The Clicker: Apple's real plan for iPod video?

Peter Rojas
Oct 13, 2005

You've got to love Apple. Crazy like a fox they are. Oh sure - some 
of their decisions regarding the new iPod might seem a little odd to 
the gadget-lovers among us. "No DivX???" is the phrase most often 
muttered when Engageteers start reading of the new iPod's video 
functions. This is often followed by "No fast forward and rewind?!?" 
These really should be death knells for a portable media player and, 
as a rule of thumb, gaping voids in product functionality aren't 
considered wise strategic maneuvers. However, this is Apple we're 
talking about. They just think different, uh, ly.

So, is Apple worried? Heck no, and why should they be? The iPod's 
success has been off-the-charts phenomenal. As such, Apple has 
rightfully made the decision to, like physicians, "First do no harm." 
Make no bones about it - there's a reason this thing isn't called the 
Video iPod. Above all, the new iPod is, well, an iPod.

So why include video at all? Steve Jobs has long maintained that a 
video iPod wasn't a good idea. He's firmly dismissed the market for 
such a player. Why backpedal now? Could it be that this is Apple's 
attempt to steer the still nascent market right to their front door?

Below is Apple's (imaginary and far-fetched) plan to use the new iPod 
to capture the portable video market.


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