In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11: Downing Street acknowledges its role in US plot of kidnapping 
civilians and sending them to torture

British airports handled 73 CIA flights

Aircraft suspected of being used by the CIA for "extraordinary rendition" - 
the practice of sending detainees to camps, including Guantánamo Bay, where 
they were at risk of being tortured - passed through British airports on 73 
occasions since 2001, the government disclosed yesterday. They included an 
aircraft which left the Afghan capital Kabul and landed in Edinburgh in 
November 2002 before continuing its journey to Washington.,,1733726,00.html

see also:,,1662557,00.html


Why Many Media Oulets and NGO's Stay Silent

The military-industrial complex is elephantine, yet it is rarely taken into 
account by political commentators. Connected to almost everything, it is 
one reason why the home front sustains our aggressive, illegal, military 
interventions and occupations throughout the world. Many good people are in 
thrall to the military-industrial complex, and consequently are silenced, 
unwilling to become active opponents. These include liberals, social 
justice advocates, and even professional soldiers who question our illegal 
interventions. There are, of course, some protesters in our nation, but not 
enough to make militarism the main issue in Congressional and Presidential 
elections, or to give the subject much visibility on a daily basis.


If Bush ruled the world

PARIS Intellectual poverty is the most striking quality of the Bush 
administration's new National Security Strategy statement, issued on 
Thursday. Its overall incoherence, its clichés and stereotyped phraseology 
give the impression that Stephen Hadley, the national security adviser, and 
his fellow authors assembled it from the boilerplate of bureaucratic 
discourse with contempt for the Congress to whom it is primarily addressed.

It reveals the administration's foreign policy as a lumpy stew of 
discredited neoconservative ideas with some neo- Kissingerian geopolitics 
now mixed in.

The statement's only visible purpose is to address a further threat to 
Iran, as its predecessor, in 2002, threatened Iraq. The only actual 
"strategy" that can be deduced from it is that the Bush administration 
wishes to rule the world. The document is nonsensical in content, insulting 
to other nations and unachievable in declared intention.


Killing Children: The “My Lai phase” of the Iraq war

What goes through George Bush’s mind when he sees the dead bodies of Iraqi 
women and children loaded on the back of a pickup truck like garbage? Is 
there ever a flicker of remorse; a split-second when he fully grasps the 
magnitude of the horror he has created?


Before and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees

The story of detainee abuse in Iraq is a familiar one. But the following 
account of Task Force 6-26, based on documents and interviews with more 
than a dozen people, offers the first detailed description of how the 
military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit committed serious abuses.



The U.S. government has systematic links to Guatemalan Army death squad 
operations that go far beyond the disclosures that have recently shaken 
official Washington. The news that the C.I.A. employed a Guatemalan colonel 
who reportedly ordered two murders has been greeted with professions of 
shock and outrage. But in fact the story goes much deeper, as U.S. 
officials well know.


"God protect us from the fourth year"

In the last weeks alone, thousands have died in senseless violence and the 
American and Iraqi army bomb Samarra as I write this. The sad thing isn’t 
the air raid, which is one of hundreds of air raids we’ve seen in three 
years- it’s the resignation in the people. They sit in their homes in 
Samarra because there’s no where to go. Before, we’d get refugees in 
Baghdad and surrounding areas… Now, Baghdadis themselves are looking for 
ways out of the city… out of the country.


A light fades over Samarra

"Whether you are Sunni or Shia, Arab or Kurd, there is no difference 
between Iraqis," said the Iraqi war correspondent. "[We are] united in fear 
for this nation."


Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert

What happened in the village of Isahaqi, north of Baghdad, on Ides of 
March? The murk of war – the natural blur of unbuckled event, and its 
artificial augmentation by professional massagers – shrouds the details of 
the actual operation. But here is what we know.


Children Of War

Three-year Iraq conflict leaves emotional casualties close to home


"Trapped in between life and death"

"It's kind of like being trapped in between life and death. I'm alive and 
conscious, but God, I can't do nothing for myself," Brandon says. "There 
are days I just wish I was dead."


Video: Fighting erupts in Ramadi

"They shelled houses and set them ablaze. We found burned children inside 
the house. God will damn them (the US soldiers)," said an unidentified eye 
witness who was standing near the burned out house.


