In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11: Courtroom bumps for the war on terror

A terrorism trial of two Muslims in federal court in Sacramento has thus 
far left the FBI looking manipulative, credulous, and prodigiously 


9/11: Who owns congress? Is it AIPAC or Foxman?

All his 9-11 researcher bashing associates 9-11 researchers with 
anti-semitism: a typical but cheap shot. And for all the years he's run 
CHB, not one story ever mentioning Rachel Corrie on CHB.


Where was Rumsfeld During the 9/11 Attacks?

The National Military Command Center (NMCC) inside the Pentagon was the 
nerve center of the military's response to the attacks on 9-11. But the 
lead military officer that day, Brigadier General Montague Winfield, told 
the commission that the center had been leaderless."For 30 minutes we 
couldn't find [Secretary Rumsfeld]." Where was Rumsfeld on 9-11?

On June 1, 2001 the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff changed the rules 
so that requests for air intercepts had to come explicitly from the 
secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld.

On September 11, 2001, Rumsfeld was unreachable until after the Pentagon 
was hit.


Attention 911 Truthseeker - Are You A 'Nutcase Wacko?'

Thompson claims that 9-11 websites are only in it for the money. Funny, but 
my local newspaper calls me once a week to subscribe and give them money. 
Likewise, I checked a few right-wing websites ( and and both featured products, books, banners and subscriptions. 
In other words, they were seeking money to run their operation, naturally.

If anything, Capitol Hill Blue is far more mercenary, with banners 
everywhere, than some websites,, for example, which 
features a 911 column occasionally and carries no advertising or banners 
ever. is simply the norm but a bit more successful.


A Defiant Sheen Challenges Official 9/11 Fable on National TV

Dares Millions of Viewers to "Do [their] own research"

Actor Charlie Sheen made history when he first questioned the official 
story of 9/11, calling it the "biggest conspiracy theory of them all." 
Sheen's comments sent shockwaves across the alternative media and have been 
one of the biggest stories on the internet for weeks. The story also 
garnered prime time coverage by major news outlets including CNN, FOX News, 
and hundreds of newspapers worldwide.


The Failure Of The U.S. "Free Press"

Television is a wonderful tool used responsibly. It is a nation-killer if 
used improperly, as it is today.


Bush Told Us That “We’ll All Be Dead”. Remember? We Know Now That He Meant It!

Asked by Woodward how history would judge the war, Bush replied: “History. 
We don’t know. We’ll all be dead.” I don’t think anyone realized that he 
was stating his plan for the world. This guy is trying to kill us all and 
when he told us we never even noticed.


The Credibility Chasm of George W. Bush

Along came a phony story about forged documents from an African country 
called Niger. These forged documents were falsified to make it appear that 
Saddam had sought yellowcake, that is enriched uranium, from the Niger. 
Hoping this story would gain legs, the Vice President’s office asked the 
CIA to send someone to verify the story. Joseph Wilson went to Niger and 
discovered the story was a fabrication. Undeterred, the President stated in 
the ensuing State of the Union address that the yellowcake story was true. 
Wilson published an op-ed article a few months later entitled, “What I 
didn’t find in Africa”, specifically to rebut the administration’s party 
line about the uranium story. What occurred next was treasonous in nature 
and the subject of an ongoing investigation ever since.


Americans Believe US Must Stop Meddling in World Affairs

WASHINGTON, April 14, 2006 ( & News Agencies) - Nearly half 
of Americans believe their government should mind its own business 
internationally as President George W. Bush's rating hit all time low due 
to the Iraq war, a USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll showed Friday, April 14.


More Americans feel US should mind its own business: poll

Nearly half of Americans believe their government should mind its own 
business internationally and only one third approves of how 
US     President George W. Bush is handling     Iraq


“Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951” - Federal Documents

After the seizures in late 1942 of five U.S. enterprises he managed on 
behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather 
of President George W. Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen 
"enemy national" relationships that continued until as late as 1951, 
newly-discovered U.S. government documents reveal.


Army report on al-Qaida accuses Rumsfeld

Donald Rumsfeld was directly linked to prisoner abuse for the first time 
yesterday, when it emerged he had been "personally involved" in a 
Guantánamo Bay interrogation found by military investigators to have been 
"degrading and abusive".


