In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Godfather USA

From early childhood, US citizens are raised on a steady diet of pro-US
government propaganda that is fed to them at school and at home through the
media of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and popular
music. The propaganda presents the US government as an ethically superior
exemplar of justice for the entire world, as an exceptionally generous
contributor to global economic development, and as a benevolent arbiter of
world affairs. Furthermore, a great deal of crucial information about US
political history, particularly regarding events of the past half-century,
is not taught in US schools and is never allowed to appear in the
Mainstream Media outlets.


Our monarch, above the law: HAS GEORGE W. Bush come to believe he's king?


How Fear and Perceived Powerlessness Contributes to Manipulation by "God's
Agents" on Earth

In 1942-43 the American government commissioned a psychological study of
Adolf Hitler. It was published in a book titled "The Mind of Adolf Hitler"
by Walter Langer in 1972. Most of the analysis of Hitler in this article is
based on that book.

This is the second of five parts of "America's Hitler. Part one was posted
on May 1st.


A Cornered Administration: Dangerous Times Ahead

The noose is tightening around George Bush and his gang of White House
crooks and liars, with prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald reportedly getting
closer to an indictment of Karl Rove


'Everywhere I turned, I ran into sexual abuse'

According to Wall and his co-authors, if early church documents are a
guide, then the sexual abuse of minors by the clergy has been an "open
wound on the body of Christ" for centuries. They say that, as early as
AD309, the Council of Elvira, a gathering of bishops and priests from all
over the Iberian peninsula who met to discuss theological issues and set
canon law, signalled its concerns over paedophilia by ruling that any
bishop, priest or deacon caught offending should be denied holy communion
even at the time of death. By the eighth century, The Penitential of Bede,
a medieval handbook of penances usually ascribed to the Anglo-Saxon
theologian and early English historian Bede, had refined the punishments
according to rank. Thus laymen caught sodomising children were to be
excommunicated and made to fast for three years, while deacons and priests
were similarly excommunicated but made to fast for seven and 10 years
respectively (bishops were given 12 years of penance).,,1766941,00.html


US: Government creating "climate of torture"

Amnesty International today made public a report detailing its concerns
about torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners
and detainees both in the US and in US detention sites around the world.


Invisible in Plain Sight: CIA Torture Techniques Go Mainstream

Critical loopholes in the McCain amendment show that the once-clandestine
practice of torture is now an official weapon in the War on Terror.


U.S. Torture and Abuse of Detainees

Each day brings more information about the appalling abuses inflicted upon
men and women held by the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere
around the world.


American Torturer Sues U.S. Over Afghanistan Arrest

An American released Sunday after serving time in Afghanistan on charges of
torturing people in an illegal jail appeared in federal court Thursday to
press a lawsuit that accuses the State Department and FBI of instigating
his arrest and conviction.


Oh, Say, Can You See Xenophobia in a Land of Immigrants?

Throughout history, fascism is closely associated with xenophobia, but then
we find many other unpleasant aspects of fascism—from illegal spying to
recording what people read in libraries, from torture to illegal
invasion—feature in George Bush's America.


A new weapon in the 'war of ideas'

A global war of ideas is set to begin and Anglo-American dominance of
international TV news about to end. Arab and Muslim perspectives will get
wider play after Al-Jazeera introduces a global television channel that
will telecast news in English.


Iran-Israel Linkage By Bush Seen As Threat

President Bush is risking a backlash that could injure the Jewish community
— and his own cause — by repeatedly citing Israel as his top rationale for
possible U.S. military conflict with Iran, Jewish leaders and Middle East
analysts warned this week.

Well, with Israel cheering the US on to invade a bunch of countries, it is
easy to see why someone might come away with the impression that our kids
are dying for Israel's agenda.




1945 war debt to US 'almost paid'

Posted May 4, 2006 07:50 AM PST - Category: HIDDEN HISTORY

"Repayment of the war loans to the US Government is expected to be
completed on December 31 2006," the Treasury's Ivan Lewis said in a written
commons reply.

