In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

How Islamic inventors changed the world

 From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal, the Muslim world has 
given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life. As a new 
exhibition opens, Paul Vallely nominates 20 of the most influential- and 
identifies the men of genius behind them


Srebrenica Survivors Saddened by Milosevic's Death

SARAJEVO, March 12, 2006 ( & News Agencies) ­ The mothers 
and widows of Muslims massacred at the orders of former Yugoslav President 
Slobodan Milosevic wished he had lived long enough to face court punishment 
for his crimes.

"It's a pity we will not see him facing justice, that we will not hear the 
verdict," Hajra Catic, the head of the Tuzla-based association of 
Srebrenica mothers, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Sunday, March 12.

"However, it seems that God (has) punished him already," she said. 
Milosevic was found dead on Saturday, March 11, in his cell in the UN war 
crimes tribunal in The Hague.



9/11: Doctors attack US over Guantanamo

Doctors World-Wide Condemn U.S. Over Guantanamo

More than 250 doctors around the world have joined a harshly worded 
criticism of the U.S. over the force-feeding of Guantanamo prisoners. Their 
letter has been published in the medical journal, The Lancet.


The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. 
His quick reply was: "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will 
generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)"


On March 18, Stop the “war on terrorism” by exposing the 911 Inside Job.Author

  Do we really want to stop the slaughter that is taking place in Iraq? Do 
we really want to stop future wars in Syria, Iran and wherever else the 
globalists have set their sights to? Then we must expose the real 
perpetrators of 911 – elements within our own government who needed to 
fabricate a war for their global agenda.


Of Lies and Men

Bush made and had his administration make many specific and alarming claims 
which were not true and clearly intended to push us into war. Bush and his 
people were grossly negligent to the point of depraved disregard for the 
loss of life resulting from the war he (mis)led us into. Bush, Cheney et al 
knew or should have known - and often were on actual notice - that at least 
some of the key claims about Iraq were either false or not clearly 
supported by evidence.


The twisted religion of Blair and Bush

Secular Britain was shocked last weekend when Prime Minister Tony Blair 
said that God would be his judge over the war in Iraq. Similarly, President 
George W. Bush has often used God to justify the war on terror as a 
religiously blessed and righteous campaign against "evil doers." 
Predictably, those who oppose the war view themselves as secular 
progressives untainted by religious fundamentalism and the madness it produces.


A Four-Letter Word

IN ENGLISH, a "four-letter word" is a rude expletive. It is a vulgar 
description of a sexual act or organ, and an educated person will not use it.

Now it appears that in the Hebrew language, too, there is a four-letter 
word, which a decent person will not use, especially not in an election 
campaign. A (politically) correct person will avoid it at all costs.

That word is Peace (which in Hebrew consists of four letters).


Bush Jokes are No longer Funny

There was time when Bush jokes and cartoons were funny. I still maintain a 
large collection of them myself. But it’s difficult to look at them now or 
those in the papers. It would be like a decent German citizen looking at 
Hitler cartoons in the Berlin newspapers in 1945, if such were allowed, as 
Germany was turned into rubble day by day. Bush humor—if there ever was any 
-- is long gone. It represents a dilemma of sorts for political 
cartoonists. What more can they do? George Bush is a totally failed 
president - without doubt the worst president in American history, and he 
is doing his best—albeit probably unconsciously – to bring the country 
slowly, but inexorably, to ruin. The Republican Congress is totally 
spineless, trying nothing more to cling to some concept they call “power,” 
although they too realize at bottom that “Bush is the worst.” How does one 
poke fun at all this dreadfulness? Humor, which always clings precariously 
to truth, has lost its edge, overpowered by gruesome reality.


