In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 : The story of the USS Liberty

Planes were ordered to the rescue of the Liberty on two occasions. In the
second attempt the USS America also launched aircraft. Both time the
Secretary of Defense MacNamara ordered the planes back. There was a
challenge from the fleet when ordered back the second time. President
Johnson came on the line and confirmed the order saying, "We will not
embarrass an ally."

Here is the question the US Government won't ask and the Israeli government
won't answer: Why, if Israel thought they were attacking an Egyptian ship
and legitimate war-target, did they attack the USS Liberty USING UNMARKED
PLANES? Was the Israeli plan to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for
it, thereby tricking the US into the war on Israel's side? Was the same
plan behind the attack on USS Cole?

Was the same plan behind 9-11?


9/11 : Armed Madhouse

Here is our new world of militarized greed, where America's panic over
lunatics with box-cutters has metastasized into a billion-dollar fear industry


9/11 : The Fabrication of the Flight 93 Myth

Why do I get the feeling that the last minutes of Flight 93's CVR are

FLASHBACK: The downing of United Airlines Flight 93

Flight5 93: Three-minute discrepancy in tape

Flight 93 - We know it crashed, but not why

What You Won't See in Flight 93, the Film



Central to the official USDA Choice story of Flight 93 is that the aircraft
was crashed into the Earth during a struggle between the hijackers and the

But this story is directly contradicted by a report of a mid-air explosion,
BEFORE the plane crashed!


9/11 : FBI Sought Info Without Court OK

The FBI secretly sought information last year on 3,501 U.S. citizens and
legal residents from their banks and credit card, telephone and Internet
companies without a court's approval, the Justice Department said Friday.


Shots Fired into Salisbury Islamic Center

The police say nobody was hurt after shots were fired Thursday into the
Islamic Center of Delmarva located in Salisbury.


A Democratic Dictatorship

No one can deny that we now live in a country in which the ruler has the
omnipotent power to send the entire nation into war on his own initiative.
To use the president’s words, when it comes to declaring and waging war
against another country, he’s the “decider.”

It wasn’t always that way. The Constitution brought into existence a
government in which the powers to declare war and wage war were vested in
two separate branches of the government. While the president had the power
to wage war, he was prohibited from exercising it without a declaration of
war from Congress.


The Predator State

Enron, Tyco, WorldCom... and the U.S. government?


Undermining civil rights and the rule of law

The news that the Bush administration secretly authorized the National
Security Agency to engage in illegal domestic wiretapping is just the
latest in what has become a full-fledged assault on civil liberties and the
rule of law. Following the attacks of September 11, the administration has
repeatedly attempted to curtail important civil liberties protections, and
it has asserted that if the president is acting in the name of national
security, he doesn't have to follow the law. That is unacceptable. As
American citizens, we must confront this abuse of power head on and demand


Amnesty International documents European complicity in secret US rendition

New details on the practice of illegal kidnapping and the secret internment
of alleged terror suspects carried out by the US secret service agency, the
CIA, emerged in a report issued by the human rights organisation Amnesty
International earlier this month. (See “Below the radar: Secret flights to
torture and ‘disappearance’”).

The evidence presented by Amnesty on the practice of “renditions” and
American secret prisons is strikingly comprehensive. While some details are
already well known, the report makes clear the extent to which European
governments were prepared to look the other way and even indulge in open
cooperation with the illegal CIA practices.

See Also:
Government minister admits US “rendition” planes landed in UK
[8 March 2006]
<>Document proves
European Union agreed to CIA rendition flights
[17 December 2005]


U.S. blasts Canada on terrorism

Washington ­ Islamic terrorist cells continue to operate in Canada,
according to a Bush administration report released yesterday that fingers a
“liberal” immigration system for allowing terrorists to infiltrate the country.

The harsh assessment of Canada reflects a view widespread on the U.S.
political right, but one rarely given official sanction.


