In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2319

The War in Iraq Costs $249,019,818,285


The Aftermath Of A Massacre

Have American troops been killing unarmed civilians in Iraq?

Must watch BBC Reports :
This is the account of a nine year old survivor. I watched them shoot my 
grandfather, first in the chest then in the head, then they killed my granny.


What’s Become of Americans?

If this story is true, under Donald Rumsfeld and George Bush’s leadership, 
proud and honorable U.S. Marines have degenerated into the Waffen SS. Those 
of us raised on John Wayne war movies find this very hard to take.


Death Squad Democracy

In a larger sense, the "alleged" sectarian violence is consistent with what 
we have seen in previous CIA-run operations in El Salvador and Nicaragua. 
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Negroponte are alumna of those conflicts (which, 
according to Cheney, succeeded quite admirably) so it's probable that they 
would apply what they have learned about counterinsurgency to the ongoing 
war in Iraq. The El Salvador-experiment proved that the masses can 
eventually be terrorized into compliance.


The Road To Guantánamo

Must Watch Video :
In this compelling docudrama three young British Muslims tell the story of 
how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and 
discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there, until finally they 
were released without charge or apology.


Quiet force behind Bush policies

  "Torture memo," spying, Guantanamo can all be traced to Cheney's top aide.


U.S. can’t cover up its record of torture

More details of abuse emerge

THE PENTAGON is getting ready to pull out of Abu Ghraib prison--the 
notorious site of the torture of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. military forces.

Earlier this month, following a Senate hearing, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, 
chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced that the U.S. would turn over 
control of Abu Ghraib to the Iraqi government. Abu Ghraib became synonymous 
with the abuse of detainees after pictures were made public in 2004 of U.S. 
soldiers posing with tortured Iraqi prisoners.


UK residents seek Guantanamo release at High Court

Lawyers for three long-term British residents held at Guantanamo Bay will 
return to the High Court today to demand the intervention of the Foreign 
Secretary in securing their release.,,11069-2098180,00.html


Helen Thomas Asks President Bush Why He Went to War

Note: Helen Thomas is one of the most courageous journalists in America 
today, unlike most of those corporate supported panzie pseudo journalists 
who systematically parrot the pro-war, pro-zionist hate drivel coming out 
of the White House....

Listen/Watch/Read and see what kind of a bafoon Bush really is:


Helen Thomas Hammers Bush in Press Conference (Bush tries to connect Iraq 
and Taliban again)

Q I'd like to ask you, Mr. President, your decision to invade Iraq has 
caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, wounds of Americans 
and Iraqis for a lifetime. Every reason given, publicly at least, has 
turned out not to be true. My question is, why did you really want to go to 
war? From the moment you stepped into the White House, from your Cabinet -- 
your Cabinet officers, intelligence people, and so forth -- what was your 
real reason? You have said it wasn't oil -- quest for oil, it hasn't been 
Israel, or anything else. What was it?


Bush on the Start of the Iraq War: "I feel good!"

Posted in response to Bush's statement to Helen Thomas yesterday about how 
he did not want war.


Bush: 'I Didn't Want War'



The Downing Street Memo is only the beginning of the proof we were all lied to.

"All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. 
Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific 
death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to 
their people to create the illusion that support for the war is the only 
possible choice they can make.


Bush Slipping and Spinning on Iraq and Wiretaps

" I believe that my job is to go out and explain to people what's on my 
mind. That's why I'm having this press conference, see. I'm telling you 
what's on my mind. And what's on my mind is winning the war on terror." -- Bush

Is that supposed to reassure Americans--or Iraqis? Such a remark prompts a 
larger question: why does Bush and the White House believe that sending him 
out to give a seemingly endless series of speeches on Iraq--and his plan 
for victory there--is going to change anything at this stage? This is the 
guy who said the war was about WMDs and who said virtually nothing when 
senior members of his administration before the war made it sound as if the 
post-invasion period would be a breeze. With that history, is sharing 
what's on Bush's mind about Iraq an effective strategy?;_ylt=A86.I1npdyBEasgApwr9wxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA


Bush makes false claim about Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda

Olbermann: "Who does the President think he's F'n kidding?"


Blair : Iraq Fight Is For Civilization

TONY Blair yesterday made an extraordinary defence of invading Iraq, saying 
he was involved in a fight for civilisation.


Tal Afar; war crimes in Bush’s dystopia

Bush’s March 20 speech to the City Club of Cleveland was the most derisory 
string of lies in modern-day oratory. Aside from the dreary repetition of 
terror-related slogans that appear with mind-numbing frequency, Bush droned 
on for a good ten minutes about America’s great success in Tal Afar.


