In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Is Another 9/11 in the Works?

If you were President George W. Bush with all available US troops tied down 
by the Iraqi resistance, and you were unable to control Iraq or political 
developments in the country, would you also start a war with Iran? Yes, you 


  9/11: MI5, Camp Delta, and the story that shames Britain

Bisher al-Rawi and Jamil el-Banna are among eight British residents who 
remain prisoners at the U.S. Naval Air Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 
They are jailed because British officials rendered them into the hands of 
the CIA in Africa, a fact that may explain why the British government 
refuses to intercede on their behalf. Bisher and Jamil have been wrongfully 
imprisoned now for more than three years. This is the story of their 
betrayal by the British government and their appalling treatment at the 
hands of the CIA and the U.S. military.


9/11: Shocking Guantánamo Suicide Letter Just Declassified and Released by 
The U.S.

In his letter, Jumah seeks to make his “voice heard by the world from the 
depths of the detention centers” and implores the “fair people of America 
to look again at the situation and try to have a moment of truth…”


9/11: The U.S. Gulag Prison System

The shame of a nation and a crime against humanity


9/11: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, 
Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were 
committed in Iraq?


U.S. Tries to Salvage Unraveling 9/11 Trial

The entire case rested on a confession to being part of the 9/11 
conspiracy, even though Moussaoui himself was actually in jail at the time. 
Now we find out the government lawyers were badgering and coercing 
witnesses. Was the confession coerced as well?

Is yet another frame-up about to crater?,0,6687360.story?coll=la-home-nation


9/11: Moussaoui judge asked to allow FAA testimony

Prosecutors seeking the death penalty for al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias 
Moussaoui yesterday asked a judge to reconsider her ban on testimony from 
aviation security specialists coached by an outside lawyer.


On books, censorship and political pressure (Haroon Siddiqui in Toronto Star)

Just as the din of the Danish cartoon controversy ­ with its arguments over 
freedom of speech, censorship and political or consumer pressures ­ was 
dying down, several others with similar echoes have hit the headlines.


Burma's forgotten Muslims

They have been called one of the world's most persecuted people. Some argue 
that they are also one of the most forgotten.


Four statements on creation of new UN Human Rights Council

Human Rights Council only pays lip service to reform, says B'nai Brith Canada

TORONTO, March 15, 2006 ­ B'nai Brith Canada has expressed concerns over 
the decision by the UN to inaugurate a UN Human Rights Council, as just 
offering an illusion of change.

Amnesty Statement:
UN Human Rights Council: A victory for human rights protection

Human Rights Watch Statement

U.N.: New Rights Council Offers Hope for Victims

see also:
Statement of Human Rights Watch to the United Nations Human Rights Committee

Statement from Canadian Government


U.S. Votes Against U.N. Human Rights Council

The new Human Rights Council is meant to replace the 53-member Commission 
on Human Rights founded in 1946 to censure countries abusing their own 


America can't block UN's new human rights body

AGAINST strong American opposition the United Nations has overwhelmingly 
voted to establish a new body to promote human rights around the world.


Hiroshima - Where Denial Meets Reality - The Lies - The Deaths - The Future?

  Must watch flash presentation


The Two Americas

We protect our freedoms by letting them be taken away. We secure our 
country by waging war against others, and leaving our borders unguarded, 
selling our ports to foreigners. We let "free trade" be promoted for the 
richest, while letting more and more taxes and regulation, and a 
inflationary imbalance choke and kill the dreams of all Americans as we're 
priced out of competitiveness with the rest of the world. We let the 
government "promote the General Welfare"-as is it's charge in the U.S. 
Constitution-by letting it clandestinely ship in drugs with one branch, as 
proven by Terry Reed and Michael Levine(1), and then waging a "war on 
drugs" that locks otherwise peaceful citizens for possession of some pot. 
Degrading them and warping them into more criminals by a prison system 
designed to spawn more crime, more fear, more pressure for more laws and 
more government authority, more power... which they turn around and DON'T 
use when honest disasters like Hurricane Katrina hit.


Bush Puts America on Death Row

In yet another of those momentous degradations of public morality that go 
unremarked by the ever-vigilant watchdogs of the national media, Bush 
slipped a measure into the revamped "Patriot (sic) Act" he signed last week 
that will allow him to expedite the death penalty process across the land, 
the Austin American-Statesman reports.


With Friends Like These

Most Americans are critically aware of the importance of security in the 
wake of 9-11. But with best friends and partners like the United Arab 
Emirates, the Carlyle Group and Halliburton controlling the house -- we 
have little time to worry about enemies at the gate.


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2314

The War in Iraq Costs $247,894,864,925 - See the cost in your community


BREAKING NEWS: US launches 'major Iraq assault' - 50 aircraft and 1,500 
Iraqi and US troops deployed on Samarra

The US military says it has launched a major air offensive against 
insurgents near the central Iraqi city of Samarra. More than 50 aircraft 
and 1,500 Iraqi and US troops have been deployed in the operation, 
according to a military statement. The air assault is the biggest since the 
2003 invasion, the military said.


5 minute video: How Many Dead Children Will It Take To Free Iraq?

  Where is the outrage?

