In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Italian minister puts Mohammad cartoon on T-shirts

"I have had T-shirts made with the cartoons that have upset Islam and I 
will start wearing them today," Ansa quoted Calderoli as saying.

ROME (Reuters) - Italy's Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli has had T-shirts 
made emblazoned with cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a move that could 
embarrass Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government. Calderoli, a 
member of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, told Ansa news agency 
on Tuesday that the West had to stand up against Islamist extremists and 
offered to hand out T-shirts to anyone who wanted them.


Racist cartoons: Why Muslims have a right to be angry

The Danish government's defence of the publication by a Danish newspaper of 
caricatures of the prophet Mohammed, including one with the 7th century 
Arab religious leader wearing a turban with a bomb attached to it, has 
provoked widespread protests by justifiably angry Muslims around the world.


In their own words: the politics behind the anti-Muslim cartoons

Common to the statements of virtually all of the pundits and politicians 
who have come to the defense of the Danish government and Jyllands-Posten 
in the controversy over the newspaper’s publication of anti-Muslim cartoons 
is a refusal to consider the political context which gave rise to these 
ugly and offensive caricatures.




The Political Uses of Free Speech

I empathize with those baffled by the rapidly spiraling controversy around 
the series of cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad.

The cartoons were first published in the Danish paper, Jyllands-Posten, 
nearly five months ago, in September. The initial protest was limited to 
Denmark’s Muslim minority but was brushed off by both government and civil 
society. This is when some of the ultra- conservative Danish imams took 
matters into their own hands and set off for Saudi Arabia and Egypt, with a 
dossier containing the inflammatory cartoons. Last week came the diplomatic 
explosion: Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador in Denmark and Libya shut 
its embassy. There followed the boycott of Danish goods, demonstrations, 
strikes, flag-burning, and now fires set to embassies in Damascus and Beirut.


Muslim outrage was consciously instigated by Rose and his neocon friends

Let me tell you a few things about blasphemy. Been there, done it. Got 
expelled from high school for it.

That was a few decades ago, and for those seeking titillation, I’ll give 
you the details at the end of this screed. First I have to tell you about a 
massive propaganda coup. You’ve been had by some of the most bigoted people 
in the world -- and I’m not talking about Muslim fundamentalists.


Cartoons, Voltaire, and the Non-Clash of Civilisations

Muslims in their millions across the globe have shown the world that there 
are things worth fighting for, other than oil and reconstruction contracts.

Who said politics was boring, as Mark Warner the former Governor of 
Virginia said recently that politics was not a battle between right and 
left, or between conservative and liberal but between the past and the 
future. In the battle of ideas around the cartoons controversy, the Muslims 
are advocating the future whereas the west remains wedded to the past.,%20Voltaire,%20and%20the%20Non-Clash%20of%20Civilisations%20By%20Sajjad%20Khan.htm


Blasphemous Cartoons: An Opportunity for Unity, Activism, and Protest for 
Muslim Americans

Only U.S. Muslims as a community (200 protested in Philadelphia) have not 
launched a large protest against these cartoons. We continue with deft 
diplomacy that will have no bearing or impact upon the national intellect 
or psyche shaped by media portrayals and islamophobes. We all know this 
nation thrives and is spoon fed by politicians who are in turn spoon fed by 
activists and lobbyists, in particular the Pro-Israel lobby, who in turn 
use the media to turn up the heat.,%20Activism,%20and%20Protest%20for%20Muslim%20Americans%20By%20Mohamed%20Khodr.htm


Irwin Cotler and Riad Saloojee on the cartoon controversy


No bail for imam stabbing suspect

Will stay in jail until next court appearance

A 31-year-old man charged with stabbing a Muslim cleric outside a metro 
station was denied bail yesterday. Faycal Zirari was returning home by 
metro from afternoon prayers Friday when a man in the subway car began 
shouting at him in Spanish. When Zirari confronted the man, he was punched 
in the face. The Criminal Code defines a hate crime as "the promotion of 
hatred of any identifiable group."

see also:


Enough dissecting of Muslim hearts! Time to search for the real roots!

Not content with the daggers driven through the hearts of Muslims in the 
form of disparaging cartoons, the media - including the BBC - appears to be 
making up for not republishing them by contributing to the pain with a 
relentless campaign of dissections of the Muslim heart to prove that we 
ought not to be upset. Our feelings, they seem to suggest, are merely a 
result of denial and political manipulation. Little do people realise that 
this controversy was designed with the specific purpose of causing 
widespread uproar among Muslims and repulsion for Islam in Europe.


