In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Third Wave of Political Islamism

BEIRUT -- Mainstream Islamist political parties that win elections 
throughout the Middle East and Asia are often perceived in Western lands 
and Israel as a dire threat. Not all Arabs and Asians are happy with the 
victorious Islamists, either. It is important to interpret correctly why 
the Islamists are winning, and what they really represent.


Humanity Suffers the Savagery of the American Empire’s Post 9/11 Worldview

Pink Slips Abound for Prosecutors and Therapists

Karl Rove, the mastermind of Bush II’s ascension to America’s seat of 
power, is a man of great distinction. Despite his decidedly porcine 
features, Mr. Rove’s Machiavellian lust for power, narcissistic lack of 
empathy, sycophantic devotion to the Bush crime family, deceitful nature, 
and conniving mind coalesce to leave the Prince looking like a pauper.


9/11: Bush administration renews “preemptive war” strategy

The National Security Strategy document released Thursday by the White 
House reaffirms the prerogative of the United States to take “preemptive” 
actions to counter possible threats from alleged enemies.

When it was first unveiled in September 2002, the Bush administration’s 
doctrine of “preemptive war” was generally seen as an attempt to justify 
the impending invasion of Iraq­a country that posed absolutely no real or 
foreseeable, let alone imminent, threat to the United States. The doctrine 
was widely condemned outside the United States as advancing a policy for 
which there exists no foundation in international law.


9/11: Doctors attack US over Guantanamo

More than 250 medical experts have signed a letter condemning the US for 
force-feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The 
experts, from seven nations, said physicians at the prison had to respect 
inmates' right to refuse treatment. The letter, in the medical journal The 
Lancet, said doctors who used restraints and force-feeding should be 
punished by their professional bodies.


Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism


American Megalomania

Our 'national security strategy' is crazed nonsense.What the U.S. 
government is saying, here, is that it has abandoned the traditional 
behavior of ordinary nation-states throughout history. This is generally 
understood to be the preservation and protection its own national 
interests, somewhat narrowly defined as the defense of its territory and 
such ancillary overseas interests as are directly related to its continued 
survival as a nation. But the Americans have now abandoned that paradigm, 
and are seemingly intent on adopting the old Soviet model, at least the one 
that predominated in the immediate aftermath of the 1917 Bolshevik coup, in 
which the Communist International was proclaimed from the rooftops and the 
leaders of the Russian state routinely referred to their intention to 
overthrow world capitalism.


"It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

A must watch 5 minute video


The End Of Civilization

I had a mild epiphany the other day: it’s not President Bush who’s living 
in a fantasy world, it’s most of his critics who are. I’m no apologist for 
Bush – I neither like nor dislike him. He’s no more significant to me than 
a fly buzzing around outside my window. So permit me to explain my reasoning.


What Did You See at the War, Jimmy?

We demonized the Iraqi people and we were given carte blanche to shoot 
first and ask questions later. I think that the truth hurts. I think when a 
lot of Marines read this book it's going to bring to their point of view 
the violations of the Geneva Conventions. Can you win a war with continued 
violations of the Geneva Conventions and International Law?


The central battlefield in the global resource war

Once we observe the sharp black outline of America’s newest battlefield, 
the illusions of the “war on terror” are quickly dispelled. This is the 
geographic reality of the present conflict. The war on terror is merely 
public relations fluff.


Ottawa begins process to send Khadr to U.S.

To hear reasons for extradition - Eldest son faces terrorism charges

Canada's attorney general has ordered the start of an extradition hearing 
that could send Abdullah Khadr to the United States to face terrorism charges.


Canada in Afghanistan to please the Americans, says Rick Salutin

So now we have an incident a week in Afghanistan. Two weeks ago, an axe 
attack. This week, shooting the innocent passenger in a minicab. Two locals 
dead. One, 16; the other, 60. Sandwiched between, the PM's thumbs-up visit. 
We are rapidly constructing our own quagmire, built on the U.S model in 
Iraq, and miming their rhetoric: Canadians do not cut and run, said Stephen 
Harper, just as George Bush said he would not "send a signal to our enemies 
-- that . . . America will cut and run."


The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq

Almost three years to the day after the war started, a new book titled 
"Cobra II" details the inside story of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. 
The book is written by Michael Gordon, chief military correspondent for The 
New York Times, and retired Marine general Bernard Trainor. Audio and 


War Criminals - Doing the Devil's Work (censored version) - video


5 Children Shot In Head as US raid on home killed 11 family members

A senior Iraqi police officer said autopsies on the bodies, which included 
five children, showed each had been shot in the head. Community leaders 
said they were outraged at the killings and demanded an explanation from 
the U.S. military. Continued


US raid on home killed 11 family members

A senior Iraqi police officer said autopsies on the bodies, which included 
five children, showed each had been shot in the head.