Warning - Video contains images depicting the reality and horror of the 
U.S. invasion of Iraq


The Abu Ghraib files

279 photographs and 19 videos from the Army's internal investigation record 
a harrowing three months of detainee abuse inside the notorious prison


Shut Down the Prisons and Shut Up the Warmongers

Guess what? Those stories were just another piece of disinformation. 
According to the US Department of Defense news service DefenseLink


Stop Bush's War

Most of the people who thought this war was a good idea also thought that 
the best way to fight it was with other people's children. That in itself 
is a form of depravity.


Rice defends Iraq, protesters cry "war criminal"

SYDNEY, March 16 (Reuters) - To Australian protesters' cries of "war 
criminal" and "murderer", U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended 
her government's role in Iraq on Thursday and said patience and sacrifice 
were needed to finish the job.

Speaking to students at the University of Sydney's Conservatorium of Music, 
Rice said she understood why people found it hard to be positive about Iraq 
when all they saw on their television screens was violence.


Why Journalists Are Being Murdered In Iraq

One of those killed was Yasser Salihee. He was shot dead as he approached a 
US checkpoint on June 24 last year. In the previous weeks, Salihee had 
documented, for the Knight-Ridder news agency, dozens of cases of men being 
dumped at morgues after having been detained by the Wolf Brigade, the most 
notorious unit among the Special Police Commandos, and under the direct 
command of a US officer.


Terrorists or Resistance Fighters: America’s Dilemma in Iraq

When your homeland is occupied by foreign troops, extraordinary courage 
seems to come naturally.


Fight the invaders, Saddam urges Iraqis from dock

"I call on the people to start resisting the invaders instead of killing 
each other," he said.,,1731949,00.html


Iraqis escape ruined country

Some Iraqis have lost hope that their country can be rebuilt


Relatives mourn near the bodies of children picture


Video of Iraqi resistance attacking US Hummer


Two US soldiers killed in western Iraq

Two US soldiers have been killed in fighting in Iraq's restive western Al 
Anbar province, US military authorities said Wednesday


Israel and US are Above Law?

Palestinian journalists and human rights activist refuted what was 
mentioned in the US annual report released on March 8, 2006. The US report 
told that Israel is not one of the countries that violate human rights laws.


'Israel subjected US detainees to traumas'

Americans have repeatedly suffered physical and psychological trauma while 
detained by Israeli security forces, a US court was told Tuesday during a 
hearing about the alleged torture of a man accused of funnelling money to 


Lawyer testifies on Israeli Prison Case interrogations

A human rights lawyer on Tuesday described an Israeli prison system that 
uses abusive interrogation techniques -- including a cell so tiny it's 
called "the cupboard" -- to elicit confessions from Palestinian detainees 
accused of taking part in terrorist activities.


Statement From National Council of Arab Americans on Jerico Prison Raid

The National Council of Arab Americans (NCA) condemns in the strongest 
possible terms the piracy capture and kidnapping of the Secretary General 
of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmed Saadat, 
along with four of his comrades and many others, on March 14, 2006.


Siege of Jericho prison: US, Britain complicit in Israeli war crime

The lawless attack launched against the Palestinian prison in Jericho 
Tuesday marks a further provocative escalation in the offensive launched by 
Israel against the Palestinian people in the wake of last January’s 
election victory for Hamas.


Hamas Demands Palestinian Human Rights Be Upheld

As Hamas struggles to form a coalition government, find its political 
footing and a new voice for the Palestinian people, I suspect their 
assessment concerning Israel and the West is correct. The game is lost with 
the West because Western powers support Israel First. And frankly, my dear, 
Israel doesn't give a damn for the lives of its Arab citizens, the 
Palestinians or their Arab neighbors.


Pro-Israel Activists Block Travel Reform

WASHINGTON -- Jewish organizations played a leading role in defeating the 
effort, launched in response to the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, to ban 
privately funded trips for members of Congress.


Canadian troops kill Afgan civilian

Canadian forces opened fire on a vehicle, apparently in the belief it was a 
suicide bomb attempt, killing a passenger, a Canadian forces spokeswoman 
said on Wednesday.


Afghan Taliban chief vows "unimaginable" violence

Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar vowed a ferocious offensive against 
U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan, saying on Thursday they would soon face 
unimaginable violence.


America's nuclear hypocrisy undermines its stance on Iran

Even as he was telling Iran not to produce nuclear weapons, President Bush 
was urging Congress to pay for a new nuclear weapon designed to destroy 
underground military facilities


Rice steps up rhetoric against ‘troubled state’ Iran

Condoleezza Rice on Thursday raised the diplomatic temperature over the 
nuclear stand-off with Iran, accusing the country of lying about its 
activities and again calling it a “central banker to terrorism”.


Bolton compares Iran threat to Sept. 11 attacks

Okay, one more time for the dullards. Even IF Iran had nuclear ... 'scuse 
me 'nookular' bombs, they would not use them against the United States. 
Certainly not in a terror attack which would give the US the perfect excuse 
to do what the US wants and Iran does NOT, which is to invade and conquer.


Christian Radio Host Fired For Criticizing Israel

20 Year Host Dale Crowley Told 'You Can't Talk About That'.
Posted Mar 16, 2006 08:22 AM PST- Category: DICTATORSHIP


-muslim voice-

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