U.S.: Rumsfeld Potentially Liable for Torture

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld could be criminally liable for the 
torture of a detainee at Guantanamo Bay in late 2002 and early 2003, Human 
Rights Watch said today.


Torture? What Rumsfeld knew

In a sworn statement to the inspector general, Schmidt described Rumsfeld 
as "personally involved" in the interrogation and said that the defense 
secretary was "talking weekly" with Miller.


The Generals' Revolt

This is a vote of no confidence in the leadership of the U.S. armed forces 
by senior officers once responsible for carrying out the orders of that 
leadership. It is hard to recall a situation in history where retired U.S. 
Army and Marine Corps generals, almost all of whom had major commands in a 
war yet underway, denounced the civilian leadership and called on the 
president to fire his secretary for war.


A warning to Pentagon: Does this look familiar?

A now-retired three-star Marine Corps general who was the chief operations 
officer for the military in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq has a 
message for his colleagues who still report for duty at the Pentagon. Speak 
out. Do not hide your doubts about misguided policies promoted by the 
ideologically driven civilian leadership at the Defense Department.


The slow-motion trap

His presidency was built on secrecy and, we now know, on lies. The more 
Bush struggles to free himself, the more his past deceptions bind him.


Iraq: Pictures from the front line

What the U.S. Press Won't Show You.


"Dead Cities: will the U. S.use the 'Fallujah Option' on Bagdad?"

What these influential warmongers openly call for is the "pacification" of 
Baghdad: a brutal firestorm by U.S. forces, ravaging both Sunni insurgents 
and Shiite militias in a "horrific" operation that will inevitably lead to 
"skyrocketing body counts," as warhawk Reuel Marc Gerecht cheerfully wrote 
last week in the ever-bloodthirsty editorial pages of The Wall Street 
Journal. Gerecht's war whoop quickly ricocheted around the right-wing media 
echo chamber and gave public voice to the private counsels emanating from a 
group whose members now comprise the leadership of the U.S. government: The 
Project for the New American Century.


FLASHBACK: Doctored Photo from London Evening Standard

On 9 April 2003, the front page of the London Evening Standard 
(circulation: 400,000) contained a blurry image supposedly showing a throng 
of Iraqis in Baghdad celebrating the toppling of Saddam Hussein. What we 
are really looking at is an incredibly ham-fisted attempt at photo 


Foreign military attaches dig in for US-led 'long war' on terror Foreign 
military attaches dig in for US-led 'long war' on terror

Kimmitt mentioned several times the "Long War," using it as a replacement 
for what US officials commonly call the "War on Terror."

"If the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is stabilized, the Long War will 
continue," he said.


Do Iraqi mortar shells hit their mark? (with videos)

There seems to be a dispute about the veracity of the Iraqi resistance 
claims that they are able to shell US military outposts and barracks.

Please see the videos below:
1. The first is of an "insurgent" missile hitting a US military ammunitions 
depot (more than four minutes long).

Why was this not reported in the media?

2. In the following vid, a shell (possibly mortar) hits the main building 
of a US military base (22 seconds).


US like Nazis in Iraq: UK refusenik



American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi civilians - 
some of whom are entirely innocent.

"We're makin' them ragheads democratic..."


DoD Identifies Marine Casualties

Both were killed due to enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq on April 13.


Dedicated Long Island (NY) Soldier Is Mourned


San Antonio (TX) Family Learns Young Marine Is Dead


Soldier From Miami-Dade (FL) Killed by Bomb in Iraq


Huntington Beach (CA) Marine Dies in Explosion


Family, Friends Mourn Soldier From Bertie (NC) Killed in Iraq Blast


Soldier (NH) Slain in Iraq Told of Fear


Local GI (MO) Is Killed in Combat in Iraq


Family Mourns Lansing (MI) Marine Killed in Iraq


Family Remembers Their 'Gung-Ho' Young Marine (TX)


Former Pulaski County (GA) Marine Killed in Iraq


Marine (OH) Who Died at Hands of Iraqi Soldier to Be Buried


Roadside Bomb Kills Springfield (MO) Soldier


Glasgow (KY) Soldier Lived His Dream


Ceres (CA) Marine Killed During Iraq Mission


'He Had Hoped to See the World' (FL)


Cincinnati (OH) Soldier Killed in Iraq Explosion


Marines Mourn the Loss of a Light-Hearted Friend (TN)