The case against the Iraq war and occupation entirely vindicated. It must 
be brought to an end

Tony Blair's announcement that he will henceforward account only to God for 
the Iraq war makes perfect sense. Every secular reason he has concocted for 
the catastrophe has turned out to be the reverse of the truth: there were 
no weapons of mass destruction, we are less safe from terrorism, the Iraqi 
people themselves do not want us in their country. No more of his excuses 
for this epic man-made disaster stand an earthly chance of being believed.,,1732815,00.html


Video of Rafidan The Poletical Commitee of The Mujahideen Army  Arabic


In search of Iraqi reality ­ and an exit strategy

When I am dead and opened, you shall find 'Calais' lying in my heart. Mary 
Tudor, 1516-1558

Iraq will be George Bush's Calais. Iraq will be lying in his heart during 
his life, whether or not he wants it there. It will define his legacy after 
leaving the White House.


U.S. lets debt rise to almost $9-trillion

Increase in cap will help finance the Iraq war and Katrina relief

WASHINGTON -- It was just another day in the U.S. Congress. By a vote of 52 
to 48, the Senate voted yesterday to raise the limit on the federal debt by 
a cool $781-billion (U.S.), to a whopping total now nudging $9-trillion.


Death Squads Terrorize Baghdad

Shiite death squads are spreading fear in Baghdad's Sunni neighborhoods. 
Meanwhile, politicians and police are growing powerless as the outbreak of 
a civil war becomes ever more likely in Iraq.


US-Iraqi assault seeks out rural rebels, but finds few

While 48 people were detained and six weapons caches found, no insurgents 
have yet been encountered, US forces said.


Saddam Hussein turns the tables at US-run show trial

Hussein asked, "What about those who are dying in Baghdad? Are they not 
innocents? Are they not Iraqis? ... Just yesterday, 80 bodies of Iraqis 
were discovered in Baghdad. Aren't they innocent?"


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 16 March 2006
    * Multiple bombing in al-Fallujah leaves 16 US troops dead or wounded; 
local people rush to seize dead Americans’ weapons, equipment prompting 
massive US raids and searches.
    * US troops throw six families into the street at midnight, demolish 
their houses, and kill a woman and child in a neighboring home in ar-Ramadi.
    * Five Resistance bombs target US, Iraqi puppet forces as occupation 
forces clamp curfews, ban on motor traffic on Baghdad to mark convocation 
of US-imposed "Parliament.”
    * US-backed Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigade chief calls on Iran to join US 
for talks on drawing up the future of Iraq.
    * US launches most massive air offensive since 2003 invasion in 
preparation for assault on Samarra’. Local reports say US has cut off 
water, electricity, communications to 700,000 people of Samarra’, who have 
no option but to barricade themselves in their houses as American offensive 
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier on patrol in Ba‘qubah.
    * US troops carry out random arrests of local residents of Hit.
    * Bodies of apparent collaborators found executed south of al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah early 
Thursday morning.
    * US transports nine wrecked military vehicles to the US vehicle 
“graveyard” in Hit.
    * Iraqi Resistance forces seized 350 million Iraqi dinars from an Iraqi 
puppet army convoy in the area of at-Tarimiyah
    * Resistance bomb kills five pro-American Badr Brigade gunmen at 
southern entrance to Samarra’.
    * Tall ‘Afar, Seven puppet army troops found dead.
    * Resistance fires Katyusha rockets into US al-Ghazlani base in Mosul.


Amnesty International Calls On Israel to End Settlements and Constructing 
Apartheid Wall

" These practices are regarded as a violation of human and international 
laws and that settlements and the Wall are against international law and a 
violation for the Palestinians' basic human rights."


Gaza is still a prison

US-brokered agreements on Gaza are as worthless as every other lie the 
Palestinians have been told,


The Israel Lobby

For the past several decades, and especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, 
the centrepiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been its relationship with 
Israel. The combination of unwavering support for Israel and the related 
effort to spread 'democracy' throughout the region has inflamed Arab and 
Islamic opinion and jeopardised not only US security but that of much of 
the rest of the world. This situation has no equal in American political 
history. Why has the US been willing to set aside its own security and that 
of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of another state? 
One might assume that the bond between the two countries was based on 
shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, but neither 
explanation can account for the remarkable level of material and diplomatic 
support that the US provides.


