> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carolina Diaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:56 AM
> Subject: Emergency
> Dear friends and family,
> I apologize for this email. Thank you to those who
> have already sent their condolences.
> My brother Daniel drowned 48 hours ago while swimming
> off the southwest tip of Lombok, Indonesia, near
> Bangko Bangko. We are still searching for his body.
> I write because I am looking for help with the
> Indonesian authorities and locals to help find his
> body. If you know anyone that might have a good
> political contact in Indonesia that can speed up the
> search (provide helicopters, divers, etc) please
> contact them. Time is of absolute essence. If you know
> anyone in Indonesia at all that might be willing to
> call morgues and hospitals please contact them as
> well.
> The Peruvian and the Italian embassies have already
> been contacted. I am basically trying to disseminate
> the information to make sure that if someone finds
> Daniel's body we will be contacted. I am in a very
> remote location trying to organize the search. I don't
> have access to Internet (a friend is sending this
> email) and phone contact is intermittent.
> My contact information:
> Carolina Diaz-Silva
> Cell: +62 (0) 859-353-73041
> House: +62 (0) 828-364-1146
> I beg you please only contact me if you can provide
> substantial help.
> My brother Jorge and friend John will arrive at 5:00pm
> Indonesian time (US central +13).
> Their cell phones are:
> Jorge: +49-172-77-96449
> John: +62 (0) 818-349-700
> If you know my parents PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THEM, my
> mother is not aware of the situation.
> My brother's information:
> Daniel Diaz-Silva
> Date of birth: January 13, 1977
> Height: 1.82m, Weight: 95 kg.
> Dark short hair, brown eyes, olive skin
> Appendix scar, very recent stitches on the bottom of
> his chin
> He was wearing shorts and a tight dark colored surfing
> shirt
> His picture is attached.
> I thank you in advance for your help,
> Carolina
  Jesse Sunenblick

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