In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Statement From The University of Ottawa Muslim Students Association 
Regarding Danish Cartoons

Ottawa February 18, 2006: Since many of you are concerned about the recent 
events surrounding the Danish Cartoon Controversy, we feel we should offer 
an official statement, letting you know where we stand. The practice of 
insulting God’s prophets is no historical novelty. It has been done on 
several occasions, and there are precedents for dealing with such a matter. 
Recall that Muhammad (SAW) himself had to come to terms with the paintings 
which lined the walls of the Ka’aba. These paintings, which we may also 
call caricatures, offered the most obnoxious and unpalatable depictions of 
our patriarchs engaged in blasphemous activities. We ought to pay attention 
to how Muhammad (SAW) dealt with those at the time. He certainly did not 
overreact, nor lose his temper, nor burn effigies in the streets, nor did 
he engage in abstract and senseless debates about freedom of expression 
(which risk characterizing us as dishonest advocates of censorship). Our 
Prophet responded with the traits which won him so much respect and 
political legitimacy: Patience, diplomacy, and amnesty. He struggled 
against the repressive Quraysh for 23 years to win the hearts and minds of 
the people of Mecca. And only until they accepted him as their leader did 
he take it upon himself to wash the paintings off the sacred walls of the 


Flemming Rose Oped In Washington Post: "Why I Published Those Cartoons"

Childish. Irresponsible. Hate speech. A provocation just for the sake of 
provocation. A PR stunt. Critics of 12 cartoons of the prophet Muhammad I 
decided to publish in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten have not minced 
their words. They say that freedom of expression does not imply an 
endorsement of insulting people's religious feelings, and besides, they 
add, the media censor themselves every day. So, please do not teach us a 
lesson about limitless freedom of speech.


Italy cartoon row minister quits

Roberto Calderoli belongs to the anti-immigrant Northern League
The Italian reform minister who angered Muslims by wearing a T-shirt 
decorated with Western media cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad has 


Anti-Muslim graffiti defaces mosque for 2nd time this week

Palestinians discovered anti-Muslim graffiti on a West Bank mosque on 
Friday, for the second time in a week. In contrast to the previous 
incident, no protest riots were reported in the area following the discovery.


Muslims' reactions to cartoons 'not so alien as we think' - The Silent 

THE American left and right don't agree on much, but weeks of 
demonstrations and embassy burnings have pushed them toward convergence on 
one point: there is, if not a clash of civilizations, at least a very big 
gap between the "Western world" and the "Muslim world." When you get beyond 
this consensus -- the cultural chasm consensus -- and ask what to do about 
the problem, there is less agreement. After all, chasms are hard to bridge.



(Ottawa, Canada - 17/02/06) - Prominent national Canadian Muslim 
organizations and umbrella groups have signed an unprecedented statement 
praising Canada’s collective response to the cartoon controversy, saying 
Canada has “made Canadian Muslims proud.”


Europe's contempt for other cultures can't be sustained

A continent that inflicted colonial brutality all over the globe for 200 
years has little claim to the superiority of its values. Is the argument 
over the Danish cartoons really reducible to a matter of free speech? Even 
if we believe that free speech is a fundamental value, that does not give 
us carte blanche to say what we like in any context, regardless of 
consequence or effect. Respect for others, especially in an increasingly 
interdependent world, is a value of at least equal importance.,,1711874,00.html


Public Screening of film on Prophet Muhammad at Concordia University

The film will be shown on Wednesday, Feb 22nd at 7:00pm in
the Hall Building of Concordia University (Montreal) in room H-435



John Pilger and BBC World Affairs editor John Simpson have urged fellow 
journalists not to use terms such as 'stone age' and 'primitive' to 
describe contemporary tribal peoples, in a letter published in the 
Financial Times.

To find out more about Survival's campaign to stamp out racism against 
tribal people in the media, visit

For more information call Miriam Ross on (+44) (0)20 7687 8734 or email 

To read this press release online visit


Three Poems: Is Democracy being used as a Weapon of Mass Destruction?


The Abu Ghraib photos and the anti-Muslim "free speech" fraud


UN report denounces US torture and calls for closure of Guantánamo prison camp


Shameful: This is the world's view on Guantanamo

A UN report condemns 'torture' at the detention camp. But, like other 
revelations in the 'war on terror', the reaction is to deplore the 
publicity and ignore the brutality.