Death Made In America

Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD: [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 4-29-6

Wondering if your conscience is still anesthetized

Read article at:


U.S. invasion responsible deaths of over 250,000 civilians in Iraq

The invasion of Iraq in March 2003 by U.S.-led coalition forces has been
responsible for the death of at least 150,000 civilians (not including
certain of Iraq), reveals a compilitation of scientific studies and
corroborated eyewitness testimonies


We expect George’s wars will bankrupt America

costs of war in Iraq underestimated... flaws in the electoral system... the
coming war in Iran... Big pharma keeps politicians drugged with
Train Wreck of the Week

George and the neocons have deliberately underestimated the costs of the
Iraq War. Costs have escalated far beyond original estimates as progress
has come to a halt and our troops fight a defensive war. Iraq has never had
Democracy and it may well not be suitable for Iraqis. This is not a $50
billion war as characterized by George at the beginning of the conflict and
when Larry Summers said $200 billion long ago he was fired. This invasion
and occupation is going to cost generations of Americans not yet even born
trillions of dollars in debt and interest. This war was planned and
executed by idiots and the idiot in charge is Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld. These mistakes will cost each American family $1,205 by the end
of 2006, a debt with interest that doubles every five years. We are told if
and when the occupation ever ends, we’ll have to spend another $36 billion
to replace worn out equipment. We wonder if these numbers register in
George’s mind, especially when he is planning a bigger and more expansive
war in Iran? We expect George’s wars will bankrupt America.


How Many US Troops are Really in Iraq? How Much is the War in Iraq Costing?

The Department of Defense (DOD) estimates its “burn rate” of monthly
expenses at $6.4 billion in Iraq and $1.3 billion in Afghanistan. CRS
points out that DOD did not include the cost of replacing worn out
equipment and upgrades to facilities in theater. Adding those and a few
other costs calculates to a monthly “burn rate” of $8.1 billion in Iraq;
$1.6 billion in Afghanistan, and a total burn rate of $9.9 billion per month.


Contractor's Plans Lie Among Ruins of Iraq - Los Angeles Times

Parsons Corp., the Pasadena engineering firm that won one of the largest
rebuilding contracts in postwar Iraq, fell dramatically short of a number
of goals, according to interviews and documents that cite shoddy work and
negligent government oversight.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers failed to properly monitor Parsons'
performance, stonewalled investigative efforts and exercised "poor cost
controls" as Parsons spent $186 million on a contract to build the health
clinics, according to a draft copy of an audit obtained by The Times. About
$60 million of that was spent by Parsons on management and administration.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is US citizen's tax dollars they're talking
about here.,1,547629.story?track=rss&ctrack=1&cset=true


Bush's Jewish Iraq Connection and Anti-Semitism on the Left

The email concluded like this: "GEORGE W. BUSH is the first President since
Herbert Hoover who has no Jews in his cabinet at all. No wonder he screws
up so stupendously."

I knew that this was false, because Chertoff is Jewish, as are numerous
present and former members of his Administration. But what I learned in
refuting this bit of false "trivia" made me worried and conflicted...


Bush foresees further 'sacrifice and struggle' in Iraq

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush warned Saturday of tough fighting to come
and "more days of sacrifice and struggle" in Iraq as April drew to a close
as the deadliest month for American forces this year.


US admits Iraq is terror 'cause'

THREE years after its invasion of Iraq the US Administration acknowledged
yesterday that the war has become “a cause” for Islamic extremists
worldwide and there is a risk of the country becoming a safe haven for
terrorists hoping to launch fresh attacks on America.,,175-2157116,00.html


Going to War with the Morons you have

Earlier in the week, an equally devastating article appeared in the New
York Times "Criticism of Rumsfeld Widens to Young Officers" echoing that
younger officers are just as sick of the glib Rummy as their elders. One
anonymous officer noted, "We have not lost a single tactical engagement on
the ground in Iraq….The mistakes have all been at the strategic and
political levels." Confidence in the Secretary is deflating more rapidly
than the air leaving a punctured tire.