Justice O'Connor Warns Of Dictatorship

She told an audience at Georgetown University that Republican proposals, 
pose a danger to the independence of the judiciary, and the freedoms of all 


Feingold Will Introduce Resolution To Censure President Bush

  "What the President did by consciously and intentionally violating the 
constitutional laws of this country with this illegal wiretapping has to be 
answered." Video & Transcript


Resolution - Relating To The Censure Of President Bush

Whereas George W. Bush repeatedly misled the public..... Pdf format


San Francisco City Council Joins Impeachment Movement


Think Beyond Impeachment, Says Former U.N. Weapons Inspector

Ritter explained that more people should be held accountable for supporting 
the current war in Iraq than the Bush Administration, including members of 
the Clinton administration, congressmen, senators, the U.S. media, and the 
American people.


In case you missed it?: How the Central Intelligence Agency Played Dirty 
Tricks With Our Culture

The C.I.A., it seems, was worried that the public might be too influenced 
by Orwell's pox-on-both-their-houses critique of the capitalist humans and 
Communist pigs. So after his death in 1950, agents were dispatched (by none 
other than E. Howard Hunt, later of Watergate fame) to buy the film rights 
to "Animal Farm" from his widow to make its message more overtly 


Free Speech? Not When It Comes to State of Israel

I better remember what I wrote in my newspaper just over six years ago, 
that “the degree of abuse and outright threats now being directed at anyone 
... who dares to criticize Israel ... is fast reaching McCarthyite 
proportions. The attempt to force the media to obey Israel’s rules is ... 
international”. And growing, I should now add.


Iraq: The reckoning

President George Bush is about to embark on one of the toughest campaigns 
of his second term. Tomorrow, with the third anniversary of the start of 
the war in Iraq looming, he will make the first of a series of speeches to 
convince the American public, a sceptical world - and perhaps even himself 
- that things are going the right way in Iraq.


In case you missed it: President Bush's "Bring Them On" Picture Album


The former U.N. inspector behind the “Saddam Tapes” says God revealed WMD 
sites to him.

William Tierney, the former United Nations weapons inspector who unveiled 
the so-called "Saddam Tapes" at a conference in Arlington, Virginia, 
Saturday, told National Review Online that God directed him to weapons 
sites in Iraq and that his belief in the importance of one particular site 
was strengthened when a friend told him that she had a vision of the site 
in a dream.

No WMDs, however.


Iraq three years on: We want your views and pictures


Robert Fisk report Video  A must seen Video


UK soldier quits Army in disgust at 'illegal' American tactics in Iraq

He said he had witnessed "dozens of illegal acts" by US troops, claiming 
they viewed all Iraqis as "untermenschen" - the Nazi term for races 
regarded as sub-human.


Soldier Quits Over 'Illegal' Tactics in Iraq

A British SAS soldier has refused to fight in Iraq and has left the Army 
over the "illegal" tactics of United States troops and the policies of 
coalition forces.

see also:
Rebecca MacNeice: Cindy Sheehan's Arrest at UN

On Monday, March 6th, Cindy Sheehan and three others were arrested while 
attempting to deliver a petition to the US Mission at the UN.  t r u t h o 
u t's  Rebecca MacNeice was on the ground and filmed the arrests.


A secret history of the Iraq war, reliant on U.S. military documents

-- The Iraqi dictator was so secretive and kept information so 
compartmentalized that his top military leaders were stunned when he told 
them three months before the war that he had no weapons of mass 
destruction, and they were demoralized because they had counted on hidden 
stocks of poison gas or germ weapons for the nation's defense.


Kill them all: Haig says U.S. repeating Vietnam mistake

Former Nixon adviser Alexander Haig said military leaders in Iraq are 
repeating a mistake made in Vietnam by not applying the full force of the 
military to win the war.


US Army in jeopardy in Iraq

IN 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia and, after success at the battle 
of Borodino, marched on and occupied Moscow. Napoleon and his generals took 
over the palaces of the court princes and great houses of the mighty boyars.


Resistance attack , Scary US soldiers video


Bush: Homemade Bombs Biggest Threat to Gis;_ylt=AkFDvwCsleL8F4Me15rJtOKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--


Israelis were warned on illegality of settlements in 1967 memo

Israeli ministers were secretly warned just after the Six-Day War in 1967 
that any policy of building settlements across occupied Palestinian 
territories violated international law.