"Then we expect Tony Blair to tell George Bush to stuff it!"


"Our Descent Into Hell Has Begun"

In Iraq, our descent into hell, our "Apocalypse Now" moment, has begun.
First there was Gitmo, then the global rendition program, then Abu Ghraib,
then the pulverizing of Fallujah, and now trigger-happy raids that are
filling multitudes of sandy graves with men, women and children.


Success is not the transition to death by electric drill

The argument of last resort for those who supported regime change has
always been that at least Saddam has gone and the torture chambers have
been closed. Even that has turned out to be an illusion, with the news that
the director of the Baghdad morgue has had to flee Iraq under threat of
death for revealing that thousands of Iraqis are being killed by death
squads, many of them linked to the interior ministry.


The Salvador Option has been invoked in Iraq

The real news, which is not reported in the CNN "mainstream", is that the
Salvador Option has been invoked in Iraq. This is the campaign of terror by
death squads armed and trained by the US, which attack Sunnis and Shias
alike. The goal is the incitement of a real civil war and the break-up of
Iraq, the original war aim of Bush's administration. The ministry of the
interior in Baghdad, which is run by the CIA, directs the principal death


The failure of Bush in the Middle East

A the approach of the elections to the Congress, the medium of its second
and last presidential mandate, the assessment of George W Bush in the
Middle East - the most significant area currently for the international
politics - appears calamitous. Iraq is at the edge of the civil war. The
elections of December 15 2005 supported a Community logic dévastatrice, and
new Prime Minister tries it appears crushing. The economic situation of the
country is disastrous. The infrastructures were degraded compared to the
pre-war period. Half only the population has access to running water.

The possibility of the war,2-3404,1-0,0.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dthierry%2Bde%2BMontbrial%2Ble%2Bmonde%26start%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN


Ex-CIA analyst condemns Bush 'manipulation campaign' on Iraq

A former Middle East specialist of the US Central Intelligence Agency has
condemned what he called an organised campaign of manipulation by the Bush
administration to justify the Iraq war.


VIDEO: Rumsfeld Called Out Publicly On Lies About WMD

Speaking in Atlanta today, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was sharply
questioned about his pre-war claims about WMD in Iraq. An audience member
confronted Rumsfeld with his 2003 claim about WMD, “We know where they
are.” Rumsfeld falsely claimed he never said it. The audience member then
read Rumsfeld’s quote back to him, leaving the defense secretary
speechless. Watch it:


Cut and Run? You Bet. Why America must get out of Iraq now.

There is an unpleasant aspect to Iraq we need to face up to. The Iraq war
cannot be won. Ever.

And this has nothing to do with US military prowess. The US cannot win the
war in Iraq because none of the stated reasons for the war were true. The
US cannot force Iraq to surrender their weapons of mass destruction because
they did not have them. The US cannot punish Iraq for 9-11 because Iraq had
nothing to do with 9-11. The US cannot punish Iraq for supporting Al Qaeda
because Iraq was NOT supporting Al Qaeda.

None of the stated objectives were true. Therefore they cannot be achieved.
Ever. The war cannot be won. It can only be lost.

And it is being lost now.


Chalabi involved US, Iran policy making again, current and former
intelligence officials say

Ahmed Chalabi, the man who helped provide cooked intelligence on Iraq to
the Pentagon and the New York Times in the lead-up to war, is once again
being engaged in US policy decisions, current and former intelligence
officials say.


US air assault kills 13 civilians in Iraqi: medics

"US planes bombed a house in Aziziyah area of Ramadi city centre, killing
13 civilians," Ali al-Obeidi, a medic at the Ramadi hospital told AFP,
adding that four people were wounded.


