In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

It's guilty until proven innocent for U.S. Muslim charities

In the months following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the
United States government launched its "global war on terror" by rounding up
thousands of "Middle Eastern-looking" men and women, throwing them in jail
without charges or access to lawyers, accusing none of them of
terror-related crimes, convicting no one, and ending up deporting some for
non-criminal immigration violations.

At about the same time, the government opened up a second front against
charitable organizations providing financial or other material assistance
to groups the government designates as "terrorist." While the campaign
applies to all domestic nonprofit organizations, the lion's share of
scrutiny, suspicion, and pre-emptive action has fallen on Muslim groups.


9/11: Seminary Hosts Teach-In On Torture

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, an outspoken critic of the Bush
administration's use of intelligence to justify the Iraq war, told clergy
members Wednesday that the United States' use of torture on prisoners in
its custody amounts to war crimes.

"Let's not mince words - the U.S. has launched a war of aggression, which
is a violation of international law," McGovern said at an interfaith
"teach-in" at Hartford Seminary. "Rendering, kidnapping, all the deceit
that has gone on with this war - it's far from rotten apples at the bottom
of the barrel; these rotten apples are at the very top."

Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice, an interfaith group of clergy opposed to
the war, invited McGovern to the teach-in, called "Torture is a Religious
Issue." It was intended to help clergy devise a strategy to bring greater
public awareness of torture against war prisoners.,0,2699947.story?coll=hc-headlines-life


9/11: The questions that "United 93" can't answer

why wasn't there any mention of a debris field 8 miles long. That doesn't
bode well for the theory that the plane did a nose dive into the ground as
they would have us believe. just look at the physical evidence. that plane
was shot down and it took a while for it to finally come down hence the
debris being found so far from the crash site. wake up !!!!!!!!!!


911, Iraq, PNAC All roads lead to Israel

Some 911 was an inside job camps like to lay out 4 scenarios. Briefly they
go as follows.


9/11 Video Downloads: The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Posted Apr 27, 2006 11:58 AM PST - Category: 911

As discussed on today's Alex Jones show.


Long Live The 9/11 Conspiracy! Anyone still care about the heap of
disturbing, unsolved questions surrounding Our Great Tragedy?

Verily, Jacobson, in his New York mag piece, encounters crackpots and
fringe nutballs and those who think Sept. 11 was connected to aliens and
electromagnetic fields and the Illuminati. It can, unfortunately, get a
little crazy. But there is also a very smart, grounded, intelligent and
surprisingly large faction -- which includes eyewitnesses, Sept. 11 widows,
former generals, pilots, professors, engineers, WTC maintenance workers and
many, many more -- who point to a rather shocking pile of evidence that
says there is simply no way 19 fanatics with box cutters sent by some
bearded lunatic in a cave could have pulled off the most perfectly
orchestrated air attack of the century. Not without serious help, anyway.


Why Do So Many Americans Hate America?

No matter where one turns these days, it seems impossible to avoid negative
news stories about President Bush and his mission to bring peace and
freedom to the people of Iraq. All too often the liberal media, which has
wanted our troops to fail from the start, has reported only the bad things
happening while completely avoiding all of the positives. For instance,
while 30 people may have burned to death in a Baghdad market as the result
of an ongoing wave of sectarian violence, what about all the people that
did not erupt in flames or watch a cherished loved one agonizingly die
before their eyes – shouldn’t the media cover them as well? Furthermore, in
their ongoing war against America and its values, liberals and others of
dubious patriotism have even gone so far as to question our leader’s
policies and conduct in a time of war – a clear act of treason. The
president’s critics must realize that he is only doing what is best for
America, and questions are best saved for the end of the conflict, which,
as Vice-President Cheney has told us, should be in just a few short


The Passion of George W. Bush

The president doesn't care that he is reviled. He is a martyr, and someday
all will see his glory. Meanwhile, he's got Karl doing his dirty work.


United States of Israel?

When two of America's most distinguished academics dared to suggest that US
foreign policy was being driven by a powerful 'Israel Lobby' whose
influence was incompatible with their nation's own interests, they knew
they would face allegations of anti-Semitism.


From That Pentagon Death Star, And The University That Poisoned The World

Two images changed my life when I visited the Peace Museums in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki in August of 2000, on my first trip to Japan. I had worked as
a geoscientist in two U.S. Nuclear weapons labs – Lawrence Berkeley
National Lab and Lawrence Livermore National Lab – but I never knew what a
nuclear weapon really was, nor the horrific effects of radiation on the
environment and biological systems. Now I know.


