In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Negative Perception Of Islam Increasing - majority say Muslims are 
disproportionately prone to violence

As the war in Iraq grinds into its fourth year, a growing proportion of 
Americans are expressing unfavorable views of Islam, and a majority now say 
that Muslims are disproportionately prone to violence, according to a new 
Washington Post-ABC News poll.


Fifth Ill. Hate Crimes Panelist Resigns

Muslims and Jews were invited to serve on the Illinois State Hate-Crimes 
The Jewish members have all quit rather than work with the Muslims.



A Muslim woman who claims she was denied employment after she refused to 
remove a head scarf worn for religious reasons is accusing a Des Moines 
convenience store chain of violating her religious rights.


Ex-State Department Security Officer Charges Pre-9/11 Cover-Up

A former State Department security officer has given CounterPunch a 
detailed memoir and documents that point to very curious conduct by the 
CIA, Secret Service and FBI in the Philippines following warnings of an 
assassination bid on President Clinton during his November 12/13, 1994 
visit to Manila.


Photostory: Israeli extremists' attack on Nazareth's most famous Christian 
church goes virtually unreported

Thousands of Nazarenes rushed to the Basilica of the Annunciation in the 
early evening of Friday March 3, as rumours swept the city that their 
church was under attack. Built over the grotto where the archangel Gabriel 
is supposed to have revealed to Mary that she was bearing the son of God, 
the Basilica is one of Christianity's holiest sites. As local people 
streamed into the church's walled-off courtyard, they learnt that three 
intruders had detonated a series of small explosions inside the building at 
5.30pm, during a special ceremony for Lent.


Protecting Torture: The Red Cross' Deadly Silence

By promising confidentiality to the occupying and imprisoning powers the 
International Committee of the Red Cross monitors the fate of prisoners of 
war that no other organization can reach — from Guantanamo Bay’s Camp 
X-ray, to Abu Ghraib and even the many Israeli detention centers in 
occupied Palestine. Here, Rafeef Ziadah questions whether the ICRC’s 
monitoring efforts help prisoners or protect those who violate prisoners’ 
human rights.



Much of Europe has painted itself into a corner on the censorship issue. 
What can Norway say to pro-censorship Muslims when it already has a hate 
speech law forbidding, among other things, "publicly stirring up one part 
of the population against another," or any utterance that "threatens, 
insults or subjects to hatred, persecution or contempt any person or group 
of persons because of their creed, race, color or national or ethnic origin 
... or homosexual bent"? No insulting utterances at all? Since most strong 
opinions can be construed as insulting (hurting someone's feelings), no 
insults means no free speech.;_ylt=A86.I2qT7AtEYBIA3Qz9wxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--


US Troops on Spy Missions All Over the World

TEAMS of special operations troops are reportedly being placed in a growing 
number of American embassies in unstable parts of the world to gather 
intelligence on terrorists.,5478,18391555%255E663,00.html


At last, the warmongers are prepared to face the facts and admit they were 

It has taken more than three years, tens of thousands of Iraqi and American 
lives, and $200bn (£115bn) of treasure - all to achieve a chaos verging on 
open civil war. But, finally, the neo-conservatives who sold the United 
States on this disastrous war are starting to utter three small words. We 
were wrong.

see also: NeoCon allies desert Bush over Iraq

and, US envoy to Iraq: 'We have opened the Pandora's box',,1725996,00.html


Deception as the Official Public Policy

What is even more imprudent than the invasion of Iraq and the “war on 
terror”, is the Bush administration’s determination to interpret the 
tragedy of that stricken nation in a way that lays blame on just about 
everyone else but itself. And yet this is just one thread within an 
elaborate web of lies and deceit initiated by the Bush administration years 



These are the right-wing intellectuals who demanded Bush invade Iraq. Now 
they admit they got it wrong.

.. as they push for war on Iran.


Logic out the window at the White House

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton was calmly proposing an 
illegal attack on a sovereign state, possibly involving nuclear weapons.


NeoCon allies desert Bush over Iraq

These are the right-wing intellectuals who demanded George Bush invade 
Iraq. Now they admit they got it wrong. Are you listening, Mr President?


Iraq: A cluster of torture prisons

After the US's deliberate and unprovoked war on Iraq, “reconstruction” 
becomes one of the US's moral clichés to justify crimes against the Iraqi 
people and ongoing Occupation. In reality, the “reconstruction” of Iraq is 
the continuation of the destruction of Iraq and humiliation of Iraqi society.


