbaum

Ebooks are suddenly everywhere again. Kindle, Nook, iPhone, Android .
. . after 2000 years, the codex is getting an upgrade. But what kind of 
electronic books and electronic reading devices do we really want?
This roundtable discussion led by Ben Bederson, Nick Chen, and Matt 
Kirschenbaum will feature as many electronic reading and electronic book 
devices as we can lay our hands on, including some prototypes being developed 
here at the University of Maryland. We'll hold them up, pass them around, turn 
them on, talk some trash, and, in the process, maybe gain just a little bit of 
insight into what we all want from our electronic book readers. Attendees are 
encouraged to bring along electronic?book and reading devices of their own.

Benjamin B. Bederson is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and the 
previous director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the Institute for 
Advanced Computer Studies and iSchool at the University of Maryland. His 
research is on mobile device interfaces, information visualization, interaction 
strategies, digital libraries, and accessibility issues such as voting system 
usability. ? He is also co-founder and Chief Scientist of Zumobi, a startup 
offering a mobile content platform based on that research.

Nicholas Chen is a doctoral candidate in the department of Computer Science at 
the University of Maryland and is affiliated with the Human Computer 
Interaction Lab (HCIL) at UMD. He is advised by Professor Francois Guimbretiere 
in the Cornell University Information Science Department. His research is on 
electronic reading devices, pen-based user interfaces, and interactions for 
supporting simultaneous use of multiple devices. Previously, he performed the 
first-ever evaluation of a dual-display electronic reading device.

Matthew G. Kirschenbaum is Associate Professor in the Department of English at 
the University of Maryland, Associate Director of the Maryland Institute for 
Technology in the Humanities (MITH), and Director of Digital Cultures and 
Creativity, a new ?living/learning? program in the Honors College.

Matthew Kirschenbaum
Associate Professor of English
Associate Director, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) 
Director, Digital Cultures and Creativity (DCC, a new Living/Learning Program 
in the Honors College) University of Maryland
301-405-8505 or 301-314-7111 (fax)

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