Norway Criminalizes Blasphemy

DOHA, February, 15 2006, ( ­ The Norwegian parliament has 
amended the Penal Code to criminalize blasphemy in the wake of the 
republication of Danish cartoons that lampooned Prophet Muhammad (peace and 
blessings be upon him) by a Norwegian magazine, Christian and Muslim 
leaders in Norway said on Tuesday, February 14.

"Law 150-A, which has been approved by parliament, criminalizes blasphemy 
and clearly prohibits despising others or lampooning religions in any form 
of expression, including the use of photographs," Norway's Deputy 
Archbishop Oliva Howika told reporters after a meeting in Doha with Sheikh 
Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.


Why They Hate Us (Western)

No matter how angry Muslims become over the mocking of their religious 
symbols (i.e., the Koran and Mohammed), what U.S. officials would prefer to 
ignore is the depth of anger that Muslims also feel at having been 
subjected to the arrogant, pretentious, brutal, and humiliating conduct of 
U.S. government officials. In fact, one cannot help but wonder whether the 
anger that has built up within Middle Easterners as a consequence of U.S. 
governmental conduct in that part of the world has contributed to the 
enormous anti-Western reaction to the publishing of tasteless cartoons by a 
Danish newspaper.


The racist crusade against Muslims

Politicians and the press bash Islam over anti-cartoon protests

LEE SUSTAR explains why Arabs and Muslims are right to be furious at the 
West’s racist attack on Islam.

THE CONTROVERSY over a Danish newspaper’s publication of caricatures of 
Muhammad has highlighted the scale of the Western ideological assault on 
Islam as justification for anti-immigrant scapegoating and imperialist war. 
At the same time, the crisis highlights the failure of the antiwar movement 
in the U.S. to champion the civil liberties of Arabs and Muslims, even as 
their plight worsens.


9/11: Bin Laden tapes are as phony as Sept. 11's connection to Islam

As a Ph.D. Islamologist and Arabist I really hate to say this, but I'll say 
it anyway: 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror is as phony 
as the latest Osama bin Laden tape.


Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/ll ringleader

Pre-Sept. 11 intelligence conducted by a secret military unit identified 
terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta 13 different times, a congressman said 


US 'let slip 9/11 hijacker 13 times'

A secret Pentagon unit had Mohammed Atta, the 9/11 ringleader, in its 
crosshairs 13 times before the 2001 attacks, a US congressman has claimed 
citing the unit's records.


Self-Described Economic Hit Man John Perkins: “We Have Created the World’s 
First Truly Global Empire”

John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," joins us in 
our firehouse studio to talk about his former work going into various 
countries to try to strongarm leaders into creating policy favorable to the 
U.S government and corporations. Perkins describes himself as an economic 
hit man.


325,000 Names on Terrorism List

Rights Groups Say Database May Include Innocent People

The National Counterterrorism Center maintains a central repository of 
325,000 names of international terrorism suspects or people who allegedly 
aid them, a number that has more than quadrupled since the fall of 2003, 
according to counterterrorism officials.


Terror threat: The great deception

"New Labour has set out to politicise terror, to use it for narrow party 
advantage. Few people now believe what the Prime Minister, the security 
services and police tell us about security matters."


Bigotry On The Loose

It wasn't Copenhagen, it was Washington and something that transpired there 
recently was ugly and more than a little frightening. Bigotry was on the loose.

It wasn't covered much by the country's major media, and those that did 
cover it seem to have missed a critical piece of the story which was 
reported by and the Financial Times.


The Anti-Empire Report

Americans are all taught from childhood on of the significance and sanctity 
of free elections: You can't have the thing called "democracy" without the 
thing called "free elections". And when you have the thing called free 
elections it's virtually synonymous with having the thing called democracy. 
And who were we taught was the greatest champion of free elections anywhere 
in the world? Why, our very same teacher, God's country, the good ol' US of A.


Cheney's Chappaquiddick

The real story is already emerging, if you're willing to do a little 
digging. Cheney and Whittington went hunting with two women (not their 
wives), there was some drinking, and Whittington wound up shot. Armstrong 
didn't see the incident but claimed she had, Cheney refused to be 
questioned by the Sheriff until the next morning, and a born-again 
evangelical physician has been downplaying Whittington's injuries since 
they occurred. Neither the press nor law enforcement seems inclined to 


Masters of Deception

While the country – or, rather, the American media – is fixated on an 
accidental shooting by the vice president, and the airwaves are filled with 
the natterings of the chattering classes over this inconsequential albeit 
unfortunate matter, the real shooting is being largely ignored: the 
slaughter continues in Iraq. While reporters and pundits rush to track down 
every niggling detail of Quailgate, the story of how we were lied into war 
– and set up for a sequel – is largely untold.