Abu Ghraib leaked report reveals full extent of abuse
    * 1,325 images of suspected detainee abuse
    * 93 video files of suspected detainee abuse
    * 660 images of adult pornography
    * 546 images of suspected dead Iraqi detainees
    * 29 images of soldiers in simulated sexual acts

Nearly two years after the first pictures of naked and humiliated Iraqi 
detainees emerged from Abu Ghraib prison, the full extent of the abuse 
became known for the first time yesterday with a leaked report from the US 
army's internal investigation into the scandal.


The History of CIA Interrogation

  From the Cold War to the War on Terror

Professor Alfred McCoy talks about his book “A Question of Torture”, a 
startling expose of the CIA development of psychological torture from the 
Cold War to Abu Ghraib. CIA mercenaries attempted to assassinate McCoy more 
than 30 years ago.


Arguments used by the South African apartheid regime now being used to 
justify anti-terror measures.

Tutu calls for Guantanamo closure. Archbishop Desmond Tutu has joined in 
the growing chorus of condemnation of America's Guantanamo Bay prison camp. 
He said the detention camp was a stain on the character of the United 
States as a superpower and a democracy. He also attacked Britain's 28-day 
detention period for terror suspects, calling it excessive and untenable. 
His comments follow a UN report calling for the closure of the camp where 
some 500 "enemy combatants" have been held without trial for up to four 
years. Speaking on the BBC's Today programme, Archbishop Tutu said he was 
alarmed that arguments used by the South African apartheid regime are now 
being used to justify anti-terror measures.



Film Review and Interview with "The Road to Guantanmo" Director Winterbottom

English director Michael Winterbottom's provocative new film "The Road to 
Guantanamo" premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival this week. 
The docu-drama blends interviews, news footage and re-enactments to tell 
the story of three British Muslims taken from Pakistan to the US prison 
camp on Cuba.,1518,401386,00.html


UK police arrest stars of award-winning film "The Road to Guantanamo" under 
the Prevention of Terrorism Act

Citing the "Prevention of Terrorism" act, British Police have arrested and 
interrogated three of the stars of the award-winning film "The Road to 
Guantanamo", together with the three ex-Guantanomo detainees on whose story 
the film is based.


Poll: 40% of UK Muslims want Sharia

Four out of ten British Muslims want Sharia, or Islamic law, introduced in 
predominantly Muslim parts of the country, a poll has showed. One in five 
of those polled for the Sunday Telegraph also said they sympathised with 
the "feelings and motives" of the bombers who killed 52 people in attacks 
on the London transport system in July. But 91% of British Muslims said 
they feel loyal to the United Kingdom.



Canada Muslim News - You are cordially invited to our financial 
seminar/workshop held exclusively for Muslim professionals and their 
families. We at Investors Group find it important as Canada’s largest 
financial consulting firm to cater to the special needs and requests of the 
Muslim population in Montreal and across Canada. Through this seminar you 
will learn the benefits of:


37 million poor hidden in the land of plenty

Americans have always believed that hard work will bring rewards, but vast 
numbers now cannot meet their bills even with two or three jobs. More than 
one in 10 citizens live below the poverty line, and the gap between the 
haves and have-nots is widening.


What Happened To My Country?

My God! What has happened to my nation? My nation that no longer pays more 
than lip service to its Constitution and Bill of Rights, which have been a 
beacon to the world for over two centuries. My nation that unilaterally 
discards treaties that were the hope of a world of peace, guided by law and 
diplomacy. My nation that will wage a war of aggression against a far off 
nation that was no threat to it, but that has lots of oil. My nation that 
gives all of its wealth to the rich and is satisfied to leave its citizens 
to starve, homeless, unemployed and sickly. Continued


How Will We Know When We Have Lost, America?

We will know we have lost when we do what we have done in Abu Ghraib, 
Guantanamo, Diego Garcia, Bagram and the other entirely secret and not so 
secret CIA and military detention centers round the world. We will know we 
have lost when the first target in the massacre of a village or city is its 


What Bush Is Up To

I'm going to tell you what the real Bush administration policy is.


And the top 10 worst presidential blunders are...

Apparently CNN does not view lying the nation into a war of conquest as a 


Not terribly pro-life, is it Mr President?

Last month, the military forces that this same president commands aimed a 
missile at a house in Damadola, a Pakistani village near the Afghan border. 
Eighteen people were killed, including five children. The target of the 
attack, al-Qaeda's No 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was not among the dead, 
although lesser figures in the terrorist organisation reportedly were. Bush 
did not apologise for the attack, nor did he reprimand those who ordered 
it. Apparently, he believes that the chance of killing an important 
terrorist leader is sufficient justification for firing a missile that will 
almost certainly kill innocent human beings.


