In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

In case you missed it: War Corporatism: The New Fascism

A look at the dogs of War Corporatism unleashed upon the world by Bush and
the PNAC as stated in the September 2000 document Rebuilding America's Defenses


Addicted to war

"House of War" author James Carroll says the Pentagon is out of control,
the Cold War was unnecessary -- and it's good that we're failing in Iraq.


George W. Bush: An American Hitler

In George W. Bush's petty, pathetic, partisan world, laws he doesn't agree
with don't have to be obeyed, Congressional actions that differ from his
political agenda can be ignored and the Constitution of the United States
is just a "goddamned piece of paper."


Colbert Reaction Shows Media Are Frightened Of Bush

The attending press whores were frightened to laugh at Colbert because they
didn't want to upset their boss, George W. Bush.


(Minority Whip Steny) Hoyer: Bush deserves respect (re: Colbert)

“I thought some of it was funny, but I think it got a little rough,” Hoyer
said. “He is the president of the United States, and he deserves some respect.”

Respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned. And Bush has not earned our
respect. If anything, he has earned the contempt of the entire world.


A Must Read: We don't Want Your Stinking War!

I call on university students across America to begin holding antiwar
rallies. The only way you can have a war on Iran is to draft the young
people. It is you who are on the line. Demonstrate! Demonstrate against the
very hint of war


Who Wants Peace in Darfur? Certainly not Washington

The "Save Darfur" rally today was aired on C-Span.  The rally was small --
only several thousands according to Reuters ("Thousands March to Stop
Darfur Killing," 30 April 2006).  And the crowd in attendance was
overwhelmingly white.  But, boy, it was a professionally-staged photo op,
with celebs, politicos, and exiles from Sudan at the podium expertly framed
by the U.S. Capitol in the background.



Posted May 3, 2006 08:19 AM PST - Category: ISRAEL


9/11:  US does not consider Taliban terrorists

Even as the Taliban attacks US, Canadian, and British forces, organization
is left off terrorist list in 'political' decision.


9/11: CIA: the terrible history of the terrorists within

There is a terrorist organisation operating in Britain today with the full
knowledge and support of Tony Blair and the New Labour government.


9/11: Spies Among Us

Despite a troubled history, police across the nation are keeping tabs on
ordinary Americans


Amnesty Int'l slams U.S. on torture

NEW YORK, May 3 (UPI) -- Amnesty International Wednesday accused the U.S.
government of "creating a climate in which torture and other ill-treatment
can flourish."

"The United Sates has long taken a selective approach to international
standards, but in recent years, the U.S. government has taken unprecedented
steps to disregard its obligations under international treaties," wrote
Javier Zuniga, Amnesty International's Americas Program Director.

see also: US: Government creating "climate of torture"


Torture "widespread" under U.S. custody

Amnesty: Torture and inhumane treatment are "widespread" in U.S.-run
detention centers in Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba and elsewhere despite
Washington's denials, Amnesty International said on Wednesday.


Census 2006: Cooperating With a Warrior and a Torturer?

Many have heard that Lockheed Martin, a corporation which makes weapons of
mass destruction and hires out private contractors to torture people, is
part of the Canadian census. We have been "assured" by voices on the left
and the right that all is okay with this. Is it? See below for an excellent
analysis of why Canadians may wish to take a second look at the census
process, and here is the website from which it came in case you want to see
it on the website and go to the links they highlight:



The untold story of U.S.-Israel secret nuclear deal

The Nixon administration decided not to curb Israel’s nuclear program as
long as it maintains a policy of nuclear ambiguity, according to an article
published this weekend on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.


End imperialism

Ellen Tenney and Julia DeWalt went to Washington on Monday to deliver the
impeachment resolutions approved at this year's Newfane, Marlboro and
Rockingham town meetings.

They went to the office of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R.-Ill., to make
sure his staff knew there are people in Vermont who believe that President
Bush has not upheld his oath of office.