Los Angeles (CA) Marine Killed in Iraq


Ambush of police convoy leaves dozen missing

The Taji police source said at least 20 officers were killed, while Karim 
claimed the toll was at least 30 dead.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 14 April 2006
    * Resistance bomb near al-Qa’im leaves two US troops reported dead.
    * Resistance bomb destroys US tank, leaving three American troops 
reported dead.
    * Resistance barrage reportedly kills two US troops in al-Fallujah 
Thursday night.
    *  US launches campaign of mass raids and arrests in western city of 
Hit Friday night.
    *  Resistance bombards US-occupied al-Warrar Base west of ar-Ramadi.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in ad-Durah.
    *  Mysterious bomb targets civilian market in northern Baghdad.
    *  Resistance mortar round blasts US airbase near Yathrib.
    *  Bodies of four pro-American Badr Brigade gunmen found shot to death 
near Iranian border.
    *  Mysterious bombs kill worshippers following Friday prayers in Ba'qubah.
    *  Resistance car bomber blasts puppet police station in al-Mawsil 
Friday morning.
    *  Resistance bomb wounds British troops in al-Basrah.


'We would rather starve'

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has said the country's Hamas 
government would not be brought down by financial pressure from what he 
called an "unholy alliance" led by the United States.,,2-10-1462_1916890,00.html


Defending Palestine, top priority of Islamic world

An Iranian official said here Thursday night defending the oppressed 
Palestinian people would be the most important issue of the Islamic world.


Hamas tells Arabs to honour aid pledge

The Palestinian foreign minister has called on Arabs to fulfil their 
promises of financial assistance to the Palestinian government.


Aid workers fear America now sees them as terrorists

  International help for the occupied territories was close to paralysis 
yesterday because aid workers, including many Britons, fear that the United 
States now sees them as terrorists.


Ex-Professor in Terror Case to Be Deported

Federal authorities have decided to deport a former Florida professor and 
longtime Palestinian rights activist after failing to convict him on 
charges he helped finance terrorist attacks in Israel.


Israel may swap Barghuthi for Pollard

Israel may free Marwan al-Barghuthi, a Palestinian leader who is serving 
five life terms in prison, if Washington agrees to release a former US 
official jailed for spying for Tel Aviv.


Rice hints at Iran attack

THE United Nations must consider action against Iran which could lead to 
the use of military force, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said last 


Retired colonel claims U.S. military operations are already 'underway' in 

During an interview on CNN Friday night, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Sam 
Gardiner claimed that U.S. military operations are already 'underway' 
inside Iran


Israel's Peres Says Iran Leader Will Meet Saddam's Fate

Former Israeli premier Shimon Peres says the president of Iran is destined 
to meet the same fate as Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi leader deposed in 
a U.S.-led invasion in 2003.


Iran: 'Israel will be annihilated by one storm'

MAHMOUD Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, caused further international outrage 
yesterday by calling Israel a "rotten, dried tree" which he predicted would 
be annihilated by "one storm".


Iran Issues Warning to US

"You can start a war but it won't be you who finishes it," said General 
Yahya Rahim Safavi, the head of the Revolutionary Guards and among the 
regime's most powerful figures.,13319,94378,00.html


How Many Deaths Until Congress Knows?

Seymour Hersh has much more credibility than the Cheney/Bush White House. 
He has been right and truthful on a regular basis, a claim that cannot be 
made for our nation’s reigning warlords. In his article, “The Iran Plans,” 
in the April 17 edition of the New Yorker magazine, Mr. Hersh warns that 
the administration has already ordered teams of combat troops “into Iran, 
under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish contact with 
anti-government ethnic-minority groups” in preparation for a massive air 
attack that may involve nuclear “bunker buster” bombs. Reading this, and 
listening to Cheney, Bush, and their various mouthpieces as they ratchet up 
their “threat to the United States” and “war on terror” rhetoric, any 
thinking person has to wonder, as did my thirteen year-old son, “Are they 


A boxer in the visa line

When he was in the spotlight during the 2004 Olympics, the State Department 
was only too happy to exploit him for propaganda purposes. But when he 
applied four times for a student visa to study in this country, that same 
State Department found reasons to turn him down.


AT&T pulled into domestic spying controversy

A former employee claims firsthand knowledge of AT&T's cooperation in 
"wholesale" monitoring of Americans' communications.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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