In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Robertson labeled Islam a "bloody, brutal type of religion"

On the April 28 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Corp.'s (CBN) 700
Club, host <>Pat
Robertson referred to Islam as a "bloody, brutal type of religion."
Following a report suggesting that those who convert from Islam
face hardships and even death sentences in some Middle Eastern countries,
Robertson expressed concern that Americans, "especially the American left,"
need to "wake up" to the "danger" that Islam presents. He said that, in the
past, Muslim invaders would kill "an unbeliever" if they would not convert
to Islam and that today, "if somebody wants to leave Islam, they're going
to kill them." Robertson continued: "Whoever heard of such a bloody,
bloody, brutal type of religion? But that's what it is. It is not a
religion of peace."



9/11: Evidence of Thermite Uncovered at World Trade Center

AFP contacted three scientists who support the official theory to ask if
they would review Jones’s paper.

Thomas W. Eagar of MIT refused to even look at the paper and said there is
no evidence of molten metal pouring from the WTC. Challenged with the
evidence, he hung up the phone.



Hellerstein is a member of the Jewish Center of New York and a former
president of the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York.

This raises the obvious question about why, in the 9-11 terror case in
which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which
individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being
involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim lawsuits?


A battle for oil could set the world aflame

International powers will do everything to protect their access to
dwindling resources. We are mad not to have an alternative strategy


What imperialists don’t say: Oil is behind struggle in Darfur

The mass media in the U.S., France and Britain are writing a great deal
about the suffering in the Darfur region of western Sudan and the tensions
between the
Sudanese government and neighboring Chad. Not surprisingly, they write very
little about the economic interests these three imperialist countries have
in the oil recently discovered in this part of Africa.


Physicians for Human Rights say Israel jailed dozens of refugees who fled Sudan

The international human rights group Physicians for Human Rights appealed
Monday to Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Moshe Katsav on
behalf of dozens of Sudanese refugees who fled the war-ravaged region of
Darfur to seek asylum in Israel, where they are currently jailed. The
organization requests that the government release the Sudanese and provide
them with medical care.

"The State of Israel has a moral obligation to grant these refugees the
status of humanitarian refugees, to provide them security, shelter, medical
and psychological aid given the fact that some of them endured serious
trauma," doctors belonging to the organization wrote in their letter.

The letter cited a decision by the late prime minister Menachem Begin to
grant asylum to Vietnamese refugees in 1977.


Israel cannot be criticized!!!


You know you're living in a dictatorship when telling the truth becomes a

If that's not tyranny, what is? As Bush descends into ratings hell, his
"absolutist" rhetoric is ratcheted up. Math buffs would say the two are
inversely proportional. Even as he descended into the "30's", Bush and his
Bushevik regime were defending "Stalinesque" rule with words like "unitary
executive","inherent powers", and "executive privilege." Now Bush wants to
prosecute reporters for telling the truth about his failed administration.


Bush’s hand in the Terror War

There is no civil war in Iraq; it’s all been fabricated to split the
country apart. The violence we see is emanating in waves from its ultimate
point of origin…1600 Pennsylvania Ave; the epicenter of global terrorism.


Endgame for the Constitution

Unless Bush is impeached and turned over to the war crimes court in the
Hague, Americans will never reclaim their liberties from an executive
branch that has established itself as the sole judge of the limits of its


Terrorist Attacks Rose Sharply in 2005, State Dept. Says

The number of terrorist attacks worldwide increased nearly fourfold in 2005
to 11,111, with strikes in Iraq accounting for 30 percent of the total,
according to statistics released by U.S. counterterrorism officials yesterday.


US tops list of rogue states on congestion toll

It is the ultimate list of rogue states: the countries whose diplomats
repeatedly refuse to pay the congestion charge stumped up by every ordinary
motorist in London. And it is no surprise to the mayor, Ken Livingstone,
that the serial offender topping the non-payment charts for the last six
months is the United States, whose ambassador he memorably likened to a
"chiselling little crook" for his refusal to pay the £8-a-day charge.,,1765480,00.html


US torture widespread says Amnesty

Torture and inhumane treatment are "widespread" in US-run detention centres
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba and elsewhere despite Washington's denials,
Amnesty International said on Wednesday.