A little noted victim of Bush's tyranny: the individual conscience

Among Bush's many crimes is one that few have written about. Bush has
required of our soldiers that they violate their own consciences. And, at
the end of the day, it is either a strong individual or a hopeless kiss up
who can say that they served Bush in Iraq without violating or burying
forever their own moral code. On the home front, support for Bush on any
issue has now become a Faustian bargain. At stake is your very soul, or,
less theologically, the individual conscience. This is one of the defining
characteristics of dictatorship.


The PNAC Paper Trail

The longer the fiasco in Iraq drags on, the more we hear the folks who
cooked up the idea of invading that sand dune republic denying that they
had anything to do with it. Crooks and Liars provided this John Bolton
quote from a press conference televised last week on CNN.

"We did not violate the UN charter in the war to overthrow Saddam Hussein
and that plan was not the Project for the New American Century.

John's memory must be slipping, what with all those responsibilities he has
as Ambassador to the United Nations now. Maybe it's time to help him
refresh it.


Depleted Uranium - Far Worse Than 9/11

In 1979, depleted uranium (DU) particles escaped from the National Lead
Industries factory near Albany, N.Y.,which was manufacturing DU weapons for
the U.S military. The particles traveled 26 miles and were discovered in a
laboratory filter by Dr. Leonard Dietz, a nuclear physicist. This discovery
led to a shut down of the factory in 1980, for releasing morethan 0.85
pounds of DU dust into the atmosphere every month, and involved a cleanup
of contaminated properties costing over 100 million dollars.


In the chaos of Iraq, one project is on target: a giant US embassy

In the pavement cafés, people moan that the structure is bigger than
anything Saddam Hussein built. They are not impressed by the architects’
claims that the diplomatic outpost will be visible from space and cover an
area that is larger than the Vatican city and big enough to accommodate
four Millennium Domes. They are more interested in knowing whether the US
State Department paid for the prime real estate or simply took it.

Translation: the US will not be leaving Iraq any time soon, no matter what.,,3-2162249,00.html


Why America must get out of Iraq now.

Tied down like Gulliver in the sands of Mesopotamia, we simply cannot
attract the diplomatic and military cooperation necessary to win the real
battle against terror. Getting out of Iraq is the precondition for any


Beyond Incompetence: Washington's War in Iraq

Are neo-conservatives bumbling crackpot idealists who unwittingly opened
Pandora's box in Iraq by substituting idealistic dreams of democracy ahead
of realist Machiavellian statecraft?


Exporting the American Model: Peddling Markets and Democracy


Iraq, Afghanistan on 'failed states' index

Despite large-scale U.S. support, Iraq and Afghanistan rank among the
world's 10 most vulnerable states, according to a private survey being
released Tuesday.


In case you missed it: 4 Minute Video: No Bravery: A nation blind to their


Iraqi, 15, 'drowned after soldiers forced him into canal'

The soldiers watched as Ahmed Jabar Karheem, 15, who was unable to swim,
began to struggle when he was ordered into the Shatt al-Basra canal in May
2003. After the boy disappeared below the surface, the soldiers drove away.
His body was recovered two days later.,,1766302,00.html?gusrc=rss


Dahr Jamail: "Reason for Their Death Is Known"

Know what it is like when scores of your fellow citizens are being killed
every single day while the world proceeds unheedingly on? Try it out: be an
Iraqi for a day, into your fourth year of being occupied, humiliated,
tortured and killed, doing all you can just to survive.


When the President Joked About Not Finding WMD

Did Stephen Colbert go too far in lampooning President Bush, to his face,
at the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday night? Is that why his
barbs did not generate more laughter around the room of 2700 journalists,
celebrities and other guests? Or was it because he suggested the press was
spineless in failing to confront the president on Iraq?


Hollywood star Robbins blasts US media ignorance of 'high crimes' in Iraq

Acclaimed American actor/director Tim Robbins blasted the US government's
policy on terrorism -- and the US media's failure to examine it critically
-- at a news conference in Athens promoting his stage version of George
Orwell's "1984".

"We have right now a media that is willfully ignoring the high crimes and
misdemeanours of the president of the United States," the star of Hollywood
hits including "Mystic River" and "The Player" told reporters.