Video: Why We Fight

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism? This 
award-winning film provides an inside look at the anatomy of the American 
war machine. Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military 
supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life?

  Click here to view


In case you missed it: Constant Conflict

A look behind the philosophy and practice of Americas push for domination 
of the worlds economy and culture, US Army War College Quarterly

There will be no peace. At any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes, 
there will be multiple conflicts in mutating forms around the globe. 
Violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic 
struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive. The de facto role 
of the US armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and 
open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of 


British Judge's anger at US torture

Stinging comments come as America dismisses UN report on Guantánamo

A high court judge yesterday delivered a stinging attack on America, saying 
its idea of what constituted torture was out of step with that of "most 
civilised nations".

The criticism, directed at the Bush administration's approach to human 
rights, was made by Mr Justice  Collins during a hearing over the refusal 
by ministers to request the release of three British residents held at 
Guantánamo Bay.

The judge said: "America's idea of what is torture is not the same as ours 
and does not appear to coincide with that of most civilised nations." He 
made his comments, he said, after learning of the UN report that said 
Guantánamo should be shut down without delay because torture was still 
being carried out there.

FULL ARTICLE AT:,,1711833,00.html


Blair's new laws leave us at the mercy of future tyrants

Osama bin Laden's achievement was not to mastermind the flying of jets into 
the Twin Towers, not to franchise his brand of terrorism to a lot of savage 
young men, not even to inspire the invasion of Iraq. No, it was to spook 
the West and to fill our minds with fear so that we let security oppress 
liberty and turn us away from the abuse and torture occurring in Guantanamo 
and Abu Ghraib.


Blair's dumb gag law

History shows such laws are soon followed by offences like 'being an enemy 
of the people'


Lockerbie - new forensic tests suggest evidence was planted by the CIA

"Megrahi's lawyers already have a sworn statement from a retired Scottish 
police officer confirming that evidence had been planted to secure the 
Libyan's conviction. "A similar claim was made by a former CIA agent...


There is no war on terrorism :: from :: news from occupied 
Iraq - it

There is no war on terror If there was, the whole nation would be told to 
take up arms. Everybody would be armed, even on aircraft. Inexpensive 
AK47's would be stored in every closet, much like arms are stored in homes 
all over Switzerland because the Swiss government has nothing to fear from 
its populace. There is only a war against our freedom in the name of a 
created threat that doesn't exist. We have been duped into surrendering our 
liberty in the false name of security by a government that sends us out 
into the "War On Terror" unarmed because we cannot be trusted with guns. 
The most basic of all rights is the right of self defense against criminal 
attacks. A great equalizer between the weak and the strong, guns in the 
hands of women could reduce assaults upon them by stronger male attackers 
by 80%. How can it be said that women have equal rights if they cannot 
carry, yet Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush 
all hide behind guns for their protection because they're much more 
important than our wives, sisters and daughters? Again, the only 'war' is 
on our freedoms.


The Truth about Torture :: from :: news from occupied Iraq 
- it

You may wonder how our policy of torture began and developed. Well it was 
born out of the bloodlust of Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon. It's called an SAP 
(Special Access Plan.) In order to know what the plan is, you have to have 
special access. The `need to know' is very small. It's all about plausible 
deniability, don't you know. The plan was put into action after witnessing 
the efficacy of torture by certain "allies" in the Middle East and South 
Asia. You see, we didn't always torture, but it did begin quickly after the 
2001 invasion of Afghanistan. Within a few weeks of the invasion of 
Afghanistan, the US and allied troops were overwhelmed with prisoners. "We 
exceeded our capacity for interrogation and detention," the former 
intelligence official said. "Our allies would tell us," the former official 
recalled, "`we pulled out teeth and fingers from prisoners, but we got some 
good shit. He's dead now, but we don't care.'" The former official 
recounted, "The line gets blurred between using liaison officers to bust 
heads and getting American guys to do it." The tough tactics appealed to 
Rumsfeld and his senior civilian aides, however.


Bush Administration's War Spending Nears Half Trillion Dollars

President Asks Taxpayers for Another $65 Billion for Iraq and Afghanistan

Feb. 16, 2006 ­ In a single year, it is difficult to measure overall 
progress in the war on terror. But ABC News has learned today that 
President Bush will ask Congress for an additional $65.3 billion for 
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It brings the total funds requested 
this year to more than $110 billion for those operations.


The Basra video should lay to rest a scurrilous lie

The smug superiority of the British over their peacekeeping efforts in Iraq 
is an insult to those of us who live there,,1710827,00.html



Intrigues continue to stall new Iraqi government


U.S. troops kill three civilians west of Baghdad

Three civilians were killed on Sunday after U.S. troops opened fire at 
their car near Fallujah


British troops executed unarmed Iraqi

Despite being disabled by machinegun fire, the Iraqi was shot at 
point-blank range.