Iraq Civilian Death Toll 'Highest Since End of War'


Official Says Shiite Party Suppressed Body Count

Days after the bombing of a Shiite shrine unleashed a wave of retaliatory 
killings of Sunnis, the leading Shiite party in Iraq's governing coalition 
directed the Health Ministry to stop tabulating execution-style shootings, 
according to a ministry official familiar with the recording of deaths.


US report blames weak Iraq rule for abuses

The US State Department on Wednesday released a damning report on the state 
of human rights and the security situation in Iraq, describing a weak and 
corrupt government with little control over its own murderous security 
forces in the face of a powerful insurgency.


I was tortured, says Australian held in Iraq

A SYDNEY man, Ahmed Jamal, imprisoned in northern Iraq for 18 months 
without charge has told Australian officials he was tortured.


Torture: Janis Karpinski Interview

She's since left the US military and written a book, in which she claims 
that far from stopping with her, the buck goes all the way to the top - to 
US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Video and transcript.


Egypt tortures for the US, so why not on its own account?

Human rights cannot be regional or selective: Guantánamo, Belmarsh, Laz 
Oghli and Facility 1391 stand or fall together,,1726812,00.html


Video: Turkey Shoot At Abu Ghraib

Tales of Murder and Torture

Here's Olivia's story. And, as you would expect with this sort of report, 
be warned - some of what you're about to see is not exactly pretty and 
could even offend.

Real Video and Transcript.


Fourth UK Soldier Held Over Iraq Abuse Video


US Military Releases 122 Detainees in Iraq


"The Country Has Already Collapsed"

At this point in Iraq, you do not have a central government -- so you don't 
have a legitimate authority running the country. You don't have a 
government with the power to establish or maintain order. What you have is 
a nominal government that can only stay in power because the Americans are 


Academics become casualties of Iraq War

Gunmen have killed some 182 Iraqi university professors and academics since 
the U.S. invasion in early 2003. Another 85 senior academics have been 
kidnapped or survived assassination attempts


Depleted Uranium: email to Australian senators

The following email went out today, 6 March 2006, to all Australian 
Senators with a copy to the ICC and Human Rights Watch, and to Australia's 
national newspapers.

In the course of the last two weeks, Australian, John Hough sent copies of 
The Ultimate War Crime to six Australian Senators with a covering letter 
similar to the email below. Mr Hough says he has received no replies to date.


Depleted Uranium - US Lung Cancer Rates Soar

On the March 8, 2006 edition of the CNN American Morning program with Miles 
O'Brien and Soledad O'Brien, they made a startling announcement. On average 
there are 175,000 new cases of lung cancer each year in the United States. 
For just the months of January and February 2006 there are 172,000 
confirmed, newly diagnosed cases of lung cancer. This is not just a little 
spike on the charts and much worse news is coming. That is already 
averaging this year about 6 times the normal incidence of new lung cancer 
cases in a year.


Rumsfeld: Iraqis Would Deal With Civil War

"The plan is to prevent a civil war, and to the extent one were to occur, 
to have the — from a security standpoint — have the Iraqi security forces 
deal with it, to the extent they are able to," Rumsfeld told the committee.

"Obviously, it's not realistic to depend on the Iraqi security forces, 
which are not yet able to fight on their own," Kennedy said. "So, Secretary 
Rumsfeld is basically saying that if the prevention strategy fails and Iraq 
plunges into civil war, U.S. troops will inevitably be deeply involved."

Translation: The U. S. got Iraq into this mess; but it's the responsibility 
of Iraq to get itself!


Two US soldiers killed in Iraq


Two Marines Killed in Iraq; Previous Casualties Identified

Two Marines assigned to 1st Marine Logistics Group were killed in Anbar 
province, Iraq, March 7 and 8, military officials in Iraq reported.