UK uses Freedom of Information laws to avoid releasing casualty figures

A series of FOI requests has revealed that the Ministry of Defence was
wrong to say there was no way of knowing how many soldiers have been
injured in Iraq."">


US mercenary kill Baghdad ambulance crewman

Asked about the incident, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said: "The
Americans killed the ambulance driver. They just killed him and left. They
did not stop to check."


US softens tactics in Iraq

American commanders are ordering marines and soldiers manning checkpoints
or travelling in convoys to be less trigger-happy,,1766292,00.html


7 US soldiers killed in Iraq

The Department of Defense announced today and yesterday the death of 7 US
soldiers in Iraq.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 2 May 2006
    * Americans tighten noose on people of ar-Ramadi Tuesday: water and
electricity having been cut off, Americans ban use of private generators
and threaten to kill anyone trying to get river water.  US troops raid all
Internet cafes in city cutting off communications with outside world.
    * US aircraft blast civilian house in ar-Ramadi, killing eight
including two women, three children late Tuesday afternoon.
    * US forces raid home before dawn Tuesday arresting two women for
reasons unknown.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills three US troops near al-Anbar
University in ar-Ramadi.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in southern Baghdad, reportedly
killing two American troops.
    * US soldier reported killed by Resistance sharpshooter in Samarra’.
    * Resistance car bomb blasts motorcade of puppet governor of al-Anbar.
    * Resistance bombards US military headquarters east of al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance bombards headquarters of Iraqi puppet army in al-Hadithah.
    * Resistance bombards joint US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in Hit.
    * US troops fire on ambulance, killing driver after Resistance bomb
wounds four Americans in northern Baghdad.
    * Occupied Iraq suffered inflation rate of 107 percent during month of
March 2006.
    * Resistance bomb blasts convoy hauling fuel to US bases near al-Ishaqi.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troops” in Samarra’.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US troops in Ba‘qubah.


Israel: The country that wouldn't grow up

Something is changing in the United States. To be sure, it was only a few
short years ago that prime minister Sharon's advisers could gleefully
celebrate their success in dictating to U.S. President George W. Bush the
terms of a public statement approving Israel's illegal settlements. No U.S.
Congressman has yet proposed reducing or rescinding the $3 billion in aid
Israel receives annually - 20 percent of the total U.S. foreign aid budget
- which has helped sustain the Israeli defense budget and the cost of
settlement construction in the West Bank. And Israel and the United States
appear increasingly bound together in a symbiotic embrace whereby the
actions of each party exacerbate their common unpopularity abroad - and
thus their ever-closer association in the eyes of critics.


Hamas says blocking of funds to Palestinian government is "real holocaust"

DAMASCUS, Syria, May 3 (UPI) -- Hamas Politburo chief Khaled Meshaal
deplored the financial blockade averting payment of salaries to Palestinian
Authority employees as a "real holocaust."


Irish MP slams EU "hypocrisy," calls for suspension of EU-Israel agreement

He said, "The Council's decision highlights the on-going hypocrisy that
characterises the positions taken by the EU in relation to the illegal
occupation of Palestine. On the one hand Palestinians are being punished,
with real economic sanctions, simply because of who they chose to vote for.
On the other, Israel is merely "urged" to take steps to improve the lot of
Palestinians under occupation. The EU has been "urging" Israel for years.


Gaza hospital fights for life after international aid cuts

"If this continues, the majority of our services will cease to operate in
two weeks' time," said Jumaa Al Saqqa, the spokesman at the impoverished
Gaza Strip's main hospital.


This is outrageous: Must Watch: Gaza without aid

Channel 4 Video Report: Some clinics now have no money to pay for drugs,
and their doctors and nurses - along with other public sector workers -
missed their second monthly payday yesterday.


Palestinian blames U.S. for lack of money

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas said Wednesday that U.S.
pressure foiled the latest attempt to pay 165,000 government workers by
transferring money from abroad directly into their accounts. Haniyeh also
appealed to Arab nations to counter the U.S. moves.