Documents Reveal US approved torture before Abu Ghraib scandal

New Army documents released by the American Civil Liberties Union today
reveal that Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez ordered interrogators to "go
to the outer limits" to get information from detainees. The documents also
show that senior government officials were aware of abuse in Iraq and
Afghanistan before the Abu Ghraib scandal broke.


New Army documents reveal US knew of and approved torture before Abu Ghraib

New Army documents released by the American Civil Liberties Union today
reveal that Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez ordered interrogators to "go
to the outer limits" to get information from detainees. The documents also
show that senior government officials were aware of abuse in Iraq and
Afghanistan before the Abu Ghraib scandal broke.


Three years since Bush's "Mission Accomplished": Torture, corruption,
growing resistance in Iraq



American Hostages...

If you live in Iraq- you know America’s hands are tied. Just as soon as
Washington makes a move against Tehran, American troops inside Iraq will
come under attack. It’s that simple- Washington has big guns and planes…
But Iran has 150,000 American hostages.


What's The Problem?

The boringly-named Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is in fact a very
dangerous piece of legislation. It grants any minister the ability to
amend, replace, or repeal existing legislation. The frightening thing is
this: they would be able to make major changes to the law without
Parliament being able to examine it properly, taking away the ability of
Parliament to meaningfully represent the citizens of this country.


Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert

We know that the only reason that this dead baby has his arm frozen to his
lifeless face is that three years ago this week, George W. Bush gave the
order to begin the unprovoked, unjust and unnecessary invasion of Iraq. He
hasn't fired a single shot or launched a single missile; he hasn't tortured
or killed any prisoners; he hasn't kidnapped or beheaded civilians or
planted bombs along roadsides, in mosques or marketplaces. Yet every single
atrocity of the war - on both sides - and every single death caused by the
war, and every act of religious repression perpetrated by the extremist
sects empowered by the war, is the direct result of the decision made by
George W. Bush three years ago.


Billions wasted in Iraq, says US audit

A US congressional inspection team set up to monitor reconstruction in Iraq
today publishes a scathing report of failures by contractors, mainly from
the US, to carry out projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars.,,1765048,00.html


Suicide bomber attacks Iraqi governor, 3 dead

A local government official said there was no word on the fate of governor
Maamoun Sami Rasheed after the attack in the centre of the city


U.S. Contractor Kills Ambulance Crewman

U.S. private security contractors shot dead an Iraqi ambulance crewman as
the ambulance approached a site in northern Baghdad where the contractors'
armoured vehicle had been hit by a roadside bomb, a U.S. military spokesman


52 year old grandmother deployed to Iraq

Janet Grass, 52, had planned to retire from the military in about 10 months
after spending 19 years in the U.S. Navy Reserve. Instead, she has been
ordered to leave her job as a special-education teacher in Cascade to do
security work in the Middle East.


U.S. Soldier Killed as Official Urges Iraqis to Renounce Violence: 15
Bodies Found;_ylt=A0SOwl63HVdElzsApx9X6GMA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl


7 US soldiers killed in Iraq

The Department of Defense announced today and yesterday the death of 7 US
soldiers in Iraq


Most young Americans can't find Iraq on map - study

Fewer than 4 in 10 Americans aged 18-24 in a survey could place Iraq on an
unlabeled map of the Middle East, a study conducted for National Geographic
found. Only about one-quarter of respondents could find Iran and Israel on
the same map."">


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 1 May 2006.
    * US troops raid middle school in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, arrest 21
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance ambush in ‘Amiriyat
    * Resistance bomb on farm road near al-Mushahadah leaves two US troops
reported dead.
    * Resistance bomb in Tikrit reportedly kills two US troops.
    * Resistance bomb leaves three US troops reported dead north of
    * Three combatants in British column killed in Resistance bomb attack
in as-Suwayrah.
    * Resistance in al-Qa’im gives Iraqi puppet army 72 hours to leave town
or face death.  US troops take control of puppet army camp to prevent
    * US soldier reported killed by Resistance sharpshooter in al-Fallujah.
    * Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier doing house
raids and searches in ar-Ramadi.
    * “The only language between us and the occupation is the language of
guns.” - Resistance groups deny claims by US-installed puppet “Iraqi
President” Talibani about negotiations with the Resistance.
    * US Democratic Senator issues plan for ethnic-sectarian partition of
Iraq and permanent US occupation as a ‘bi-partisan’ solution that the
entire US imperial establishment should support.
    * Dozens killed, dozens arrested during battle between Iraqi puppet
regime forces and armed local residents of villages around Ba‘qubah Sunday.