Sunni clerics complain death squads targeting community members

A hardline Sunni Muslim clerics group is asking for outside help after 
renewing accusations that Iraq's Shiite-dominated government is operating 
death squads to kill Sunni civilians.


Jaafari is unlikely to retain post of Iraqi PM

Ibrahim al-Jaafari's nomination to continue for four more years as Iraq's 
prime minister is already in trouble, according to Iraqi sources.


Influential Iraqi cleric Sadr rejects constitution

Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has said he rejects the Iraqi constitution 
backed by his partners in the biggest parliamentary bloc, threatening a new 
crisis over one of the country's most explosive issues.


Video The Iraqi resistance attacking US targets


12 US Troops Killed as 2 Copters Crash in Gulf of Aden


Four Iraqi Truck Drivers Killed in Ambush

Gunmen ambushed a convoy of trucks carrying construction material Sunday to 
U.S. military north of Baghdad, killing four Iraqi drivers, police said. An 
police general died in a roadside bombing in northern Iraq.


2 Killed By Car Bomb

Two Iraqis were killed and six wounded when a car bomb exploded near a 
suspension bridge that leads to the heavily guarded Green Zone, police said


Roadside Blasts Kill US Gi, 11 Iraqis


US soldier among 20 killed in Iraq


US Churches Denounce Iraq War, 'American Terror'


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 18 February 2006
    * US troops make mass arrests in al-Baghdadi, kill 19 year old during 
house search.
    * Resistance bomb west of Abu Ghurayb leaves three US troops reported 
    * Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq casts doubt on US role in 
Death Squad scandal: “Why do they minimize their scope when disclosing 
them, and then do nothing to stop them?”
    * Under pressure from massive media reporting, puppet regime in Baghdad 
forms special committee to investigate reports of secret prison, death 
squads, abduction, torture, and murder by puppet regime security agencies 
and Badr Brigade militia.
    * Resistance bomb in Baghdad’s ash-Sha‘b district reportedly kills two 
US troops.
    * Resistance car bomb leaves three US troops reported dead in Ba‘qubah.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing south of 
    * US soldier reported killed in bombing in Mosul.


Nablus: Balata refugee camp is being invaded !!

MMN Note: There has been Israeli army in Nablus since just after midnight 
early this morning.  A huge explosion was heard about 12:30 am followed by 
firing.  Since then Balata refugee camp just east of Nablus has been 
invaded with 2 deaths already.  This report was received from I.S.M. 
Nablus: Balata refugee camp is being invaded- Two youth killed and over 
thirty injured


Hamas: Decision to cut funds does not scare us

Haniyeh said Israel's new sanctions in the wake of Hamas' election victory 
"were meant to force the Palestinians down to their knees ... we've handled 
challenges in the past and we will be able to stand up to future challenges 
as well," he said



"We are stumped by the failure of our democratic concepts to gain a 
foothold in the Arab world," wrote Michael Bell, a former Canadian 
ambassador to Israel, in the Globe and Mail last week.


Taliban raid Afghan police station, kill three

Taliban gunmen killed three policemen in a raid on a security post in a 
southern province where thousands of British troops will soon be based, 
police said on Sunday.


'Suicide-ready' Taliban lie in wait for troops

Khwaja, 32, also a mohajir, boasted that he had already "supplied" several 
dozen "suicide-ready Talibs" to camps inside Afghanistan in preparation for 
a spring offensive designed to hit the first British troops to begin 
patrolling in Helmand.


Why America will reap the worst in Iran

by By abid Ullah Jan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Published: February 19, 2006


WWIII or Bust: Implications of a US Attack on Iran

"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply
ridiculous... Having said that, all options are on the table." George W. Bush,
February 2005


Guantanamo camp 'an anomaly' says Blair

Posted Feb 19, 2006 06:51 AM PST - Category: TORTURE SCANDAL


Conservatives Endorse the Fuhrer Principle - Our leader über alles

Last week's annual Conservative Political Action Conference signaled the 
transformation of American conservatism into brownshirtism. A former 
Justice Department official named Viet Dinh got a standing ovation when he 
told the CPAC audience that the rule of law mustn't get in the way of 
President Bush protecting Americans from Osama bin Laden.


Halliburton Detention Centers

What sort of national emergency requires detention centers? America has 
plenty of prisons. More of our population is behind bars than in any 
country on earth.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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