For GIs, April is deadliest in Iraq this year

An American soldier was killed in a roadside bombing north of Baghdad, the
U.S. military said Friday, making April the deadliest month for American
forces in Iraq this year.


U.S.-trained Iraqis working both sides

"There's two kinds of Iraqis here, the ones who help us and the ones who
shoot us, and there's an awful lot of them doing both," said Staff Sgt.
Jason Hoover, 26. "Yes, it's frustrating. But we can't just stop working
with them."


Iraq attacks have 'broken back' of US military

Al-Qaeda's number-two leader has issued a video saying that hundreds of
suicide bombings in Iraq have "broken the back" of the United States military


Young lovers court danger from puritan moral militia

Gone are the days when he could go to a nightclub or a party with his
girlfriend. “Baghdadis don’t go out any more after dusk. We are all
prisoners now.”,,173-2153017,00.html


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 28 April 2006
    * Civilians killed as US launches massive air assault on ar-Ramadi late
Thursday afternoon.  Residential houses, markets, government buildings,
open desert all targeted by lethal American weapons.  American assault
follows US cut-off of power, water, fuel from the city during the day
    * Three US troops reported killed in double bombing in western Hit.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Katyusha attack on US camp near
    * Resistance Katyusha rockets blast notorious Abu Ghurayb prison camp.
    * Sister of puppet “Iraqi Vice President” and chief of collaborationist
“Islamic Party” assassinated.
    * Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq denounces latest US-imposed
sectarian puppet “Government,” noting that only by ending the occupation
can Iraq’s problems be solved.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier after Americans
steal house from Iraqi family in ad-Dulu‘iyah.
    * Three Italians, one Romanian occupation soldier killed in Resistance
bombing in an-Nasiriyah.
    * US soldier reported killed when Resistance bomb explodes by Americans
surrounding mosque in Samarra’.
    * US forces stage brutal mass arrests in Diyala Province.
    * US, Britain mass equipment, boost air patrols along Iranian border
east of al-Basrah.


Afghanistan, Inc

Contractors in Afghanistan are making big money for bad work.

Investigative journalist Fariba Nawa has spent the last four years in
Afghanistan detailing the bungled reconstruction effort, which the Bush
administration touts as a success story. On Tuesday, May 2nd, Ms. Nawa and
the Bay Area based non-profit CorpWatch will be rolling out the report,
Afghanistan, Inc. at 111 Minna Gallery (at 2nd Street).


Sharon through Palestinian eyes

The announcement that Ariel Sharon is no longer prime minister has brought
no solace to the refugees of Gaza's al-Bureij camp, who say they are still
haunted by memories of his massacres and night-time raids.

Tucked away behind lush clementine groves, al-Bureij's crumbling shelters
house three generations of expelled Palestinians. Their homes are packed
along winding alleys and overshadowed by unfinished three-storey
breeze-block houses. The smells of citrus and sewage intermingle. It was to
al-Bureij, 52 years ago, that Palestinian families fled after attacks on
their homes in Ashdod and Yibna. And it was there that a 25-year-old Ariel
"Arik" Sharon would make his debut.

Name calling:
To many Israelis, Sharon was Bulldozer, a military maverick who saved their
country from defeat numerous times in its wars with the Arabs.


Kerry Sponsors Collective Punishment of Palestinian's

Perhaps he could blame intimidation by the American Israeli PAC
organization or a need to pander to his Jewish benefactors as he makes
another run for the Presidency, but Kerry’s recent co-sponsorship of the
Palestinian Compliance Act of 2006 is a violation of Article 33 of the
Fourth Geneva Convention that forbids collective punishment and states


Seeking justice for Qana’s victims

This week, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and the Council
for the National Interest held a press briefing on Capitol Hill to
commemorate the tenth year anniversary of the Israeli attack on the UN
compound in Qana, Lebanon.


