Posting on behalf of the Visual Resources Association (VRA) Data Standards
and Core Oversight Committees.


Dear Catalogers and Metadata Specialists,

On behalf of the Data Standards and VRA Core Oversight Committees of the
Visual Resources Association, we invite you to participate in a
comprehensive Cataloging and Metadata Practices survey available at
Ideal survey respondents are those whose work includes cataloging and
metadata activities.

The survey explores the scope of cataloging and metadata practices of
visual resources professionals. Beyond informing our broad community about
current prevalent practices, the survey results will help guide the VRA in
supporting both current needs and future developments via educational
outreach and practical tools for catalogers and metadata specialists.
Additionally, there are a few questions about use of, and satisfaction
with, the VRA Core 4.0 data standard. We would like to gather responses
even if you are not a current user of VRA Core.

The survey consists of 29 questions and should not take more than 20
minutes to complete. You can stop and re-start the survey at any point. The
survey will be open for seven weeks, until April 7, 2017. We will analyze
the survey data and share the results with you this spring.

We would very much like to learn about your work and look forward to your

Sincerely yours,
Zoe Waldron
on behalf of the Cataloging and Metadata Practices Survey Working Group
Zoe Waldron
Metadata Specialist II, Metadata Services Unit
NYPL Digital
New York Public Library
(917) 229-9635 X39635 <(917)%20229-9635>

Thank you for your participation.
Heidi Raatz

Heidi S. Raatz, MLIS
Visual Resources Librarian | Permissions Officer
Minneapolis Institute of Art
2400 Third Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN  55404

612.870.3196 | | | VisRes Request Form
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