In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Satan is Resting Easy: The Power of Christ "Propels" Them

Remember, Big Brother is watching, listening and reading. In light of the 
illegal surveillance they are conducting at the behest of their 
incompetent, rogue, and murderous Commander-in-Chief, I am dedicating this 
essay to the NSA.


Bigotry toward Muslims and Anti-Arab Racism Grow in US; Dubai and the Quran

The constant drumbeat of hatred toward Muslims and Arabs on the American 
Right, on television and radio and in the press, has gradually had its 
effect. This according to a Washington Post poll. Even in the year after 
September 11, a majority of Americans respected Islam and Muslims, but 
powerful forces in US society are determined to change that, and are 
gradually succeeding. As they win, Bin Laden also wins, since his whole 
enterprise was to "sharpen the contradictions" and provoke a clash of 

Some 25% of Americans now say they personally are prejudiced against 
Muslims. And 33% think that Islam as a religion helps incite violence 
against non-Muslims, up from 14% after September 11.


New world relationships

THE prospect that Europe and Asia might move toward greater independence 
has troubled US planners since World War II. The concerns have only risen 
as the ‘tripolar order’ — Europe, North America and Asia — has continued to 
evolve. Every day, Latin America, too, is becoming more independent. Now 
Asia and the Americas are strengthening their ties while the reigning 
superpower, the odd man out, consumes itself in misadventures in the Middle 


US found guilty of violating Shoshone human rights

Western Shoshone were victorious Friday at UN, as the US was found in 
violation of human rights of Native Americans and urged to take immediate 


How Britain Secretly Helped Israel Build Its Nuclear Arsenal

An Interview With Former Labour MP Tony Benn

A conversation with Tony Benn, one of Britain’s most distinguished 
politicians and the longest serving MP in the history of the Labour party. 
Benn discusses the new revelations the British government helped Israel 
build the atom bomb. Benn also speaks about U.S. and U.K. relations, 
extraordinary rendition, Guantanamo Bay, torture, religion, and the state 
of the media. Video and transcript


Britain secretly gave Israel plutonium for atom bombs

Britain secretly supplied Israel with plutonium during Harold Wilson's 
government, despite a warning from British intelligence that the material 
could help Israel get the atom bomb.


9/11: Moussaoui was a flight school washout

Zacarias Moussaoui couldn't keep a plane level, make turns or keep it on 
course up to FAA standards, his instructor at an Oklahoma flight school 
testified Thursday.


9/11: No Evidence al-Qaida Planned Madrid Attacks

A two-year probe into the Madrid train bombings concludes the Islamic 
terrorists who carried out the blasts were homegrown radicals acting on 
their own rather than at the behest of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network, 
two senior intelligence officials said.


9/11: The Gitmo Documents

Four Characters in Search of a Prosecutor: Miller, Boykin, Cambone and Feith


9/11: Why Data Mining Won't Stop Terror

Many believe data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover 
future terrorist plots. But even in the most wildly optimistic projections, 
data mining isn't tenable for that purpose. We're not trading privacy for 
security; we're giving up privacy and getting no security in return.,70357-0.html?tw=wn_politics_1


9/11: Wired News

In the post-9/11 world, there's much focus on connecting the dots. Many 
believe data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover 
future terrorist plots. But even in the most wildly optimistic projections, 
data mining isn't tenable for that purpose. We're not trading privacy for 
security; we're giving up privacy and getting no security in return.,70357-0.html?tw=wn_politics_1


9/11: Back home, but still imprisoned: The shadow of Guantanamo

After 29 months at Guantanamo Bay, caged, chained to floors and bound 
tightly in the crouching "interrogation stress" position, the three men who 
were freed to return to their homes in Tipton, West Midlands, two years 
ago, ought to have found it a paradise. But the faces of Asif Iqbal, Ruhel 
Ahmed, and Shafiq Rasul tell a different story as they gather in Ahmed's 
cramped flat for their first interview since their release.


Externalizing the Cost of War

We should wage war with the plutocrats that have hijacked our country. If 
the rulers want war, let them have it; but let them be the ones to do the 
fighting and the dying. War making is easy for those who are insulated from 
its consequences. We must make war as costly for our leaders as it is for 
us. To internalize the cost of war upon those who wage it is to end war.


Iraq civilian death toll 'highest since end of war'

THE civilian death toll in Iraq was higher in the last year than at any 
point since the end of the war, according to figures released today. A 
study by the Iraq Body Count (IBC) project suggests that 12,617 people have 
been killed over the past year.


Abu Ghraib, Symbol of America's Shame, to Close Within Three Months

4,500 inmates to be moved to other jails. Buildings will be handed over to 
Iraqi government.