The Long War posture

The American public is being lulled into a false sense of insecurity. And
insecurity, constructed or real, is what gives those in power - our
purported protectors - their self-righteous aura of indispensability.,0,6381443.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines


America's rags-to-riches dream an illusion: study

America may still think of itself as the land of opportunity, but the
chances of living a rags-to-riches life are a lot lower than elsewhere in
the world, according to a new study published on Wednesday.


Bush's Hypocrisy: Cuban Terrorists

The evidence points to one conclusion: the Bushes regard terrorism ?
defined as killing civilians for a political reason ? as justified in cases
when their interests match those of the terrorists.


A lesson unlearned in El Salvador

AS AUXILIARY bishop of San Salvador, Gregorio Rosa Chavez wonders if the
United States learned anything from its murderous meddling in his nation.


Human Rights Watch.: More Than 600 Implicated in Detainee Abuse

Two years after the Abu Ghraib scandal, new research shows that abuse of
detainees in U.S. custody in Iraq, Afghanistan, and at Guantánamo Bay has
been widespread, and that the United States has taken only limited steps to
investigate and punish implicated personnel.


Guantanamo Bay prisoner 'tried to commit suicide a dozen times'

A prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, held without charge for more than four years,
has tried to kill himself a dozen times in an attempt to escape the misery
and isolation of his incarceration.


Impunity Endures Two Years After Abu Ghraib

WASHINGTON - Two years after the abuse by U.S. soldiers of detainees at Abu
Ghraib prison in Iraq first came to light, accountability for what turns
out to have been a widespread pattern of mistreatment at several detention
sites, including torture and at least eight homicides, remains elusive,
according to a new report released by three major human rights groups here

see also:


Taking the President to Court

As some of you may be aware, according to the President and Congressional
Republicans, a bill does not have to pass both the Senate and the House to
become a law.  Forget your sixth grade civics lesson, forget the book they
give you when you visit Congress - "How Our Laws Are Made," and forget
Schoolhouse Rock.  These are checks and balances, Republican-style.


Peace Takes Courage

God help anyone who speaks out against the anti-American Bush regime that
condones torture and use of chemical weapons of mass destruction. God help
anyone who refuses to be silenced in the face of our government that
commits war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman rebuffs attempts to interview
Administration officials in pre-war Iraq probe

The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has denied
Democratic attempts to interview Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,
former CIA Director George Tenet and two former senior aides to erstwhile
Secretary of State Colin Powell, RAW STORY has learned.


An Intel Story Finally Told

The shocking account of Tyler Drumheller, former top CIA spy in Europe,
aired Sunday on '60 Minutes.' So why isn't anyone talking about it?

"The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for
intelligence to fit into the policy." --Tyler Drumheller, formerly CIA's
top spy in Europe

Confession time: In fall 2004, during a crucial presidential election
campaign, I made the mistake of playing by corporate media rules that
amount to self-censorship.


FLASHBACK: Rice: Iraq trained al Qaeda in chemical weapons

Posted Apr 27, 2006 11:19 AM PST

...which we now know Iraq did not have.


Projected Iraq War Costs Soar

The cost of the war in Iraq will reach $320 billion after the expected
passage next month of an emergency spending bill currently before the
Senate, and that total is likely to more than double before the war ends,
the Congressional Research Service estimated this week.

Once the war spending bill is passed, military and diplomatic costs will
have reached $101.8 billion this fiscal year, up from $87.3 billion in
2005, $77.3 billion in 2004 and $51 billion in 2003, the year of the
invasion, congressional analysts said. Even if a gradual troop withdrawal
begins this year, war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan are likely to rise by
an additional $371 billion during the phaseout, the report said, citing a
Congressional Budget Office study. When factoring in costs of the war in
Afghanistan, the $811 billion total for both wars would have far exceeded
the inflation-adjusted $549 billion cost of the Vietnam War.



Posted Apr 27, 2006 10:57 AM PST - Category: IRAQ

Jail Bush.


No open arms for Rice, Rumsfeld

But Iraqi officials said they, too, were surprised by the unannounced
arrival of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld, and some said they feared it could disrupt negotiations to form a
new government, and erode its legitimacy.

"We didn't invite them," said Kamal Saadi, a Shiite legislator close to the
newly named prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki,1,7098539.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true


Subject to the Penalty of Death

You're driving down the road at three in the morning. There's a guy on the
side of the road, you shoot him ... you throw a shovel off."

According to Casey, his unit had been advised by troops who had previously
served in the area [al-Anbar province] to keep shovels on their vehicles.
Each time an innocent Iraqi is killed, a shovel thrown next to the body is
evidence that the dead civilian, when killed, was in the act of digging
holes to plant roadside bombs.


GIs, Beware Radioactive Showers!