Iraqi Deaths: Crime or War Casualties? Deaths in incident involving U.S. 
Marines are now being investigated  Video


US Marines Accused of Massacre in Iraq


Aid agencies unable to enter Samarra

"Our convoys sent on Sunday and Monday have been prevented from entering 
the city by US troops and our information from inside is that families are 
without food, power and potable water, particularly because they cannot 
leave their homes," noted Abdel Hameed, a spokesperson for the Iraqi Red 
Crescent Society


One Morning in Haditha,8816,1174649,00.html


Death in Haditha


Saddam's foreign minister was CIA source

In the period before the Iraq war, Saddam Hussein's foreign minister Naji 
Sabri, was a secret paid source of the CIA, "NBC Nightly News" reported on 


Reports From the Future of Iraq Project Now Online (1200 pages)

Over 1,200 Pages of Previously Unavailable Reports From State Dept Planning 
for Post-Saddam Iraq. Warnings and Recommendations by Experts and Iraqi 
Exiles Ignored by Administration


Iraqi Insurgency Is Wining

"87% of the Iraqi people want us to leave."


Chomsky Calls for Iraqi Reparations

Noam Chomsky criticized the Iraq War a yesterday, calling the occupation a 
bungled version of Nazi Germany in Vichy France.


Guerrillas Attack Police HQ in Iraq Town, Dozens Killed,,1735993,00.html?gusrc=rss


Gunmen Kill 20 in Breakout at Iraqi Jail

About 100 masked gunmen stormed a prison near the Iranian border Tuesday, 
cutting phone wires, freeing all the inmates and leaving behind a scene of 
devastation and carnage 20 dead policemen, burned-out cars and a smoldering 


18 policemen, security guards killed in Iraq


Another Iraqi police station attacked


Why Iraq's Police Are a Menace,8599,1175055,00.html


28 killed in Iraq police station attack


Iraqi Resistance Album 1,   2,   3


UK Military Medic Faces Court for Refusing Iraq Duty,5744,18569050%255E1702,00.html


Dog handler jailed for Iraq abuse

Images of abuses at Abu Ghraib prison shocked the world
US army dog handler Sgt Michael Smith has been jailed for six months for 
abusing detainees in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison from 2003 to 2004.


Drone Controlled From Nevada Crashes in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 21 March 2006
    * Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in downtown ar-Ramadi killing a 
reported three US troops.
    * Resistance forces assault US-occupied headquarters in downtown 
ar-Ramadi Tuesday in third straight day of fighting in the city.
    * Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in Barwanah, 
west of al-Hadithah.
    * Fierce Resistance attack in Baghdad’s al-‘Amiriyah district Monday 
night leaves three US troops reported killed.
    * Monday night Resistance ambush in Baghdad leaves two US troops 
reported dead.
    * In well-planned, large-scale attack, Resistance fighters assault 
puppet police, courthouse complex in al-Miqdadiyah, setting prisoners free 
and killing 16 puppet policemen.
    * Iraqi Resistance seizes control of village in middle of area where US 
offensive against Samarra’ is taking place.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US troops in village near Samarra’ Tuesday 
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills three US troops in Yathrib Monday.
    * Puppet police in al-Fallujah call strike following attacks by puppet 
“National Guards” on mosques and schools in the city.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in central 
    * Thirteen more bodies of Sunnis tortured to death by pro-American 
security agencies found in Baghdad.
    * Iraqis send text messages marking the end of a third year of Crusader 
    * Resistance strikes back at attacking Americans in Samarra’ area, as 
Americans take women prisoner, rocket local houses from the air without 
regard for who is inside as they continue their offensive.
    * Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq denounces US “Operation 
Swarmers,” saying it is aimed at clearing out the male population of the 
Samarra’ area.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near Balad.
    * Six US troops reported killed in fierce Resistance attack on road to 
al-Yusufiyah Sunday night.


Canadian authorities asked to arrest Moshe Ya'alon as war criminal

Palestinians and far leftists have asked Canadian authorities to arrest 
former IDF chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon on his arrival in Canada later on 
Wednesday, arguing that he was guilty of war crimes as head of the Israeli 
military during much of the Intifada.

For background see also:


Israel a racist society

Poll: 68% of Jews would refuse to live in same building as an Arab

Sixty-eight percent of Israeli Jews would refuse to live in the same 
apartment building as an Israeli Arab, according to the results of an 
annual poll released Wednesday by the Center for the Struggle Against Racism.


Read the report in full: US relationship with Israel is not good for US 


Israel Lobby Dictates U.S. Policy, Study Charges

WASHINGTON, Mar 22 (IPS) - The pro-Israel lobby in the United States has 
manipulated Washington's policies in the Middle East to the point where it 
is the U.S. that does most of the fighting, dying and rebuilding while 
Israel reaps most of the security benefits, argues a new study by two U.S. 


Gaza rations food as Israel cuts supplies

· Bakeries close and shelves empty as supplies dwindle
· Israel denies border action revenge for Hamas victory

Widespread bread rationing has been introduced in the Gaza Strip because 
Israel has cut off deliveries of flour and other foodstuffs to the 
Palestinian territory for most of the past two months.