In case you missed it: Scenes Of Israeli Massacre In Qana 1996

Warning! - This video of an Israeli Massacre of Palestinian & Lebanese
civilians in April of 96 is very graphic and should only be viewed by a
mature audience.


Squatters attack IDF jeep driving Palestinian children from school

Settlers attack IDF jeep driving Palestinian children from school

Residents of the West Bank settlement of Maon, located in the southern
Hebron Hills, renewed their efforts on Saturday to prevent Palestinian
children from traveling to and from school.


Israeli artillery strikes injure 2 children

Five Palestinians injured in IDF strikes on Gaza

Palestinian sources reported that five people were injured from Israel
Defense Forces artillery fire on Saturday.


5 hurt as Israeli Occupation Forces continue to bomb Gaza,7340,L-3245160,00.html


The Untold Story of Israel's Bomb

On Sept. 9, 1969, a big brown envelope was delivered to the Oval Office on
behalf of CIA Director Richard M. Helms. On it he had written, "For and to
be opened only by: The President, The White House." The precise contents of
the envelope are still unknown, but it was the latest intelligence on one
of Washington's most secretive foreign policy matters: Israel's nuclear
program. The material was so sensitive that the nation's spymaster was
unwilling to share it with anybody but President Richard M. Nixon himself.


Scathing nuclear report as US brands Iran enemy No 1

"Thosa danged Aye-rabs are making fuel for their reactor! Do you realize
what comes next? Those ungodly fanatics are going to turn on the electric
lights, TV sets, vacuum cleaners, BLENDERS! HORRORS! HORRORS! WOE IS US!"
-- Official White Horse Souse,,1764159,00.html


IAEA Finds no Proof of Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

04/29/06 "ICH' -- -- In its April 28 report, (see: the
International Atomic Energy Agency mentioned the UNSC mandate to Iran of
last February:
    * re-establish full and sustained suspension of all enrichment related
and reprocessing activities,
    * including research and development, to be verified by the Agency;
    * reconsider the construction of a research reactor moderated by heavy
    * ratify promptly and implement in full the Additional Protocol;
    * pending ratification, continue to act in accordance with the
provisions of the Additional protocol which Iran signed on 18 December 2003;
    * implement transparency measures, as requested by the Director
General, including in GOV/2005/67, which extend beyond the formal
requirements of the Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol, and
include such access to individuals, documentation relating to procurement,
dual use equipment, certain military-owned workshops and research and
development as the Agency may request in support of its ongoing

Iran's president pledged to continue to cooperate with UN isnspectors.


The Security Council deadline myth

Under a Safeguards Agreement concluded with the International Atomic Energy
Agency ­ as required by the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
­ Iran agreed to allow IAEA inspectors to "verify" that no "source or
special nuclear materials" are being used in furtherance of a nuclear
weapons program. During the past three years, every report Director-General
Mohamed ElBaradei has made to the IAEA Board concluded that ­ as best he
can determine ­ no proscribed materials have been so used.


In Support Of Mutiny

As a declared candidate for Congress here in Vermont and a former Army
officer, I hereby formally state that I support the "mutineers" if they
exist. And if they are so far only rumors, only ghosts, then I hope to God
that real flesh and blood American soldiers will stand against war in Iran
soon. It has come to that. I will support it.


Voting Fraud in the 2004 Presidential Election

The exit polls were dismissed as being innaccurate. But their accuracy may
have depended on the type of voting machine that was used, implying that
the machines, not the polls, were inaccurate.


Aussie to sue British army

AN Australian man allegedly tortured by British troops in Iraq is to sue
the British army in the High Court in London this year.,20867,18962539-1702,00.html


Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

I wonder if "Pills" Limbaugh still feels drug offenders should be locked
away for life?


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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