Depleted uranium (DU) is steadily taking down our troops in Iraq and
Afghanistan. It’s time for the soldiers to follow the lead of their
commanders in order to end the war.


4 Soldiers Killed As Convoy Attacked

Attack on Italian Convoy in Iraq Kills 4 : A bomb blast rocked an Italian
convoy on a road in southern Iraq on Thursday, killing four people - three
Italian soldiers and one from Romania, the Defense Ministry said.,,-5784482,00.html


Insurgents kill sister and brother of new Iraqi leader

The sister of Tariq al-Hashemi, Iraq's recently-appointed Vice President,
was shot dead by gunmen today less than two weeks after the Sunni
politician lost his brother to a similar attack.,,3-2154054,00.html


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 26 April 2006
    * Two US Marines reported killed in Resistance attack near Hit before
noon Wednesday.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol west of Abu Ghurayb, reportedly
killing two American troops.
    * Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near
al-Jadiriyah Bridge in Baghdad.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in Samarra’.
    *  Resistance bomb wounds four US troops in al-Qa’im.
    *  Resistance rockets blast US camp east of ar-Ramadi.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts US troops in eastern al-Fallujah.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in eastern al-Fallujah at dawn
    *  Resistance bombards puppet “Iraqi National Guard” base in northern
al-Fallujah Tuesday night.
    *  Pro-American Badr Brigades kidnap, torture, murder four more
civilians in Baghdad.
    *  Resistance fighters kill two members of pro-American Badr Brigades
in west Baghdad.
    *  Resistance ambush leaves eight puppet “National Guards” dead in
    *  Resistance bomb blasts US patrol near Yathrib.
    *  Resistance bombards US headquarters in al-Mahmudiyah.
    *  Resistance mortars pound puppet police station in western al-Mawsil
Tuesday night.


Pakistani Taliban vows jihad against Americans, British

A Pakistani Taliban leader vowed on Thursday to wage an unrelenting holy
war against U.S. and British troops in Afghanistan from his stronghold in
Pakistan's tribal lands.


Irish MP slams EU "hypocrisy," calls for suspension of EU-Israel agreement

Decision on funding highlights on-going hypocrisy of EU in relation to
illegal occupation of Palestine


Millions of dollars stuck in Arab banks

Tens of millions of dollars in desperately needed aid for the Palestinians
is stuck in Arab banks that won't release it for fear of US retribution,
the Palestinian finance minister acknowledged


Facing Collapse, Palestinians Turn to America's Enemies

Once again, the geniuses who run United States foreign policy have
transformed a glorious opportunity to gain an ally into total disaster.
Rejected by the West whose democratic game it played and won, the Hamas-led
Palestinian Authority has been shoved into the arms of America's enemies


Sweden Boycotts Israel, Embraces Hamas

Sweden is boycotting an international air force exercise in Italy next
month due to the fact that Israel’s Air Force will take part. It has also
decided to grant entry visas to Hamas members.


Israeli warning to Norway

Israel's ambassador to Norway, Miryam Shomrat says it would harm Israel's
relations with Norway if Hamas representatives will meet Norwegian
authorities next month.


Israel arrests Hamas MP in West Bank

An MP representing the governing Palestinian movement Hamas was arrested by
Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank.


Israeli Jewish Settler Violence on the Rise

Volunteers: Settler violence on the rise

Her gray hair and slim size did not stop Israeli children waiting at a
Hebron bus stop from tossing a palm size rock in the direction of Anne
Montgomery, 79.

A nun from the US, she was volunteering to help monitor Palestinian
interactions with settlers, the IDF and the police. Rock-throwing by
settler children is so typical, she said, that we just looked at them and
we knew it was going to happen.


Israeli attack on Gaza kills one

Israel has launched an air strike in the Gaza Strip, killing one
Palestinian and wounding two others, medics said


“Diplomacy,” the smokescreen for savagery

President Ahmedinejad is now threatened with assassination by
Israeli-sponsored state terrorists. The threat against a democratically
elected head of state passed without condemnation in Western capitals.


Rice: U.N. Credibility at Stake on Iran

"In order to be credible, the Security Council, of course, has to act,"
Rice told reporters at a NATO foreign ministers' meeting

No, Madame Secretary, in order to be credible, the Security Council cannot
act imprudently on false information.

And if the Security Council does not respond with sanctions, watch the U.
N. become - yet again - "irrelevant" prior to another military misadventure
by the U. S. and/ or Israel.


Senate panel to decide on Rumsfeld hearing

The Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, underscoring lawmakers'
concerns about the Iraq war's progress, said yesterday that he may invite
testimony from retired generals who have called for Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld to resign.


-muslim voice-

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