UK troops 'doomed to fail' in Afghanistan

A report published by the Senlis Council, an independent think tank that
monitors Afghanistan's drugs trade, paints a depressing picture of the
prospects for the deployment of 3,300 British troops to southern
Afghanistan later this month.


Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Occupier arrests, harasses mothers of "wanted" Palestinians (PCHR)

As a Form of Collective Punishment, IOF Continued to Arrest and Harass
Mothers of Allegedly Wanted Palestinians

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, Raqia  Mohammed Mahmoud
Lebbada, 45, from Nablus, the mother of Ameen Mahmoud Ameen Lebbada, who is
allegedly wanted by IOF, was arrested 4 times between 19 and 28 April 2006.
Her testimony to PCHR manifests the cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
she was subject to by IOF during her detention.  Her son is a member of the
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a military wing of the Fatah movement.


Five-year old boy detained by Israeli forces

In the early afternoon of 17 April, 33-year old Samer Qabha was sitting
with his five-year old son, Motaz, in his lap, talking to his neighbour in
front of his house in the northern West Bank village of Tura al-Gharbiya.
As the men chatted, they noticed an Israeli military Hummer jeep passing
several times up and down along the street in front of them. Samer and his
neighbour paid little attention to the vehicle - the sight of the Israeli
army in town is nothing new. Israeli forces often enter Tura al-Gharbiya
and surrounding villages ostensibly to patrol the Separation Wall which
snakes along the western edge of Tura al-Gharbiya, cutting the village off
from its land and from the 9,000 residents of neighbouring hamlets in the
Barta'a Ash Sharqiya enclave.


36 Palestinians Killed: 300 Arrested

A report based on data collected from Palestinian humanitarian centers and
press agencies revealed that Israeli soldiers shot and killed 36
Palestinians, including three children, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
during the month of April; at least 300 residents were arrested in several
areas in the West Bank


Israeli soldiers accused of raping 11-year-old

At least 17 soldiers and five civilians are under investigation for the
rape of an 11-year-old girl at an Israeli air base, the military confirmed

ELEVEN?!? What kind of [PROFANITY REDACTED] has sex with a fifth grader?
fifth grader sexually arousing?!?,,1765325,00.html


Israeli oldiers abuse a handicapped child at a military checkpoint


What About Darfur? The case against intervention


Once more unto the breach

The current 'crisis' regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions is nothing more
than a facilitator for war.

The best thing the Europeans could do at this time would be to join ranks
with the Russians and Chinese to take up the Iranian offer, defusing a very
tense and dangerous situation that, as it currently stands, seems to be
spinning close toward yet another needless war in the Middle East.


36 US House Reps Want Bush Impeachment Probe

36 US House Representatives have signed on as sponsors or co-sponsors of H.
Res 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for
recommending President Bush’s impeachment, Atlanta Progressive News has


In case you missed it: Top CIA Official Under Investigation

The CIA inspector general has opened an investigation into the spy agency's
executive director, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, and his connections to two defense
contractors accused of bribing a member of Congress and Pentagon officials.


Red Lights on Capitol Hill

I reported last Thursday that Shirlington Limousine and Transportation,
Inc., a firm allegedly used by defense contractor Brent Wilkes to provide
prostitutes to ex-Rep. Duke Cunningham, is headed by a man who has a long
criminal rap sheet and is also a contractor for the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS).


Congressional Sex Scandal?

The Congressional payoff scandal may soon be known as the Congressional sex

The FBI is now investigating whether hookers were part of the scheme used
by defense companies to get lucrative contracts.


-muslim voice-

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