A "top secret" memo by the Foreign Ministry's then legal counsel said that 
would "contravene the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention". 
Growth of Jewish settlements over the next three decades followed.


Recognising Israel 'is up to the people'

Hamas's draft government programme has left the question of recognising 
Israel to the Palestinian people - leaving the door open for a possible 


A point of pride for some? 'I’ve killed more Arabs than anyone'

Ami Ayalon, who is running on Labor ticket in upcoming elections, tells 
Sunday Times ‘I killed many Arabs, probably more than Hamas fighters killed 
Jews, and more than anybody else,2506,L-3226669,00.html


The European Union Dilemma: Israel, Palestine and the Geneva Initiative

Is the European Union being an honest broker for peace in Israel and Palestine?

 From November 2004 until March 2006, Israelis and Palestinans will have 
seen the following happen in only seventeen months: the death of Yasser 
Arafat, the election of Mahmoud Abbas as President of the Palestinian 
Authority, the first withdrawal from Gaza and four West Bank settlements 
since 1967, a centrist breakaway from the ruling Likud Party in Israel and 
a new leader of Kadima and the Labor Party, a debilitating stroke which has 
incapacitated former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the election of 
Hamas in Palestinian legislative elections and the upcoming Israeli 
elections in March.


A poignant atlas of Palestinian dispossession and exile

Those in Israel, the United States and elsewhere who are puzzled about how 
to respond to Hamas' victory in the Palestinian elections should not get 
hopelessly bogged down in the tensions and mutual killing of recent years. 
Instead they should keep in mind the larger picture of Palestinian identity 
and the decades-old struggle for national rights.



Halifax, March 12, 2006: In 1947, the UN Special Committee on Palestine 
(UNSCOP) drew up its racist anti-Arab scheme to partition Palestine. This 
enabled the rising imperial power of the U.S. to prop up the decaying 
colonial power of France and Great Britain by inserting a so-called “Jewish 
state”. That prevented the Palestinian population residing there for 
millennia from exercising their right of self-determination outside the 
dictate of colonial or imperial power. Thus was the next act of a great 
20th century tragedy triggered. Featuring massacres, forced-marches and 
expulsions of more than threee-quarters of a million members of this native 
population from their land and homes by Zionist militias, it culminated, in 
darkest night, moments before the end of British occupation, in the 
declaration of the so-called “State of Israel”.


4 killed as Ex-Afghan president survives suicide attack

A FORMER Afghan president who heads a government commission seeking to 
encourage Taliban defections has survived a suicide car bomb attack today 
that killed two bombers and two civilians, officials said.,10117,18438003-38197,00.html


Bomb kills 4 US soldiers in Afghanistan

Four U.S. soldiers were killed on Sunday after a blast ripped through their 
armoured vehicle in Afghanistan, the U.S. military said.


The US's nuclear cave-in

Buffeted by political turmoil at home, US President George W Bush sought a 
foreign-affairs victory in India. To clinch a nuclear-weapons deal, Bush 
had to give in to demands from the Indian nuclear lobby to exempt large 
portions of the country's nuclear infrastructure from international inspection.


The U.S. has run amok; former CIA analyst

Corruption has run amok in intelligence circles and the president should be 
impeached, a former CIA analyst says.


Big Brother Is Listening

The NSA has the ability to eavesdrop on your communications, landlines, 
cell phones, e-mails, BlackBerry messages, Internet searches, and more?with 
ease. What happens when the technology of espionage outstrips the law?s 
ability to protect ordinary citizens from it?


Internet blows CIA cover

When the Tribune searched a commercial online data service, the result was 
a virtual directory of more than 2,600 CIA employees, 50 internal agency 
telephone numbers and the locations of some two dozen secret CIA facilities 
around the United States.


-muslim voice-

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