3 Japanese Soldiers Commit Suicide Back Home From Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 8 March 2006
    * In unexplained development: 49 mercenary security company employees 
abducted by men wearing puppet “Shock Troop” uniforms in Baghdad early 
Wednesday afternoon.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills US soldier in western Baghdad.
    * US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Yusufiyah.
    * One thousand Sunni families reported expelled from al-Mada’in in 
sectarian terror campaign aimed at facilitating US plans to partition Iraq.
    * US Black Hawk helicopter crashes near Saudi border.
    * Bomb blasts Oil of the South Company office in al-Basrah.
    * Resistance Katyusha rockets blast joint US-Iraqi puppet army base in Hit
    * Resistance bomb blasts US troops near al-Fallujah
    * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee near Zawbi‘ Tuesday afternoon, 
reportedly killing all aboard
    * Resistance fighters gun down puppet “Interior Ministry” troops in 
Baghdad’s al-‘Amiriyah district
    * Resistance fighters kill two pro-American Badr Brigade gunmen in 
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet troops in al-Khalis
    * Balad, Resistance bomb blasts US Humvee Tuesday night
    * Resistance assault leaves five puppet “Shock Troops” dead in Bayji 
Tuesday night
    * Bomb blasts Oil of the South Company office in al-Basrah


Hunger in America: 25 million depend on emergency food aid


Britain's dirty secret

Exculsive - Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in 
the 1960s, supplying tons of vital chemicals including plutonium and 
uranium. And it looks as though Harold Wilson and his ministers knew 
nothing about it.


Video: Israel's Secret Weapon

This film is the story of the bomb, Vanunu and Israel's wall of silence.


UN: Israel wall forcing Palestinians out

A UN expert has said that East Jerusalem is undergoing major changes 
because of a new wall through Palestinian neighbourhoods aimed at reducing 
the number of Palestinians in the city.


Jewish Congress-paid trip to Israel has national chief on defensive

OTTAWA (CP) - One of Canada's top native leaders is the target of angry 
protest after taking an all-expense-paid trip to Israel.

An open letter from 47 grassroots groups to Phil Fontaine, national chief 
of the Assembly of First Nations, says he was used by the Canadian Jewish 
Congress - which paid for the trip - as a cover for "Israeli atrocities 
committed against the Palestinian people."


Two soldiers killed, one wounded in militants attack

Two Pakistani army soldiers were killed and another wounded Thursday when 
militants attacked their post in the troubled tribal village of North 
Waziristan tribal agency, along the Afghan border, said security sources.


Relatives of dead soldier question Canada's role in Afghanistan

The mother and aunt of a Newfoundland soldier who was killed in Afghanistan 
are calling on the federal government to reconsider Canada's role there.


Child Labor, Human Trafficking Cited In U.S. Report On Afghanistan

The annual human rights report issued today by the U.S. State Department 
says Afghanistan's human rights record remained poor during 2005 due to 
weak central government institutions and an intensified insurgency.


Congress of Arab parties voices support for Iran's nuclear right

Secretary-General of the Congress of Arab Parties Abdul Aziz al-Seyyed told 
reporters at a press conference held at the end of the three-day session 
that Iran was being targeted by big powers because it was a regional power 
with policies that did not please these powers.


Iran ready for uranium enrichment in Turkey

Iran is prepared to agree to the enrichment of uranium for its civilian 
nuclear program and subsequent recycling of spent nuclear fuel in Turkish 
territory, Russia's Itar-Tass news agency reported Thursday.


China rejects US rights 'hypocrisy'

"As in previous years, the state department pointed the finger at human 
rights situations in more than 190 countries and regions, including China, 
but kept silent on the serious violations of human rights in the United 
States," the Chinese report said.


For Immediate Release: March 8, 2006


Today, the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a 
report on ongoing activities relating to potential civil liberties and 
civil rights abuses by the Bush Administration. The report was issued 
pursuant to section 1001 of the PATRIOT Act, a provision included in the 
original act at the insistence of Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Ranking 
Member of the House Judiciary Committee. Conyers issued the following 

"This report is yet another vindication for those of us who have raised 
concerns about the Administration's policies in the war on terror. Despite 
the Bush Administration's attempt to demonize critics of its anti-terrorism 
policies as advancing phantom or trivial concerns, the report demonstrates 
that the independent Office of Inspector General has found that many of 
these policies indeed warrant full investigations.


FBI admits many spying violations

The FBI reported more than 100 apparent violations to an intelligence 
oversight board over the past two years, including cases in which agents 
tapped the wrong telephone, intercepted the wrong e-mails or continued to 
listen to conversations after a warrant had expired, according to a report 
issued Wednesday.


Gallup: More Than Half of Americans Reject Evolution, Back Bible

A Gallup report released today reveals that more than half of all 
Americans, rejecting evolution theory and scientific evidence, agree with 
the statement, "God created man exactly how Bible describes it."


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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