Death in Kandahar: "I don’t have a husband…to protect  me"

Afghan family cries for fallen father

KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN-Semem Gul slaps at her face and thrashes at her 
chest. Her keening rises to a fever pitch, echoing off the crumbing mud 
walls of the courtyard, spilling into the narrow alleys of Shahidan Chawk, 
one of the city's most impoverished neighbourhoods. She is now, because of 
an unidentified Canadian soldier, a widow in Afghanistan, and there's no 
worse fate for a woman in this country.


Six Afghan police killed in landmine blast

At least half a dozen policemen were killed and as many wounded Friday when 
a roadside bomb flipped over the vehicle they were aboard, in southern 
Afghanistan. The policemen arrived in the area to retrieve bodies of four 
foreigners killed by Taliban earlier this week.


Gunmen on motorcycle kill ex-police chief in southern Afghanistan

Gunmen firing from a motorcycle killed a former police chief as violence 
surged in a southern Afghanistan Taliban stronghold, police said Friday.


Pakistan supplied American missiles to Taliban

It is claimed that the missiles - originally supplied to the Afghan 
Mujaheddin by the US during the war against the Russians - have been fitted 
with new battery packs allegedly provided by the Pakistani intelligence 
service, ISI, in the last four months.


Greg Moses: The Bush Doctrine of Nuclear Preemption

Do You Feel Safe With This Man's Finger on the Button?


Americans slightly favor plan to censure

A new poll finds that a plurality of Americans favor plans to censure 
President George W. Bush, while a surprising 42% favor moves to actually 
impeach the President.


9/11: Blair finally calls for Guantanamo to close

Now that they have new ones in Iraq, and commissioned Halliburton to build 
a detention center in the US, it sure does make good PR to ask for it to 
close, doesn't it?


Charley Reese : Check Your Beliefs

Let's play a fantasy game to check on our belief in human rights.


Cuba Demands America Return Guantanamo Bay

In 1823, John Quincy Adams, the U.S. secretary of state, articulated the 
"ripe fruit" thesis, holding that Cuba would inevitably fall into U.S. 
hands as soon as it was no longer a Spanish colony



MNN. March 16, 2006. On March 10, 2006, the United Nations Committee for 
the Elimination of Racial Discrimination found that the United States was 
denying the Western Shoshone people “their rights to own, develop, control 
and use their land and resources”. They warned the U.S. to respect their 
obligations according to the Convention”. The U. S. was urged to "freeze", 
"desist" and "stop" their actions against the Western Shoshone and abide by 
the Committee's “Early Warning and Urgent Action Procedure”.

The Western Shoshone land base covers approximately 60 million acres, 
stretching across the states of Nevada, Idaho, Utah and California. Their 
land rights were entrenched in the 1868 Treaty of Ruby Valley. The U.S. 
used a procedure similar to that of the Canadian and Ontario governments 
when they turned land belonging to the Stoney Point people at Ipperwash 
into a park. The U.S. declared the Western Shoshone lands had become 
"public" or federal lands in violation of the treaty.


Embargoes on global arms trade have been total failure, says UN

Despite the UN naming hundreds of companies - including those in Britain - 
for allegedly violating embargoes imposed on countries engaged in bloody 
conflicts and repression, the system for bringing them to book has abjectly 


Pigs at the trough: Former top U.S. general gets $200,000-a-year board gig

Recently retired Gen. Richard Myers, the former chairman of the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff who led the Pentagon into war with Iraq, hasn't stayed out 
of work long.


More pigs at the trough: The Matthews Speaking Fee Controversy

The National Venture Capital Assocation (NVCA) confirmed that Matthews 
spoke at its 2005 Annual Meeting. NVCA told Think Progress that it booked 
Matthews through the Washington Speakers Bureau and that he received a fee 
of approximately $35,000. He received speaking fees from NCVA on at least 
two other occasions.


GOP senators introduce eavesdropping bill

The ACLU said in a statement that the bill would allow "Americans' phone 
calls and e-mails to be monitored for 45 days without any court oversight 
and makes court review after that period optional" -- in violation of the 
Fourth Amendment's guarantees against unreasonable searches.


Bomb Parts Pass Checkpoints at 21 U.S. Airports

Government investigators conducting undercover tests at 21 U.S. airports 
were able to get bomb materials through screening machines at all of them


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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