In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pat Robertson says he considers radical Muslims 'satanic'

NORFOLK Va.-- Television evangelist Pat Robertson said Monday on his live 
news-and-talk program "The 700 Club" that Islam is not a religion of peace, 
and that radical Muslims are "satanic."


Washington Pulse -- White House 'Hate Speech' Takes on Life of Its Own

Editor's Note: Hate speech from the White House's war on terror has 
introduced a whole new vocabulary into public discourse. The results are 
showing up not just in furor over the Dubai port deal, but in ugly 
grass-roots campaigns and polls tracking anti-Arab, anti-Muslim sentiment. 
A senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, Mark Lloyd teaches 
public policy at Georgetown University and is an award-winning broadcast 
journalist. He writes a monthly column for New America Media called 
"Washington Pulse."


The Dubai Ports World Controversy: Jingoism or Legitimate Concerns?

Congressional Democrats, who proved themselves to be so timid in 
challenging the Bush administration in its invasion and occupation of Iraq, 
the initial passage of the Patriot Act, the bombing of Afghanistan, the 
detention without due process and torture of thousands of detainees 
worldwide, and other horrendous policies finally found the courage to 
challenge the Bush administration on a post-9/11 security issue and won. 
Unfortunately, they chose an issue of little real importance and decided to 
appeal to popular racist and jingoistic sentiments by raising exaggerated 
fears over the implications of a routine transfer of ownership of a company 
which operates facilities at some terminals in six U.S. ports.



For immediate release

(Ottawa, Canada - 03/14/06) - The Canadian Council on 
American-Islamic  Relations (CAIR-CAN) today called on the Toronto police 
and the administrations of two Toronto universities to take strong action 
against a rise in hateful incidents against Muslim students.


30 Days as a Muslim in America - Video

A white, Christian, American who goes to 'live as a Muslim' for 30 days.


"To return territory and kill Arabs"

"To return territory and kill Arabs" is a favorite expression of the "ranch 
forum" of Ariel Sharon's advisers. In 2000, when adman-strategist Reuven 
Adler and company reshaped and polished Sharon's image, a rule was made: 
The public likes leaders who show diplomatic moderation and military 
toughness, who return land and kill Arabs. Sharon followed the rule during 
his five-year reign, and his heir-apparent, Acting Prime Minister Ehud 
Olmert will do the same.


9/11: Being Tortured and Witnessing the Killing of Two Fellow Detainees 
(with video)

U.S. Exclusive: Moazzam Begg Describes Abuse at Bagram and Guantanamo and 
Witnessing the Killing of Two Fellow Detainees

In a Democracy Now! U.S. national broadcast exclusive, we hear former 
Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg in his own words. He was imprisoned for 
three years without charge by the United States at Bagram airbase in 
Afghanistan and Guanatanmo Bay in Cuba. We broadcast his first comments in 
this country since the publication of his book in Britain, "Enemy 
Combatant: A British Muslim's Journey to Guantanamo and Back." [includes 
rush transcript]


US Abuses, Sense of Irony Missing in Rights Report

Noah S. Leavitt, an attorney who has worked with the International Law 
Commission of the United Nations in Geneva and the International Court of 
Justice in The Hague, told IPS: "The sad reality is that because of the 
[George W.] Bush administration's haughty unilateralism and its mockery of 
international prohibitions on torture, most of the rest of the world no 
longer takes the U.S. seriously on human rights matters."



The Chinese responded, "As in previous years, the State Department pointed 
the finger at human rights situations in more than 190 countries and 
regions, including China, but kept silent on the serious violations of 
human rights in the United States."

Hugo Chavez' response was accurate, but much shorter than that of the 
Chinese. He called the U.S. report nothing more than "toilet paper."


When Propaganda Controls America's Thinking

The voices coming from the TV screen, usually dripping with hysteria, would 
screech: "An Arab company is going to take over the port!" This was the 
lead-in to the 5 PM, 6 PM and 11 PM news on all four local TV channels for 
nearly three weeks of saturated hype. The truth is that none of the ports 
were being turned over to an Arab country, and security would continue to 
be handled by the Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and a wide array of local 
port-related cops at all of the major U.S. seaports.