US Accused Of Killing Children

Muhannad al-Fahadawi, a doctor at the main hospital, said two girls and a
boy aged 8 were among at least 11 people he believed had been killed in the


I saw my friend drown after British soldiers beat us up, says Iraqi

A young Iraqi told a court martial how he could do nothing to save his
15-year-old companion from drowning after both of them were allegedly
beaten and forced into a canal by British soldiers who were throwing stones.


Bush Rating on Iraq Falls to 30% in U.S.

They must be polling the criminally insane to get that 30%.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 3 May 2006
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance assault on American camp
near ar-Ramadi Wednesday afternoon.
    * Resistance fighter blows himself up at gates of al-Fallujah puppet
police station, killing 15 and wounding 30 puppet police volunteers.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in Abu Ghurayb.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US troops in northeastern Bayji, leaving three
reported dead.
    * Resistance fires Katyusha rockets into two British headquarters in
al-Basrah area.
    * Resistance pounds US, Iraqi puppet army headquarters in ‘Amiriyat
al-Fallujah with heavy mortars Tuesday.
    * Resistance bombards headquarters of US, Iraqi puppet army troops in Hit.
    * Mysterious bomb blasts Shi‘i shoppers in Baghdad market as US presses
effort to partition Iraq on sectarian lines.
    * Resistance fighters kill Iraqi contractor serving US occupation
troops in Balad.
    * Resistance fighters assault puppet police checkpoint in Ba‘qubah
    * Resistance bomb explodes as two puppet policemen try to disarm it.
    * Resistance bomb blasts motorcade of deputy puppet governor of al-Mawsil.


The Nakba and Palestinian refugees today

What is the Nakba?

Nakba means “Catastrophe” in Arabic. It refers to the destruction of
Palestinian society in 1948 when more than 700,000 Palestinians fled or
were forced into exile by Israeli troops. Because the Palestinians were not
Jewish, their presence and predominant ownership of the land were obstacles
to the creation of a Jewish state. Their exodus, or Nakba, was already
nearly half- complete by May 1948, when Israel declared its independence
and the Arab states entered the fray.

Many Zionist leaders in Palestine openly favored “transfer” of the
indigenous Palestinian population. Zionist forces used clashes that erupted
as the British Mandate of Palestine came to an end in 1947-48 to rid as
much of the land of its Palestinian inhabitants as possible. By the end of
1948, more than 700,000 Palestinians ­ 2/3 of the Palestinian population ­
fled in panic or were forcibly expelled. It is estimated that more than 50
percent fled under direct military assault. Others fled in panic as news of
massacres ­ more than 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin and 200
in Tantura -- spread.


Brandeis Univ. censors artwork by Palestinian children

A bulldozer menaces a girl with ebony pigtails, who lies in a pool of
blood. A boy with an amputated leg balances on a crutch, in a tent city
with a Palestinian flag. A dove, dripping blood, perches against blue
barbed wire.

Palestinian teenagers painted those images at the request of an Israeli
Jewish student at Brandeis University, who said she wanted to use the art
to bring the  Palestinian viewpoint to campus. But university officials
removed the paintings four days into a two-week exhibition in the Brandeis
library. University officials said the paintings depicted only one side of
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Lior Halperin, the student who organized
the exhibit, said the university censored an alternative view.


Palestinian Government: Olmert's Speech a 'Declaration of War'

The Palestinian Authority (PA) said Thursday afternoon that Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert's speech launching his new administration is a "declaration of
war." Hamas spokesman Sami Abu-Zuhri was referring to Olmert's position of
retaining several Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.


Lieberman: Arab MKs who talk with Hamas should be executed

Israel Our Home Chairman Avigdor Lieberman said that the law should be
enforced on Arab Knesset Members who travel to Arab countries and meet with
representatives of Hizbullah and Hamas.,7340,L-3247038,00.html


Hamas: We'll move toward peace if Israel leaves occupied lands

Hamas could reciprocate moves toward peace if Israel agrees to withdraw
from all lands occupied in 1967 and recognizes Palestinian rights, the
group's leader Khaled Meshal said on Wednesday.