Abu Ghraib, the prison which will be forever linked with images of Iraqi 
detainees stripped naked and humiliated by their American jailors, is to be 
closed, US military officials said yesterday. The sprawling, low-slung 
prison in the western suburbs of Baghdad, a torture chamber under Saddam 
Hussein that gained even more notoriety with the photographs of abuse 
committed by US troops, is likely to close within three months.


Suicide bombing rocks Falluja

A suicide bomber has killed at least 11 people, including a US marine and 
five Iraqi police, in a truck bomb attack on a military checkpoint in the 
western town of Falluja, medics say.


Two US soldiers killed in Iraq

US soldier, marine killed and four wounded in insurgent attacks near Tall 
Afar and Al-Anbar province.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 9 March 2006
    * US offers $50,000 reward for help in capturing Resistance commander 
in al-Qa’im.
    * US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in southwest 
Baghdad’s ar-Ridwaniyah district.
    * Resistance bomb blasts joint patrol Wednesday evening, killing US 
soldier in al-Ma‘alif area of south Baghdad.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in as-Sadah, near 
Ba‘qubah Wednesday night.
    * Pro-American racist Kurdish newspaper reprints Danish anti-Islamic 
cartoons to foster American drive to partition Iraq.
    * Resistance fighters kill two Iraqi collaborators working in “Green 
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in al-‘Amiriyah, Resistance bomb 
blasts US Humvee in ar-Ridwaniyah south of Baghdad
    * Puppet “Shock Troops” arrest Sunni religious scholar in at-Taji 
Wednesday night
    * Resistance bomb kills puppet policeman who tried to disarm it
    * Al-Mada’in, Resistance ambush leaves eight puppet “National Guards” 
dead Wednesday night
    * Resistance bomb kills four Iraqi puppet army troops in at-Tarimiyah
    * Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in al-Hawijah, 
southwest of Kirkuk
    * Resistance bombs target puppet police in Kirkuk Thursday morning
    * Resistance bomb destroys US armored vehicle in eastern Mosul


Six killed, 3 kids, amid widescale Israeli crimes this week (PCHR)

Israeli violations of international law continued in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territory (OPT) during the reporting period (2-8 March 2006)

Killing: During the reported period, IOF killed 6 Palestinians, including 5 
in the Gaza Strip.  On Friday morning, 3 March 2006, IOF wilfully killed a 
Palestinian child in 'Ein Beit al-Maa' refugee camp, west of Nablus. On 
Monday evening, 6 March 2006, IOF carried out another extra-judicial 
execution in Gaza City, leaving 5 Palestinians (2 members of the al-Quds 
Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, and 3 children) dead.  In 
addition, 12 civilian bystanders, including 6 children,
were injured.


Hamas attacks Israel border plan

A senior Hamas leader has described as a declaration of war an Israeli plan 
to set new borders unilaterally by annexing Palestinian land.


West Bank settlements: Wrong from the start

With Israel's national election approaching, each day's news emphasizes a 
clear political shift: The settlement enterprise has lost the support of 
Israel's mainstream voters.


The 48 Hour Media-blitz for War with Iran

Beyond the political speechmaking are literally hundreds of articles, full 
of the same predictable fictions and demagoguery which have 
mischaracterized Iran’s nuclear program from the get-go; fueling the 
hysteria for another preemptive war. Did Iran become nuclear superpower 


The Coming Resource Wars

It's official the era of resource wars is upon us. In a major London 
address, British Defense Secretary John Reid warned that global climate 
change and dwindling natural resources are combining to increase the 
likelihood of violent conflict over land, water and energy.


Watch What You Say

How the telephone company listens in on your calls and what they tell the 


Pentagon admits "errors" in spying on protesters

The Department of Defense admitted in a letter obtained by NBC News on 
Thursday that it had wrongly added peaceful demonstrators to a database of 
possible domestic terrorist threats.

funds to deal with these folks on a long-term, chronic basis," said David 
Gorman of the advocacy group Disabled American Veterans.


Bush's Approval Rating Falls to New Low

More and more people, particularly Republicans, disapprove of President 
Bush's performance, question his character and no longer consider him a 
strong leader against terrorism, according to an AP-Ipsos poll documenting 
one of the bleakest points of his presidency.;_ylt=AjrP90NqfHEL13CAxogSVEMGw_IE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-


$25,000 to Lobby Group Is Tied to Access to Bush

The chief of an Indian tribe represented by the lobbyist Jack Abramoff was 
admitted to a meeting with President Bush in 2001 days after the tribe paid 
a prominent conservative lobbying group $25,000 at Mr. Abramoff's 
direction, according to documents and interviews.


Americans take their ringside seats for the great conservative crack-up

Republicans are falling out among themselves like the starving Israelites 
in the desert.,,19269-2078588,00.html


Berlusconi faces corruption charge

Prosecutors in Milan say they have requested that Italian Prime minister 
Silvio Berlusconi be indicted on charges of corruption.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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