In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Iraq Civil-War: Former CIA Analyst: Western Intelligence May Be Behind 
Mosque Bombing

Former CIA analyst a and presidential advisor Ray McGovern does not rule 
out Western involvement in this week's Askariya mosque bombing in light of 
previous false flag operations that have advanced hidden agendas of the 
ruling elite.


Protecting The Rights Of A Holocaust Denier Ultimately Protects Us All

Austria's treatment of Irving as a political dissident should offend both 
the people who defend the rights of political cartoonists to express their 
opinion of Islamic terrorists and the civil libertarians who leaped to the 
defense of University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill when he 
exercised his right to call the victims of 9/11 "little Eichmanns." Why 
doesn't it? Why aren't freedom lovers everywhere offended by Irving's court 

Freedom is a principle that must be applied indiscriminately. We have to 
defend Irving in order to defend ourselves. Once the laws are in place to 
jail dissidents of Holocaust history, what's to stop such laws from being 
applied to dissenters of religious or political histories, or to skepticism 
of any sort that deviates from the accepted canon?,0,2752813.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions


Doha Declaration Urges Respect of Religions

DOHA, February 26, 2006 ( - The United Nations, Arab states 
and the world's largest Islamic body on Saturday, February 25, urged 
respect for all religions, regretting the publication of Danish cartoons 
that lampooned Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).


Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain Ridicules Blair's Attempt to Defend himself from 
Accusations of Tyranny

London, UK, February 26,2006 - After the government failed to make a strong 
case for the vague offence of "glorification" or the proscription of 
non-violent organisations, Prime Minister Tony Blair has been forced to 
defend his position in an article in today's Observer. Hizb ut-Tahrir 
Britain makes the following points in response to the article that contains 
misleading allegations about our organisation:


September 11th And The Bush Administration

Compelling Evidence for Complicity:


9/11: The 1975 World Trade Center Fire

One of the World Trade Towers caught fire long before 9-11, but did not 


9/11: A green light for torture

The Bush administration's tendency to dodge accountability for lawless 
actions by resorting to secrecy and claims of national security is on sharp 
display in the case of a Syrian- born Canadian, Maher Arar, who spent 
months under torture because of U.S. action.


9/11: Hunger strike detainee force-fed

The technique included strapping him to a restraint chair, feeding him 
liquids and laxatives and preventing him from access to the toilet and 
cutting off water supplies to his cell, removing towels and bed-sheets 
after turning on the air-conditioner, Mr Al Murbati told legal team head 
Joshua Colangelo-Bryan.


9/11: Hunger strikes in Guantanamo-sanitized

It is a terrible thing to choose a slow suicide over imprisonment, but what 
we do to them under the sanitized name "force feeding" is ridiculous!


9/11: The case for closing Guantanamo is overwhelming

More than four years after the American detention camp at Guantanamo Bay 
opened, the range of voices calling for it to close is widening. Overseas, 
it runs from the Democrat former US President Jimmy Carter, through UN 
Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the International Committee of the Red 
Cross, to the conservative Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Here, 
advocates of closure now include the Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, 
Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith, the Northern Ireland Secretary, Peter 
Hain, the Liberal Democrats and numerous members of the higher judiciary.,,1718147,00.html


9/11: A Growing Afghan Prison Rivals Bleak Guantánamo

While an international debate rages over the future of the American 
detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the military has quietly expanded 
another, less-visible prison in Afghanistan, where it now holds some 500 
terror suspects in more primitive conditions, indefinitely and without charges.


War In Error

As far as official Washington is concerned, the nameless, faceless dead of 
Damadola are already forgotten. Our warrior-president will continue to 
insist that we have no choice but to press on, seemingly blind to the moral 
havoc wreaked by his war and oblivious to the extent to which he is playing 
into the hands of our adversaries.


Defeat is victory. Death is life

Everyone in the Middle East rewrites history, but never before have we had 
a US administration so wilfully, dishonestly and ruthlessly reinterpreting 
tragedy as success, defeat as victory, death as life - helped, I have to 
add, by the compliant American press. - We are pushing hundreds of 
thousands of Arabs though the butchers' shops - and don't even care.


The CIA's 'Black Sites'

What are we going to do with the secret prisoners who cannot be tried in 
our courts?

The CIA's top counterterrorism official [Robert Grenier] was fired last 
week because he opposed detaining Al Qaeda suspects in secret prisons 
abroad, sending them to other countries for interrogation, and using forms 
of torture such as "waterboarding," [making a prisoner believe he is about 
to be drowned] intelligence sources have claimed.


American Government: Heading Toward Disintegration and Collapse

It is very obvious that this capitalistic nation is concerned merely with 
the financial interests of big corporations and nothing else matters, not 
even the very health and life of the American people. Its top priority is 
to cater to special interests.


Did US and UK commit a war crime by bombing civilian populations in the 
cities of Germany and Japan ?

NS Essay - 'If we did anything questionable in the war, we should have the 
maturity to admit it and learn from it'

The area bombing of civilians by the Allies in the lead-up to 1945 went 
beyond the limits of a just war, argues A C Grayling. If historians refuse 
to accept this, they are irresponsible and wrong


Iran And "The International Community "

Here we go again! Now it’s Iran.