Pictures: Antiwar Protest Marches From Around The World


Iraq occupation: Three years on and still they're lying to us

As global protests mark the day the invasion began, Raymond Whitaker 
examines the latest example of the self-delusion and spin that have 
characterised the occupation

Hundreds of American and Iraqi troops are engaged this weekend in Operation 
Swarmer, described as "the largest air assault operation" since the fall of 
Saddam Hussein in 2003. But yesterday, as protesters marched in dozens of 
cities around the world to mark the third anniversary of the invasion of 
Iraq, it became clear that this "assault" was little more than a propaganda 


Soldiers going Awol have trebled since the invasion of Iraq

The number of soldiers absconding from the British Army has trebled since 
the invasion of Iraq, raising fears that the military is facing a crisis in 

Yeah, realizing that the war is based on a lie and that they are the bad 
guys is a real morale killer.


Sharpshooter Is Florida's 100th Killed in Iraq,0,3023068.story


More US Soldiers Killed as Sweep Continues


Iraq War Vets Cope With Brain Damage


Norway (ME) Soldier Dies in Iraq


Family Recalls Active Boy, Brave Man (GA)


Hawaii Marine Killed in Iraq


Mount Airy (NC) Soldier Killed


'He Died a Hero' (NC)


Fairmount (IN) Soldier Killed in Action


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 18 March 2006
    * Resistance bomb in al-Qa’im reportedly kills US soldier Saturday 
    * US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in ar-Ramadi.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier near notorious 
Abu Ghurayb prison.
    * US forces expand area of operations south towards ad-Dulu‘iyah and 
west towards ath-Tharthar, after arresting hundreds of local people in 
vicinity of Samarra’. Americans leave puppet troops and Shi‘i sectarian 
militias in charge of occupied villages, whose populations are then 
terrorized and robbed.
    * Hundreds of pro-American sectarian Badr Brigade gunmen deployed 
alongside US forces in Samarra’ intent of carrying out “retribution” 
against the local Sunni population, in keeping with US aim of launching 
sectarian civil war in Iraq.
    * Families in villages around Samarra’ flee with only the clothing on 
their backs in an effort to escape savage American assault.
    * Booby trapped house in al-Jallab village explodes reportedly killing 
four US troops.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bomb attack near 
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column west of al-Fallujah, Resistance bomb 
wounds US troops in downtown al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance group rockets US base west of al-Fallujah Friday night.
    * Resistance fighters kill Iraqi collaborator working as translator for 
US troops, Al-Habbaniyah.
    * Resistance blasts pipeline supplying drinking water to US base in Hit 
on Thursday.
    * Bodies of seven Sunni torture victims found in eastern Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb blasts American supply convoy north of al-Latifiyah.
    * Resistance bombards US headquarters in al-Mahmudiyah Saturday morning.


Canadian government asked to bar war zionist criminal from entering Canada

Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid delivered an eleven-page letter on 
March 17 to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration asking him to 
prohibit Moshe Ya’alon from entering Canada pursuant to section 35 of the 
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), which renders individuals 
guilty of committing war crimes or crimes against humanity inadmissible for 
entry. Ya’alon has been invited by Beit Halochem to speak on March 22 at 
Beth Emeth Synagogue.


Israel's colonisation of Palestine blocking peace, says Jimmy Carter

· Actions will perpetuate violence across region
· Future for West Bank and Gaza Strip 'dismal',,1733742,00.html


After weeks of Israeli closure, Gaza Strip is completely out of bread

All of the bakeries in the Gaza Strip are closed.  Dependent on imports of 
flour, the 1.2 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, the most 
crowded place on earth in terms of population to land area, are now facing 
an unprecedented food crisis due to Israeli closures that have prevented 
the import of the grain.


Zionists Murder Another Palestinian Baby

See photo at:


AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy

In the midst of journalism's "Sunshine Week"--during which the Associated 
Press and other news organizations are valiantly proclaiming the public's 
"right to know"--AP insists on conducting its own activities in the dark, 
and refuses to answer even the simplest questions about its system of 
international news reporting. Most of all, it refuses to explain why it 
erased footage of an Israeli soldier intentionally shooting a Palestinian boy.


Israel, Britain and the USA's abhorrent act in Jericho

It was obhorrent because it was an election gimmick by the amoral Israeli 
acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for which three Palestinians were killed


Taliban kill 15 in Afghanistan

At least nine policemen, a former governor, his four companions and a 
security guard were killed in separate attacks in Afghanistan blamed on the 
Taliban, Afghan officials said on Saturday


Ninety-three years of bombing the Arabs

The explanation – on the increasingly rare occasions that one is given – is 
always that these are precision strikes against “terrorists” (newspeak for 
resistance fighters), but the injured that reach the hospitals and the 
bodies that turn up in the town morgues are largely women and children.


Ask yourself, am I a thug?

Do I support aggressive war?


Is Bush stupid or am I?

My intent here is an attempt to deflate the hysteria.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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