In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Setup To Destroy America

In the movie, Americans are portrayed as heartless killers, reminding me of 
the way Germans were portrayed as the evil perpetrators of World War II. 
And I sensed at that moment that very soon, if not already, Americans are 
going to be the targets of a worldwide backlash that will be far worse than 
anything the Germans ever experienced.
And rightly so, because what Americans have done to Iraq, Afghanistan and 
so many other countries is far worse than anything the Germans ever did to 


Justice O'Connor Warns Of Dictatorship Decries Republican Attacks on 
Freedoms of All Americans

She told an audience at Georgetown University that Republican proposals, 
pose a danger to the independence of the judiciary, and the freedoms of all 
Americans. Continued


A Lawless and Incompetent Leadership

Bush at the Tipping Point

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, two top outlaws smashing our country's rule 
of law and democratic liberties, are testing the American people's 
resistance. Every day they are testing. Every day they think by flaunting 
the words, "war on terror", they can get Americans to concede more and more 
of what makes the United States a constitutionally-abiding government under 
the rule of law. Continued


In case you missed it: American Bar Association-accuses President Bush, of 
violating both the Constitution and federal law

RESOLVED, that the American Bar Association calls upon the President to 
abide by the limitations which the Constitution imposes on a president 
under our system of checks and balances and respect the essential roles of 
the Congress and the judicial branch in ensuring that our national security 
is protected in a manner consistent with constitutional guarantees


U.N. Report Card Shows: U.S. Can't Buy Loyalty

NewsMax examined 12 key General Assembly votes taken on issues of critical 
importance to the U.S., and found that only four countries -- Israel and 
the Pacific Ocean nations of Palau, Micronesia and Marshall Islands -- 
sided with the U.S. on most of the issues.


Robert Fisk: The erosion of free speech

"the degree of abuse and outright threats now being directed at anyone ... 
who dares to criticise Israel ... is fast reaching McCarthyite proportions. 
The attempt to force the media to obey Israel's rules is ... 
international". And growing.


9/11: Part I - Who really killed American hostage Tom Fox?

Why Do Israelis Keep Posing as Arab Terrorists? Myths & Assumptions about 
Arab Fighters. Al-Qaeda is a Zionist myth created using Arab refugees in 

The Arab refugees in Afghanistan who ended up in Guantanamo have nothing to 
do with terrorism. The Zionist mob plans and executes most terrorism. They 
create Arab patsies out of thin air.

Indicted criminal Abramoff hosted Israelis who made believe that Arab 
terrorists were in America just before 9/11. The problem is that no bodies 
of Arabs were found at any of the four 9/11 airplane crash sites.

The Mossad was not watching Arab suspects before 9/11. The Mossad was the 
Arab suspects. Sometimes the Mossad does it even better. They arrange it so 
that Arab clerics cooperate with the Mossad by threatening to launch 
"suicide bombings" or by "claiming responsibility" for Mossad-staged bombings.

Part II :

Part III :


9/11: Torture exposed: Doctors attack US over Guantanamo Force Feeding

More than 250 medical experts have signed a letter condemning the US for 
force-feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, : The letter, 
in the medical journal The Lancet, said doctors who used restraints and 
force-feeding should be punished by their professional bodies.


9/11: Full Text the Lancet Letter

Forcefeeding and restraint of Guantanamo Bay hunger strikers


AP: Terror confession mirrors 'Ninja Turtles'

Calif. Terror Trial Paints Murky Picture. At Midpoint, Terror Trial Against 
Two Men From California Town Reveals Murky Picture

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The government painted an ominous portrait of Hamid 
Hayat and his father after arresting them nearly 10 months ago and charging 
them with lying about whether Hamid attended a terrorists' training camp in 

The accusations depicted Hamid Hayat as so mesmerized by terrorist ideology 
that he sought to carry out a holy war against hospitals and even grocery 

But four weeks into their trial, the picture is far murkier.


Why Did Bush Destroy Iraq?

March 20 is the third anniversary of the Bush regime's invasion of Iraq. US 
military casualties to date are approximately 20,000 killed, wounded, 
maimed, and disabled. Iraqi civilian casualties number in the tens of 
thousands. Iraq's infrastructure is in ruins. Tens of thousands of homes 
have been destroyed. Fallujah, a city of 300,000 people had 36,000 of its 
50,000 homes destroyed by the US military.


New crime to report Bush committing a crime

New crime to report Bush violating FISA. Days of DeWine and Ruses? 
Reporters May Be Exempt from Eavesdropping Bill

WASHINGTON Reporters who write about government surveillance could be 
prosecuted under proposed legislation that would solidify the 
administration's eavesdropping authority, according to some legal analysts 
who are concerned about dramatic changes in U.S. law.


