In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi   Civilians Slaughtered In America's War?  As Many As   250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In
America's War 2389

Cost of America's War in Iraq $274,930,301,614


All War-All The Time : Anti-Empire Update

Whatever ambiguity may remain about the role of the Israel lobby in the
invasion of Iraq, it's clear that if and when the sociopaths who call
themselves our leaders attack Iran, Israeli security will be the main reason.


A Brief History of U.S. Interventions - 1945 to 1999

The engine of American foreign policy has been fueled not by a devotion to
any kind of morality, but rather by the necessity to serve other
imperatives, which can be summarized as follows


US will go for other states after Iran and Iraq

* Well-known journalist calls Bush’s statements on Iran’s N-programme
‘ridiculous and nonsense’

LAHORE: Renowned American journalist Eric Margolis has said that the US
will “go for” Pakistan and Saudi Arabia after Iraq and Iran.

“We have leaks from reliable sources that after Iraq and Iran, the US plans
to go for Pakistan and Saudi Arabia,” Margolis said in an interview with
IWT NEWS on Saturday. Margolis supported Iran’s nuclear weapons programme,
saying that it poses no threat to the world community. US President George
W Bush’s statements on Iran’s nuclear programme were “ridiculous and
nonsense”, he said. “Iran has no nuclear bombs and no capability to bomb a
country with these weapons,” Margolis said.


All change in the Temple of Truth

And they call this place, I keep reminding myself, the Axis of Evil.


9/11 Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

Now Updated: No Arabs on Flight 77: Part II -The Passengers

I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New
Orleans, a Christian and homeschool dad. It troubled me a great deal that
we rushed off to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered various
ways to provide a smoking gun of who and why Sept 11th happened. Astute
observers noticed right away that there were no Arabic sounding names on
any of the flight manifests of the planes that “crashed” on that day.


In case you missed it

Hijacking Catastrophe: Documentry - 9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American

Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, understated, straightforward and
educational. In a single meticulously organized hour of evidence and
analysis, viewers are treated to a thoughtful explanation of modern
American empire, neo-conservatism as a driving force for the current Bush
administration. Click here to watch


9/11: Thermite Identified As Culprit Of WTC Collapse

Evidence mounting that cause first identified on Alex Jones Show led to
towers' implosion

A new branch of 9/11 research claims to have identified the cause of the
collapse of the twin towers. The photographic and video evidence makes a
very strong case for thermite being responsible for the unprecedented
implosions of steel framed reinforced buildings on September 11.

This facet was first brought to light during a November 2005 appearance on
The Alex Jones Show by Brigham Young University physicist Professor Steven
Jones. Jones said that white phosphorous wasn't powerful enough to cause
the implosion but that thermite was the likely culprit. Alex Jones's 2005
release Martial Law 9/11 Rise of the Police State highlighted the physical
evidence that the towers and Building 7 were brought down with incendiary


An untold story of 9/11

A mix-up in Boston prevented the luggage from connecting with the plane
that hijackers crashed into the north tower of the trade center. Seized by
FBI agents at Boston's Logan Airport, investigators said, it contained
Arab-language papers revealing the identities of all 19 hijackers involved
in the four hijackings, as well as information on their plans, backgrounds
and motives.

Sooooooooooo, a guy who knows he is about to die, packs a suitcase he will
never see again and just happens to include in the suitcase all sorts of
incriminating evidence to point the finger of blame and SOOOOMEhow that
suitcase manages to not get on the flight and is thus available to the FBI
with all it's thoughtfully packed incriminating evidence to point the
finger of blame.

Right. And if you believe THAT one I have a bridge to sell you.,0,1751421.story?coll=am-topheadlines


Diplomat: US, UK used torture information

Desensitized to torture

ISN SECURITY WATCH (Monday, 24 April 2006: 6.00 CET) – Former British
ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, has told European Parliament that
British and US intelligence services had used information related to the
"war on terror" obtained from tortured suspects.


Transforming the World into a War-zone

The military is being hijacked in full view of the American people and
turned into the world’s most-lethal security apparatus. Under Rumsfeld’s
direction, special units operating clandestinely around the globe will
perform criminal renditions, assassinations, sabotage, and acts of piracy
all in the name of corporate profiteering.


Jewish plotters intended carnage at Nazareth basilica, mosque

I'lam, the only media centre for the Arab minority in Israel, issues a
monthly "Alternative News Briefing" to journalists and others interested in
the region as a corrective to the distorted coverage of events affecting
Israel's Arab citizens by the Israeli media. The following article was
taken from Alternative News Briefing No. 22.


Rabbinical sages exonerate father charged with killing son

A public announcement issued before the weekend by rabbinical sages of the
ultra-Orthodox community exonerates a yeshiva student, 19, charged with the
killing of his three-months-old baby.

How the hell do you justify killing a three month old baby?


California Becomes Second State to Introduce Bush Impeachment

04/24/06  -- -Joining Illinois, California has become the second state in
which a proposal to impeach President Bush has been introduced in the state
legislature. And this one includes Cheney as well.


Bush Impeachment - The Illinois State Legislature is Preparing to Drop a

The Illinois General Assembly is about to rock the nation. Members of state
legislatures are normally not considered as having the ability to decide
issues with a massive impact to the nation as a whole. Representative Karen
A. Yarbrough of Illinois' 7th District is about to shatter that perception
forever. Representative Yarbrough stumbled on a little known and never
utlitized rule of the US House of Representatives, Section 603 of
Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of
Representatives, which allows federal impeachment proceedings to be
initiated by joint resolution of a state legislature. From there, Illinois
House Joint Resolution 125 (hereafter to be referred to as HJR0125) was born.