Note: Not content with ethnic cleansing only, the Palestine-deniers are now 
attempting to starve the Palestinians as collective punishment for them 
electing Hamas in the recent elections. Fear and loathing of Palestinians 
have reached new heights as the Likkudniks and their supporters in 
Washington fear the rise of democracy in Palestine.,,1736439,00.html


Kill a Palestinian child and get a reward

IDF officer cleared in death of Gaza girl to receive compensation from state


Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian

Israeli troops raided a West Bank refugee camp Wednesday, killing a wanted 
Palestinian militant and forcing two others to surrender, the army said.


The Jericho Prison Raid

Could it be possible that the Israeli army raid on a Jericho prison on 
March 14 was done without careful coordination between Israel, the United 
States and Britain? Could it also be possible that the timing of the 
onslaught was equally innocent, of no political consequence, and not linked 
in any way to the Palestinians' ability to withstand Israeli blackmail, US 
threats and European intimidation following the Hamas election victory in 
January 2006?


* "My Name is Rachel Corrie" - A Debate Over Why the Play is Not Opening in 
New York *

"My Name is Rachel Corrie" - a play based on the words of the American 
peace activist crushed to death three years ago by an Israeli bulldozer in 
Gaza - is causing controversy after the New York City theater that was 
scheduled to run it postponed production. We host a discussion with 
Katharine Viner, the editor of the play in London and James Nicola and Lynn 
Moffat, the two top directors of the New York Theatre Workshop.


see also:
* Rachel Corrie's Parents React to New York Theater's Postponement of a 
Play Based on Their Late Daughter's Words *


Globe and Mail Editorial on Toronto School Board Censoring The Book "Three 
Wishes" Under Jewish Pressure

According to the Canadian Jewish Congress and several Ontario school boards 
that have denied or obstructed access to a library book for children from 9 
to 11, the issue is not censorship. It is about what is "age appropriate." 
It is about a supposed lack of context in a book of interviews with Israeli 
and Palestinian children about their lives in an atmosphere of violence. It 
is about keeping that book out of the hands of pupils who want to read it 
because it is better that those pupils not be exposed to views they are too 
young to understand.


Bush deeply troubled over Afghan being charged for converting to Christianity

Abdul Rahman, 41, faces a possible death penalty for converting from Islam 
to Christianity 16 years ago. He has been charged with rejecting Islam, a 
crime under this country's Islamic laws


20 Killed In Afghan Violence

Afghanistan has seen a surge in bomb and other attacks by Taliban 
insurgents and their militant allies in recent months. The Taliban have 
vowed to launch a spring offensive against foreign forces and the country's 
Western-backed government.


Authorities investigate killings by Afghan troops near Pakistan border

Authorities launched an investigation Wednesday into the killings by Afghan 
security forces of at least 15 people who an Afghan army commander alleged 
were Taliban rebels but locals said were tribesmen wanting to attend a 
religious festival.


Please don't come home, UN begs Afghan refugees

IN ONE of the most blunt assessments of post-Taliban life in Afghanistan, a 
high-ranking United Nations representative has warned refugees not to 
return home because security is so dire.


Taliban control Waziristan

The military deployed 70,000 troops to Waziristan two years ago to rein in 
the militants. But the campaign is faltering.\03\22\story_22-3-2006_pg1_6


The Columnist Who Thinks African-Americans Should Be Grateful Their 
Ancestors Were Enslaved

A Seattle-area columnist has drawn the fire of more than a thousand 
complaining readers upset with her suggestion that African-Americans should 
be grateful their ancestors were enslaved and brought to America.

Note: The column can be viewed at:

and comments from the publishing paper at:


Military Lunacy: How About A Bit Of Common Sense?

In a crazy place, even the most modest steps toward sanity can seem 
radical. Thus, in Washington, the Common Sense Budget Act, introduced this 
week by Representative Lynn Woolsey of California, seems like a 
far-reaching move. In fact, it might be better titled the "How About Just a 
Bit of Common Sense Act."

The legislation would divert $60 billion from the Pentagon budget, and 
allocate it to social investment, renewable energy and humanitarian aid. 
Fifteen other members of the Progressive Caucus, of which Woolsey is 
co-chair, are co-sponsoring the bill.



Posted Mar 22, 2006 07:15 AM PST - Category: POLITICS/CORRUPTION



Posted Mar 22, 2006 07:11 AM PST - Category: ISRAEL


THE DANCING ISRAELIS: An unprecedented honest analysis of 9/11 and Bush’s 
war on terror”

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates 
taught his students that the pursuit of truth can only begin once they 
start to question and analyze every belief that they ever held dear. If a 
certain belief passes the tests of evidence, deduction, and logic, it 
should be kept. If it doesn't, the belief should not only be discarded, but 
the thinker must also then question why he was led to believe the erroneous 
information in the first place. Not surprisingly, this type of teaching 
didn't sit well with the ruling elite of Greece. Many political leaders 
throughout history have always sought to mislead the thinking of the masses.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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