There Are Criminals, and Then There Are CRIMINALS

As I lie here in bed recuperating from the injuries that I received from a 
federal agent and the NYPD in front of the US Mission to the UN the other 
day, I have had time to reflect on the experience, the state of our union 
and its descent into a fascist state. Continued


Nuns Witness US Crimes Against Iraqis & Palestinians

Posted Mar 11, 2006 06:27 AM PST - Category: CURRENT EVENTS


Iraq War: Profits Turn to ‘Prophets’

Blair has now come out of the closet and claimed that God inspired him to 
go to war

The unprovoked aggression against Iraq, the consequential murder of 
thousands of innocent civilians and destruction of the entire country was 
sanctioned by the divine – and this is supposed to be an example of God’s 
guidance for the rest of humanity.


Neocon Advocates Civil War in Iraq as "Strategic" Policy

One of the abiding myths about the War on Iraq is that the neocons were too 
stupid to realize that they would confront an unrelenting, indigenous 
resistance to their occupation of Iraq. Unwittingly, the story line goes, 
they led the U.S. into a conflict which has now produced a civil war. But 
this simply does not fit the facts.


Stop your meddling, Iraqi minister tells US

In a remarkable broadside against the US, Mr Enzy charged that it was 
deliberately slowing Iraq's redevelopment because of a self-serving agenda 
that included oil and the "war on terror".


Iraqi Shi'ite cleric calls U.S., Britain and Israel a 'Triad of Evil'

Speaking on state-run Iraqiya television, the anti-American al-Sadr also 
said last month's attack on a Shi'ite shrine in the central city of Samarra 
was carried "in collusion with the occupiers and the Zionist Entity of 
Israel," meaning for the U.S. and Israel.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 10 March 2006
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in central 
ar-Ramadi Friday afternoon.
    * US soldier reported killed by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in 
‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah.
    * At least seven US troops reported killed in Resistance car bomb 
attack on US command point in eastern al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance blasts home occupied by US-installed puppet “Iraqi 
President” with mortar shells Friday evening.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills two US troops in Baghdad’s Zuyunah 
    * Fierce fighting rages in al-Mushahadah Friday evening.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US military column in al-Jawlan neighborhood 
of northwest al-Fallujah
    * Bodies of five Sunni youths tortured and shot to death found 
Baghdad’s ash-Shu ‘lah district
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet army column in ar-Ridwaniyah
    * Resistance kills three puppet “Shock Troops” in ambush in Baghdad’s 
al-Khadra’ area
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet “Shock Troop” soldier in 
Samarra’ Thursday evening
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet troops on road to al-Khalis
    * Al-Latifiyah, Resistance bombards puppet army headquarters
    * Resistance bomb blasts US vehicle in southeastern Mosul


Britain's dirty secret

Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s, 
supplying tons of vital chemicals including plutonium and uranium.


How Britain Secretly Helped Israel Build Its Nuclear Arsenal

We have an extended conversation with Tony Benn, one of Britain’s most 
distinguished politicians and the longest serving MP in the history of the 
Labour party. Benn discusses the new revelations the British government 
helped Israel build the atom bomb.


Why Do Israelis Keep Posing as Arab Terrorists?

"By way of deception, thou shalt do war." -- Motto of the Mossad


Three Jewish Terroists Arrested In Alabama Church Fires


Documents reveal Labor-Likud plans for West Bank

Highly confidential documents from the Ministry of Justice dating from the 
early 1990s, copies of which were sent to the ministers of defense, justice 
and housing as well as the attorney general, confirm the existence of a 
vast network of ties between Likud and Labor governments, and land dealers 
and settlers' associations, for the purpose of acquiring land in the West 

"... for the purpose of acquiring land in the West Bank."
"... for the purpose of acquiring land in the West Bank."
"... for the purpose of acquiring land in the West Bank."
"... for the purpose of acquiring land in the West Bank."


Closure Imposed on PA Residents

During the closure, PA residents will be prohibited from entering into 
pre-1967 Green Line Israel.


Israelis were warned on illegality of settlements in 1967 memo

Israeli ministers were secretly warned just after the Six-Day War in 1967 
that any policy of building settlements across occupied Palestinian 
territories violated international law.


Israel slaps the U.S. - and slaps again

Israel has in recent days delivered not one but two slaps to its closest ally.


Sane Britain disappears

With liberal apologists all but in line, the ground is being prepared in 
Britain for the clash of civilisations US neo-cons have been dreaming of.


Sick joke? U.S. State Dept. Names Iran Among Worst Violators

Releasing the latest edition of its annual human rights "Country Reports", 
the U.S. State Department Wednesday named Iran and China as among the 
world's "most systematic human rights violators" in 2005, along with North 
Korea, Burma, Zimbabwe, Cuba and Belarus.


Former Top Bush Aide Accused of Md. Thefts

Claude A. Allen, who resigned last month as President Bush's top domestic 
policy adviser, was arrested this week in Montgomery County for allegedly 
swindling Target and Hecht's stores out of more than $5,000 in a refund 
scheme, police said.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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