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Public Knowledge Hosts Third Annual 3D Printing Event in DC

March 06, 2014

3D Printing

On Wednesday, May 7, 2014, Public Knowledge will host its third annual 3D/DC 
event on Capitol Hill. The 3D printing community includes small startups, 
academic researchers, multi-million dollar companies, and everyone in between. 
This event will feature a wide array of participants from across the country 
representing the diverse 3D printing community.

3D printing is a technology that turns digital files into physical objects. 
Once you design an object on your computer, a 3D printer builds it, layer by 
layer, out of plastic, powder, metal, or some other material.  In 2011, Public 
Knowledge held the first 3D/DC and has been growing it in the years that 
followed.  Last year?s 3D/DC event even featured a host of 3D printers. And 
this May, 3D printing returns to Washington, DC in full force.

Attendees of last year?s event included members of Congress, Congressional 
staff, and the public. Last year, more than twenty 3D printing companies, 
organizations, and user groups came to DC to showcase their equipment and the 
innovative work they are doing in this field. This year, we are expecting an 
increased number of 3D printing participants.  Attendees will have the 
opportunity to converse with participants and see the technology in action.

This event will be a reception, open to the public, held in the Capitol 
Visitor?s Center. RSVP and attendance information can be found here.

The following can be attributed to Martyn Griffen, Government Affairs Associate 
at Public Knowledge:

"3D/DC is one of the ways the Public Knowledge brings the concerns and 
questions regarding emerging technologies to Capital Hill. As 3D printing 
becomes more mainstream it's important that members of Congress see it as a 
general purpose technology that could be used to enhance the lives of millions 
of people."


-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-boun...@mcn.edu] On Behalf Of 
Amalyah Keshet
Sent: 27 April, 2014 9:48 AM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: [MCN-L] FW: 3D/DC: 3D Printing event

For those in the D.C. area:

From: Public Knowledge [mailto:p...@publicknowledge.org]


3D Printing Comes to DC

It's almost time for our third annual 3D/DC 
 on Capitol Hill!

 Public Knowledge brings together a wide range of stakeholders and participants 
from across the 3D printing community. The event will feature startup 
companies, major industry players, and academic researchers.

Attendees include Members of Congress, Congressional staffers, and government 
officials. It is open to the public, so please join us on Wednesday, May 7th at 
5:30pm at the Capitol Visitor's 
 to meet the experts and see this technology in person.


3D printing is a technology that turns digital files into physical objects. The 
event will showcase the possibilities of this exciting emerging technology. 
Additionally, a policy discussion featuring expert panelists will kick off the 
event that morning.

Please RSVP and learn more about 3D/DC 
 Continue to follow us for updates, and email pk at 
publicknowledge.org<mailto:pk at publicknowledge.org<mailto:pk at 
publicknowledge.org%3cmailto:pk at publicknowledge.org>> with any questions.

 RT @PublicKnowledge: See 3D printing in action at our third annual 3D/DC event 
on May 7th! RSVP here: http://bit.ly/1jodbUF #3DPrinting

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