More Proof of Prewar Intelligence Manipulation by the Bush Administration

Writing in the March/April 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs, Paul R. Pillar 
has launched a furious assault on the Bush administration for its 
manipulation of prewar intelligence about Iraq's weapons of mass 
destruction (WMD) and links to al Qaeda. Mr. Pillar should know, because he 
was the CIA's National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South 
Asia (NESA) from 2000 to 2005.,htm


IRAQ: How the corporate media promotes war

On January 24, Iraqi reporter Mahmoud Zaal was killed during a shoot-out 
between US occupation forces and Iraqi rebels in the city of Ramadi. He was 
the second Iraqi journalist to have been killed this year; 35 reporters and 
other media workers died in Iraq in 2005.


Quick Rise for Purveyors of Propaganda in Iraq

Two years ago, Christian Bailey and Paige Craig were living in a 
half-renovated Washington group house, with a string of failed startup 
companies behind them. Mr. Bailey, a boyish-looking Briton, and Mr. Craig, 
a chain-smoking former Marine sergeant, then began winning 
multimillion-dollar contracts with the United States military to produce 
propaganda in Iraq.


The propaganda we pass off as news around the world

A British government-funded fake TV news service allows mild criticism of 
the US - all the better to support it


Tell the truth about torture Mr. Bush

"Extraordinary Renditions" -- U.S. Outsourcing Torture?


The politics of fear

(or how Tony Blair misled us over the war on terror)


WARNING VERY GRAPHIC: Here are the previously 60 unpublished photos from 
Abu Ghraib

Previously unpublished images showing the apparent abuse of detainees at 
Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison in 2003 were broadcast today by an Australian 
television station.
Still and video images were broadcast on Dateline, a current affairs 
programme on SBS television, which appeared to show dead Iraqis and 
detainees being tortured by US troops.,,1710360,00.html

Photos here: (Warning, very graphic- nudity and humiliation depicted),,1710396,00.html



Don't it just make ya proudernshit to be an Amerikun?


Iraq: Horrific New Torture Pictures Released

MORE photographs have been leaked of Iraqi citizens tortured by US soldiers 
at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad.

Warning : These pictures should only be viewed by a mature AUDIENCE


Still Cherry-Picking the Facts on Iraq

We, the people of the United States, despite our status as one of the most 
technologically advanced nations on the face of the earth, remain among the 
most ignorant about the world we live in. And yet we continue to hold forth 
that we have some sort of divine right of intervention, where a nation of 
some 300 million is self-empowered to dictate to billions of others the 
terms in which we all coexist on the planet.


TV: New photos show Iraq jail abuse

The pictures showed one man covered in what appeared to be excrement, 
another with a gash in his throat and an alleged interrogation room covered 
in blood.


Abu Ghraib: School for terrorists

American commanders in Iraq are expressing grave concerns that Abu Ghraib 
prison has become a breeding ground for extremist leaders and a school for 
terrorist foot soldiers


British Troops Unwelcome in Basra: Local Government Cuts Ties, 
Demonstrators Burn UK Flag


Basra Authorities Refuse to Work With British Military


Roadside Bomb Kills U.S. Marine

A roadside bomb killed a U.S. Marine in western Baghdad on Tuesday in one 
of two attacks that also wounded six coalition military personnel, the 
military said.


Disabled 12-year-old shot dead by Israeli forces in Jenin

A young Palestinian with learning disabilities has been shot dead by 
Israeli troops near the West Bank town of Jenin, Palestinian officials said.


Sharon's Son Given Nine Months Jail

Omri Sharon, the disgraced son of Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, has 
been sentenced to nine months in prison on corruption charges over 
financing his father's party leadership campaign.


Two Afghan spies killed

Suspected Taliban rebels abducted two Afghan intelligence agents in a 
western province and killed them, dumping their nearly decapitated bodies 
in the desert, a top official said Wednesday.


Blast kills Afghan policeman, UK troops arrive

A blast killed an Afghan policeman and wounded two colleagues on Wednesday 
and two intelligence officers kidnapped this week have been found dead, 
officials said.


Afghan attacks linked to Taliban from Pakistan

Arrests and interrogations of suspects in a recent series of suicide 
bombings in Afghanistan show that the attacks have been orchestrated from 
Pakistan by members of the ousted Taliban government with little 
interference by Pakistani authorities, Afghan officials say.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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