Hamas: US blocking PA funds

The new Palestinian prime minister has charged the US with blocking money
to pay 165,000 of its public sector workers.


Girl, 11, 'raped by 35 soldiers'

As many as 35 Israeli soldiers are suspected of statutory rape of an
11-year-old girl who lived with her family on an air force base in southern


Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Palestinian Taxi Driver

IDF spokesmen Thursday evening said they are investigating reports from
Palestinian Authority (PA) sources that soldiers shot and killed an Arab
taxi driver


Three police killed in Pakistani border region

Three Pakistani policemen were killed in a suspected Taliban attack on a
checkpoint near the Afghan border in the latest violent response to
government efforts to rid the region of militants.


It's showdown time in Pakistan

Across the jihadi world, there is a strong conviction that by the end of
this year Taliban leader Mullah Omar will be back in power in Afghanistan,
from where he was driven by US-led forces in 2001.


'Aggressive action' urged against Saudi Arabia

A United States Congress-mandated commission called on the government to
take "aggressive action" against Saudi Arabia for alleged religious-freedom
violations and warned that religious rights were under threat in Iraq and


UN resolution on Iran: full text of draft

Full text of a draft UN Security Council resolution put forward by Britain,
France, the United States and Germany as the council’s proposed response to
Iran’s nuclear programme.


White House rejects direct talks with Iran

Posted May 4, 2006 11:29 AM PST - Category: IRAN


Somali President Says U.S. Backs Warlords

The leader of a U.N.-backed transitional government that is trying to
assert control over Somalia said Wednesday he believes the United States is
funding an alliance of warlords fighting radical Islamic militias in his
country and should be working directly with his administration instead.


Russian Federation: Racism and xenophobia rife in Russian society

News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International

"We are not considered to be people. We’re like a completely separate
state" - A man from a Roma settlement near St Petersburg.

"I didn’t go to the police because I’ve been hearing more cases that … even
people that go to the police to make a report … in the end it goes against
- Roni Kumi from Ghana was attacked by four men in a Moscow street.

Racially-motivated killings, beatings and discrimination are on the
increase in the Russian Federation, according to a new report published
today. The government of the country, currently chairing the Group of the
eight most-industrialized countries (G8 Group) and about to chair the
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for the next six months, is
failing to sufficiently challenge xenophobia and intolerance.

Russian Federation: Violent racism out of control (AI Index: EUR 46/016/2006)

Documenty! Discrimination on grounds of race in the Russian Federation (AI
Index: EUR 46/001/2003)

AI documents on the Russian Federation:


Immigrants Tell Stories of Detention and Deportation

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been conducting widespread
deportation raids and immigration roundups. We speak with two young
immigrant women who tried to follow the path to citizenship and were
subsequently jailed. One of them was deported and has been separated from
her three year-old son.


Key Bush judge under ethics cloud

Posted May 4, 2006 02:23 PM PST - Category: POLITICS/CORRUPTION


Groups Urge Overhaul of Pentagon Budget

Posted May 4, 2006 07:53 AM PST - Category: POLITICS/CORRUPTION

"Oh, you guys are just nitpicking again. So what if Rabbi Zacheim lost that
$2.3 trillion when he was comptroller of the Pentagon? You never lose
anything? Your car keys? The phone number of the hot blond you met on the
plane? You some kind of perfect human never lost anything? Huh? HUH??" --
Official White Horse Souse


Businessman pleads guilty to paying bribes to Jefferson

Posted May 4, 2006 07:40 AM PST - Category: POLITICS/CORRUPTION

Federal authorities ratcheted up their case against Rep. William Jefferson,
D-New Orleans, on Wednesday, when a Kentucky businessman admitted in court
to paying more than $400,000 in bribes to a bogus company controlled by the
congressman's wife and family in exchange for official favors.


-muslim voice-

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