The Parasites of God

Have we become so indoctrinated by the language of empire that we can no 
longer see the disconnect between these acts of terror and the non-violent 
teachings of Christ? Why are so many who call themselves Christians 
worshiping the parasites of god and empire, while shunning and betraying 
the genuine article?


US illegality in Iraq: Where is the limit?


Do you have a moment to help Impeach President Bush?


Open Letter to George W. Bush

It is painfully obvious, and embarrassing, that your lack of intellect has 
led the world towards peril on many levels. While it would take a lifetime 
to educate you about general issues I thought you may have time to learn at 
least one thing before your term in office is up.


Lessons of Iraq War start with U.S. history

On the third anniversary of President Bush's Iraq debacle, it's important 
to consider why the administration so easily fooled so many people into 
supporting the war.


U.S. general calls Bush a lyin' sumbitch

The top U.S. military officer said on Tuesday the United States does not 
have proof that Iran's government is responsible for Iranians smuggling
weapons and military personnel into Iraq.


When Iraq Death Squads Come Calling: a Family Story


The Sadr city massacre ... A Black Operation by the American Intelligence?

Muqtada Al-Sadr has pointed out that:
"the American forces had provided an air cover, with several drones 
circling the Sadr city, and then cutting off all wireless communication 
throughout Sadr city, just before the setting off of the six car explosions 
that resulted in the death of around 60 people and the injury of 200 others 
in Sadr city on Sunday."


Leaked Memo: Blair Told US Iraq Strategy "Unbelievable Mess"


Trapped in Iraq

The US and its allies are trapped in Iraq with little hope of a dignified 
way out


US postwar Iraq strategy a mess, Blair was told

Senior British diplomatic and military staff gave Tony Blair explicit 
warnings three years ago that the US was disastrously mishandling the 
occupation of Iraq, according to leaked memos.


'Leaked British Memo'

Memo from John Sawer, Blair's special envoy to Iraq after Saddam's overthrow


Saddam Did Not Plan Insurgency

US military study: Ousted president Saddam Hussein did not plan the 
insurgency in Iraq because he thought the United States would never invade 
the country, a US military history has concluded.


Iraqi chelidren play witth dead US bodies Video


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 13 March 2006
    * Four US soldiers, one Kuwaiti translator reported killed in 
Resistance bombing in ar-Ramadi late Monday afternoon.
    * Double bombing in ar-Ramadi leaves at least nine American troops 
reported dead.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier guarding notorious Abu 
Ghurayb prison camp.
    * Iraqi Vice President Taha Yasin Ramadan tells of three weeks of 
savage torture following his capture by the Americans in August, September 
    * US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in eastern Baghdad's 
al-Amin neighborhood.
    * Resistance ambush leaves five foreign mercenary "security 
contractors" dead near western Baghdad's al-Ghazaliyah district.
    * Four US troops reported killed in multiple bomb attack on US column 
south of Yathrib Sunday evening.
    * Resistance bomb in al-Basrah reportedly kills two British troops.


Dozens protest Gitmo North

Kingston's immigration office became the site of an angry demonstration 
Saturday when protesters gathered to publicly condemn a new local prison 
they call Guantanamo North.


Some 2,000 Palestinians banned from entering Jordan Valley

Israel is preventing some 2,000 Palestinians who have left the Jordan 
Valley from returning to the area, in an effort to keep them from demanding 
their land back.


Israelis storm Palestinian prison - Red Cross director in Gaza has been 

Israeli troops have taken control of a prison in the West Bank town of 
Jericho, destroying its walls with bulldozers and killing a guard. They are 
trying to seize militant Ahmed Saadat, blamed for the assassination of a 
minister. He refused to surrender. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has 
blamed the withdrawal of UK and US prison monitors for the raid.


Iran: Where do we go from here?

The Bush administration has run into a rock wall at the Security Council. 
Neither Russia nor China will agree to any resolution that condemns Iran 
for "noncompliance" with its treaty obligations. In fact, there is general 
agreement that Iran has not violated the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty 
(NPT) so the point is moot. This eliminates any chance that punitive action 
will be taken against Iran or that sanctions will be applied.


Arab central banks move assets out of dollar

Middle Eastern anger over the decision by the US to block a Dubai company 
from buying five of its ports hit the dollar yesterday as a number of 
central banks said they were considering switching reserves into euros.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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