Hamas: We'll move toward peace if Israel leaves occupied lands

Hamas could reciprocate moves toward peace if Israel agrees to withdraw
from all lands occupied in 1967 and recognizes Palestinian rights, the
group's leader Khaled Meshal said on Wednesday.


In case you missed it: One State Solution: A greater Palestine?

Perhaps "Palestine" should be declared to include Israel, the West Bank,
Gaza and Jordan


BBC's coverage of Israeli-Palestinian conflict 'misleading'

The BBC's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is "incomplete" and
"misleading", including failing to adequately report the hardships of
Palestinians living under occupation, an independent review commissioned by
the corporation's board of governors has found.,,1766364,00.html


Taliban resurgence as NATO troops replace US forces

Building on a winter campaign of suicide bombings and assassinations and
the knowledge that U.S. troops are leaving, the Taliban appear to be moving
their insurgency into a new phase, flooding the rural areas of southern
Afghanistan with weapons and men.

Another one of Bush's "missions accomplished", I see.


Taliban threat is said to grow in Afghan south

Each spring with the arrival of warmer weather, the fighting season here
starts up, but the scale of the militants' presence and their sheer
brazenness have alarmed Afghans and foreign officials far more than in
previous years.


Tell Congress to Stop a Bush-Cheney Attack on Iran

George Bush is considering attacking Iran, including using nuclear bombs to
do so. Such an attack would be illegal and disastrous. Congress can prevent
it, but only if Congres asserts its Constitutional right to decide whether
or not the United States goes to war


Exclusive: Return Of The Shah - Shah of Iran's Heir Plans Overthrow of Regime

He believes the cause is urgent because of the prospect that Iran may soon
develop a nuclear weapon or the U.S. may use military force to preempt
that. He hopes to offer a way out of this dilemma: a revolution sparked by
massive civil disobedience in which the masses in the streets are backed by
elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.


Beating about the Bush? Not with Hersh

He is about all we have left to frighten the most powerful man in the world

Bush has a messianic vision – and intends to go down in history (probably
he has chosen the right direction) as the man who will have “saved” Iran.
“So we’re in a real American crisis ... we’ve had a collapse of congress
... we have had a collapse of the military ... the good news is that when
we wake up tomorrow morning, there will be one less day (of Bush). But that
is the only good news.”


This high-octane rocket-rattling against Tehran is unlikely to succeed

Ringed by nuclear states, Iran's atomic programme is scarcely unreasonable.
So why has Washington manufactured this crisis?


Once more unto the breach

The current 'crisis' regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions is nothing more
than a facilitator for war.

The best thing the Europeans could do at this time would be to join ranks
with the Russians and Chinese to take up the Iranian offer, defusing a very
tense and dangerous situation that, as it currently stands, seems to be
spinning close toward yet another needless war in the Middle East.


US to form anti-Iran coalition if UN rejects sanctions

Bolton: The United States is ready to form a coalition of countries to take
sanctions against Iran if the UN Security Council does not agree measures,
the US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton said.


Bolton Refuses To Answer Kucinich’s Questions About US Troops In Iran

While Ambassador Bolton refused to answer questions about US troops in
Iran, Bolton did state that the US was prepared to move against Iran, with
or without the UN Security Council.


Southern Rhode Island citizens vote to impeach

On April 27, 70 concerned citizens from southern Rhode Island towns met to
discuss the current state of affairs in this nation. The meeting was
arranged by two local organizations Jamestown Justice and Peace Advocacy
Group (JJPAG) and South Kingstown Justice and Peace Action Group (SKJPAG)
who had appealed to citizens from surrounding communities to meet and
discuss the current situation and possible remedies, specifically
impeachment. Local politicians were specifically not invited in an effort
to be non-partisan.


Rove's Unexplained Personal Wealth

Have you ever wondered how a man who owns a $1,500,000 house in DC, a
$1,000,000+ house in Florida and a $48,000 cottage in Texas manages to
survive on $161,000 a year federal salary? It's odd.

Not in DC it's not!


-muslim voice-

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