Illinois was first, California was second; will YOUR state be third and
what are you doing to make it so?


On Waking Up Sleepless in the Middle of the Night

Because of your Iraq invasion, thousands of U.S. enlisted personnel are
maimed, physically and mentally, for life. What can you tell these victims
of your war? That you're honored by their duty towards you, our
"mission-accomplished" commander-in-chief?


Prominent U.S. Physicists Send Letter to President Bush

Thirteen of the nation’s most prominent physicists have written a letter to
President Bush, calling U.S. plans to reportedly use nuclear weapons
against Iran “gravely irresponsible” and warning that such action would
have “disastrous consequences for the security of the United States and the


“After Spending A Year In Iraq, I Have Found That The Iraqis Are Not A
Threat Or The Enemy”

“We Do Not Know What We Are Fighting For Anymore; We Do Not Know What Our
Mission Is”

I am a soldier about to embark on my second tour in Iraq.

My first tour started in November 2003. When we arrived, Saddam Hussein was
on the loose. In December, he was caught.

When I came into the military, I signed a contract that said I would defend
this country against all threats, foreign and domestic.


US calls in Paras for Baghdad secret war

British paratroopers secretly operating in support of the SAS in Iraq are
using American uniforms, weapons and vehicles as part of their cover


Inspectors Find More Torture at Iraqi Jails

Top General's Pledge To Protect Prisoners 'Not Being Followed'


Commander: Contractors violating U.S. trafficking laws

The top U.S. commander in Iraq has ordered sweeping changes for privatized
military support operations after confirming violations of
human-trafficking laws and other abuses by contractors involving possibly
thousands of foreign workers


Unembedded -- Stunning photography exhibit by four photojournalists
displays civilian life in Iraq since the war


A Spy Speaks Out

When no weapons of mass destruction surfaced in Iraq, President Bush
insisted that all those WMD claims before the war were the result of faulty
intelligence. But a former top CIA official, Tyler Drumheller — a 26-year
veteran of the agency — has decided to do something CIA officials at his
level almost never do: Speak out.


Albright warns of Iraq disaster

Madeleine Albright, the former US secretary of state, has warned that the
invasion of Iraq may end up as one of the worst disasters in American
foreign policy.


US draws up global assassination list for secret death squads

New Plans Foresee Fighting Terrorism Beyond War Zones

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has approved the military's most
ambitious plan yet to fight terrorism around the world and retaliate more
rapidly and decisively in the case of another major terrorist attack on the
United States, according to defense officials.


Eight U.S.troops killed in Iraq, 1 in Afghanistan

Seven U.S. troops have been killed by improvised explosive devices in Iraq,
while a Marine in Iraq, and a soldier in Afghanistan, have died in gunbattles


Live from Iraq-PFC Chris Gorman: This is an Ungodly War Based on Lies and Sin

Interview with Christopher Gorman, Religious Conscientious Objector
stationed at FOB Kalsu with Company E, 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry
Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division

A Voice of Conscience Crying Out from the Wilderness and Devastation of War




Phased Ethnic Cleansing

The international community has an imperative moral obligation to pressure
countries that are currently aiding Israel.


Media Blackout on Israeli Crimes


Why Israel must Renounce Violence

I was wrong.

Last week I wrote an article “Can Hamas make the change to a Political
Organization?” which was published on a number of web sites. In the article
I argued that Hamas should publicly renounce suicide bombing. That was wrong.


Terror and Occupation in Nablus

17 April 2006 -- This is just one personal account of a shocking situation
I witnessed in in Nablus. In the week I have been here, Nablus and Balata
refugee camp have been under regular daily and nightly attack from the IDF.
All of the incursions have involved live ammunition, demonstrating little
care for the hundreds of civilians in these highly populated areas.


Pushing Palestinians to the edge

The prophecy recently foretold by Palestinian and some Arab leaders that
starving the Palestinian people would boomerang was fulfilled sooner rather
than later this week when a young and impoverished man from the northern
West Bank blew himself up in the heart of Tel Aviv, killing and wounding
scores of Israelis.


Jordanian King to Israel: Give Up Your Nukes

Jordan’s King Abdullah said Monday that Israel should disarm its nuclear
weapons in the wake of international pressure on Iran to end its uranium
enrichment program.


Israeli crimes blanked out in UK, but...

Below is a partial list from occupied Palestine of shellings, killings,
robberies, savage beatings, attacks on schools and infrastructure, home
demolitions, kidnappings, the use of sewage as a weapon, and more.
Virtually all of these Israeli government, military and settler crimes went


Israel’s state-sponsored terrorism

Haaretz stated that the final decision on the assassination of Ahmadinejad
and Haniya would be taken upon the approval of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud


Tehran insider tells of US black ops

A former Iranian ambassador and Islamic Republic insider has provided
intriguing details to Asia Times Online about US covert operations inside
Iran aimed at destabilizing the country and toppling the regime - or
preparing for an American attack.


Swedes tried for spying in Iran

Two Swedish nationals detained in Iran for photographing military
installations have been tried for espionage and a verdict is expected in
"due course", the ISNA news agency reported on Monday.


Bulgaria OKs 3 bases for U.S. troops

Officials of both countries said the United States will not pay rent for
its use of the Bezmer and Graf Ignatievo air bases and the Novo Selo army
training range and storage facility. But, according to the agreement, it
will cover "operational and maintenance expenses."

I wonder just how soon those 2,500 U. S. troops will be deployed to these
bases. Also, if the U. S. is not paying rent for these facilities, what is
the real quid pro quo?


CNN Poll: Bush Hits New All Time Low of 32%


Gay man represents homophobic Bush administration


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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