When the ”International Community” threatens Iran to force it to give up 
its nuclear program in order to make the world safer, I wonder if its 
thoughts of safety include the Chechens, the Palestinians, the Iraqis, the 
Sudanese in Darfur, the campesinos and the Indios being massacred in 
Colombia by death squads backed by the cheap ­ natural resources - hungry 
U.S. and its west European vassals.


U.S. Defends Conditions at Bagram Prison

The Times report described conditions as ``primitive.'' It cited military 
figures as saying numbers of detainees at Bagram had risen from about 100 
at the start of 2004 to as many as 600 at times last year. It said the 
increase was in part a result of decision by the U.S. government to shut 
off the flow of detainees to Guantanamo after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 
that those prisoners had some basic due-process rights. The report said the 
question of whether those same rights apply to detainees in Bagram has not 
been tested in court.,,-5648878,00.html


Stars & Stripes

Insurgent attacks in Iraq reached a postwar high in the four months 
preceding Jan. 20, according to a Iraq progress report issued Friday by the 
Pentagon. More than 550 attacks took place in Iraq from Aug. 29, 2005, to 
Jan. 20, 2006, according to the latest “security and stability” report the 
Defense Department is required to send lawmakers every four months. 
Speaking to Pentagon reporters Friday, Assistant Secretary of Defense for 
International Security Affairs said that the survey’s conclusions “were not 
good,” but that “loving us is not what it’s about.” Awareness of the 
relative unpopularity of U.S. troops “is one of the reasons we want to turn 
over the battlespace” to the Iraqi security forces, Rodman said.


Here's LIST of CIA Torture Planes, Culprits--Here's PROOF that EU DENIES


Iraqis Tortured by Government Death Squads


Iraq Resistance at work ( amust seen Video)


2 Michigan Soldiers Die in Iraq Bombings


2 U.S. Soldiers Killed In Iraq

Former Iraqi General Killed In Ramadi: Another roadside bomb exploded near 
a police patrol southeast of Baghdad, killing one officer and injuring two 


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 25 February 2006
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in Hit.
    * Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars and Shi‘i Muqtada as-Sadr 
movement denounce sectarian attacks, blame US for sectarian violence, 
demand American withdrawal.
    * Muqtada as-Sadr: Sadr forces not involved in attacks on Sunnis; Jaysh 
al-Mahdi to protect Sunni mosques from attacks.
    * Observers see continuation of US effort to ignite sectarian conflict 
continues as mysterious car bomb kills or wounds dozens of Shi‘i civilians 
in holy city of Karbala’.
    * Resistance bombards US-Iraqi puppet army encampment in homes seized 
from villagers near al-Khalidiyah
    * Resistance pounds US as-Saqr Airbase in al-Habbaniyah with six mortar 
    * Resistance bomb blasts US armored vehicle west of ar-Ramadi
    * Iraqi Resistance intercepts joint attack force of pro-American Badr 
Brigade, puppet “Shock Troops” in eastern Abu Ghurayb
    * Resistance bomb blasts US Humvee north of at-Tarimiyah
    * Resistance attack strikes Iraqi puppet army column near Samarra’
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “National Guard” patrol in an-Nahrawan
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet army column in southeast Kirkuk
    * Resistance bomb blasts US Humvee in Mosul’s al-Wahdah district
    * Resistance bombards US-occupied al-Ghazlaniyah base in Mosul


MI5 rebels expose Tube bomb cover-up

They believe ministers have withheld information from the public about what 
the security services knew about the suspects before the bombing of July 7 
and the abortive attacks of July 21.


Blair's Dark Kingdom

How the government of George W. Bush's beloved disciple, Tony Blair, is 
"persecuting innocent people, tearing up our freedoms and undermining the 


Amnesty UK: Human rights: a broken promise

  "Let no one be in any doubt. The rules of the game are changing." So 
warned on 5 August 2005 Prime Minister Tony Blair in the aftermath of the 
July bombings in London when outlining a package of measures,(1) described 
as countering terrorism, that threaten human rights, the independence of 
the judiciary and the rule of law. In fact the government started changing 
the rules well before then.


Gilad Atzmon: In Support of My Mayor

Why did a UK governmental watchdog suspend the adorable Mayor of London 
just for hurting the feelings of a journalist, who happens to be a Jew?


The Caricatures in Middle East Politics

While the Mossad-provoked ‘free speech versus blasphemy’ controversy 
between the West and the Islamic peoples continues to deepen, Israel 
proceeds to impose a Nazi-like economic siege over 4 million Palestinians, 
intended to starve them into surrendering their democratic freedoms.


Israel's Aggression Violates International Law

The Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations, Reyad 
Mansour confirmed that the latest Israeli aggressions included the killing 
extra-judicially five residents in Nablus and two others in the Gaza Strip 
were violations against the principles of international law.


Abbas is "irrelevant": Israeli FM

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said on Sunday evening that 
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was "irrelevant" because of Hamas' 
victory in last month's Palestinian legislative elections and the militant 
group's subsequent takeover of the Palestinian parliament.


Operation Northwood's

The contemplation of terrorist attacks on U.S. citizens by the CIA is a 
matter of public record. The previously classified "Operation Northwoods" 
document reveals that in 1962, the CIA seriously considered the possibility 
of carrying out terrorist attacks against US citizens, in order to blame it 
on Cuba.


Why Is Halliburton Building Internment Camps?

I believe that all Americans should be very concerned. It might be “someone 
else” they come for first, but if this is the direction our nation is 
going, who knows where it will end.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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